Hey, you all – the adoring fans of my nonsensical ramblings – it’s me, the Mrs. here checking in to say, h*ll YES to a farewell to the month of April.

On a delightfully happy end to my work week, I had the day off on Friday. I went on a road trip adventure to Minneapolis by the Mall of America with a dear friend. To go retail therapy shopping. I took my camera with me to capture some fun things I’d see on the roads and didn’t take it out once. Guess I needed to just enjoy the friendship conversations and devote all my energy to finding some serious bargain-hunting deals. Which we/I did, for 12 hours! I’m still exhausted.
Today, I’m a tad blue due to the current weather situation.

So, how are YOU today? Are you feeling alRIGHT with the weather and to say goodbye to April?

If I were to ask myself that question, I’d say in a stream-of-consciousness way, “I feel like a bunny without ears looking back at April like a dead tree stump stuck in a rut next to some over-achieving irises waiting for the real spring to arrive to burst up through the ground with beautiful flowers and colors to cheer my soul.” Or likely something more impressive than that if I were inclined to not use this photo below.

Our weather has delayed many most all of our other big projects. Today is no different. But…the week ahead, is a maybe for getting back on track and to get us outside enjoying the weather.

Did you convince someone to say “Yes” to something that they didn’t plan on doing this week?
I did. Mr. said “Yes” multiple times.
Really exciting stuff like, “Hey, do you want to see what I saw at the end of the driveway?”

“Yes, sure, I’ll go check it out.”
I, of course, followed along behind him with my camera. To this day, neither one of us has seen the actual critter who decided to make their homestead in the ground next to OUR mailbox.

We have seen the hole with the bluebird feather that has moved from place to place. It can’t be a bird’s nest!?

The critter likes to build its home in rocks and sand. That’s resilience, I guess.
Meanwhile, with the itch to get some kind of spring project moving on to the next stage, I suggested warmly to Mr. yesterday that perhaps we should plant some trees.
“Yes, why not.”
“Great, you get the digging tool and dirt, and I’ll get the branches we’ll try planting first.”
“Okay, do you know where we’ll plant them?”
“No, not exactly, but near the road out front. We’ll figure it out together.”
I grabbed the basket of branches and posed them for a photo op outside near the driveway.

I looked closer and exclaimed to Mr. as he approached me to see what I was up to, “I’ll be, look here, the tree branches in the house sprouted roots in the floral foam!” Whew…I was concerned that my idea might be a failure.

With all business mode voice and a look of Let’s get this done before it snows, Mr. said, “Yep. So, where do you want to plant them?”
“Follow me.”
“Okay, show me where to put the first one.”
“Right here works I guess.”

With the precision of a master tree planter, Mr. dug each hole and then stuck the branch I plucked from the foam into it. added a cup of dirt, and pressed it down to secure it in place. Remember these are small branches and the technique required is just to stick them in the soil and hope they take off on their own. If they’ll grow in floral foam, they’ll grow better in the ground, right?

Looks like a helluva grand technique to me.

The trees when fully grown can be 30 feet high and we’re not sure how wide, so Mr. paced out 10 feet between each one we planted.

Now, we’ll wait and see if they survive the bunnies and the deer eating them, and the chilly weather. Speaking of the weather, I saw another sign that spring is really here and it’s truly time to bid farewell to April 2023.
The scoundrel red squirrel is molting! He was bundled up with a red coat when he looked mighty cold on April 17th when he scrambled across the fence to jump on the deck to get birdseed. Here’s his full-coat look.

Yesterday, when he stopped by for another ransacking of the bird feeder, I knocked on the window and he jumped down to the deck floor and glanced back at me to see if I was serious or not. He gave me the don’t be kidding me look.

I opened the door more and yelled at him. He said as he hightailed it out of there, “Yes, lady, I get the hint I’ll leave (his tail twitched ‘for now‘).”

There you have it. April is done and soon gone, and I shall high-tail it out of here too. See you back here some time in May!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “yes.” Find a word that starts with “yes” or use the word “yes” as is. Bonus points if you start your post with the word you choose. Enjoy! Along with Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills – April 30th Roads, Paths, and Streets – head on over to her website here to enjoy her 3400 miles of road-tripping!
PS – Do you say YES to retail therapy when you’re sick of the weather? What critter do you think is building their house near our driveway? Do you ever plan on taking a bunch of photos and never take out your camera? Do you think the trees will survive or was it too early to plant them? Yes or No? I haven’t named the squirrel yet, what do you suggest I name him?
I hope the lawn mower doesn’t grind up the baby trees! My dad said it was 60 and raining at his place yesterday, that weather needs to the heck away until autumn! Sunny and 95 down here today but by Thursday we will have rain and upper 60s. Flip-flop weather!
Hi John!!! Mr. must’ve read your mind. He put stakes next to each tree so he wouldn’t mow them over! It’s crazy weather. Hopefully the warmer weather will be ‘nice’ enough to gradually get us outside and ready for summer.
Yay for flip-flop weather! Be careful wearing flip-flops on your bike rides ;-)!
Mary and I aren’t really shoppers. Doesn’t mean we don’t shop, We just do it rom home…
I’m not sure who’s moving next to your mailbox. A mole, maybe?
We don’t do photography as a rule. If there’s something we want a picture of, we whip out the phone…
I think the trees will be fine.
How about naming the squirrel Spot?
Hi John, thanks for playing along and answering the questions! I imagine you and Mary have found a very efficient way to shop and not need to go out to the stores. It is one of the side effects of the whole past 3 years that I suspect was a desired outcome. I felt sad looking at how lonely the mall seemed. Perhaps it got busier over the day, we were there when it opened up.
It might be a mole. We wish we could see it in action.
You always find clever photos to use in your posts. I forget I have my phone for photos, guess I’m so used to my other camera
I’m hoping the trees will be just fine too. If not, we have some other sprouts to try.
Spot is a good name. He’s spot on with his goal setting and his aim for jumping.
I enjoy retail therapy and more so when coupled with a road trip, Shelley! Good for you to just go do something instead of waiting for spring to show up again. Planting projects are always fun and our weather had cooperated enough to do so. Our local nursery just opened this weekend so I will be heading there soon for some flowers to plant. I like that road shot of your neighborhood–nice and rural looking! Have a great week!
Hi Terri – you didn’t mention much shopping during your trip, I hope you were able to find some treasures that you’ll share with us in a different post.
I still need to plant the tiger lilies that I removed from the ground. They’re sprouting in the bin of dirt I set in the tea house.
Yes, I’m sick of waiting for the weather to cooperate.
I look forward to seeing your spring photos of what you plant.
Thanks – for the most part we are more rural, but across the road from us is a lot that might be selling and beyond that will be a housing development. Thus the desire to plant some trees in our front yard to block the view of houses in 10 years!
Thank you – I hope you have a great week too!
I did a little souvenir shopping in Bryce and in Helena–coasters, coffee mugs, music cds for the cat. I also bought a lightweight pj set at Target in San Diego. Oh and gas for the car.
Does that count? Now to pay down the credit card we spent on accommodations.
I hope your weather does cooperate soon. It hit 85 here yesterday now cloudy today! Good luck, Shelley!
You made wise and fun choices for your shopping excursion. And necessary, aka, gas to get there and back. I imagine the accommodations added up fast. I know my receipts added up faster than I remember the last time I shopped 5 years ago.

We won’t hit 85 here this week, but we’ll take the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I’m keeping on with the faith the weather will eventually turn nice.
I hope your week is going well!!
Good luck with the young succulent tasty trees and the deer and rabbits. The rabbits may ring-bark them so keep an eye out. Some tree guards would help. Let us know who is living at the end of the drive when you find out

Don’t forget your Last on the Card photo
Hi Brian! Thanks for the encouragement. We’re hoping that the rabbits won’t like to be out in the exposed yard that much as we have eagles flying up and down the road looking for snacks their size. Maybe we should look into tree guards.
I will let you know if we figure out the critter setting up house by our driveway.
And…when I was putting the post together I knew the last photo I used would be my Last on the Card, but your post to tag it to wasn’t there when I checked. So…I’m tagging my post here with this comment, I hope that works!!
Retail therapy not really my thing. Never has been …. but in a world of struggling malls, I didn’t know Mall of America was still out there. Good for them! … meanwhile … good luck with the young trees … and remember… the weather will turn.
Hi Frank – thanks for sharing your thoughts. I kind of thought I had outgrown the retail therapy until we went and had places to go and a list of things we were looking for as bargains.
It was sad to see how barren the MOA was when we were there. I hope it was just because we got there when it opened and left before the lunch rush. It was good to see all the stores happy to see customers.
Thanks for the tree encouragement. And, yes, you’re wise and right – the weather will turn (eventually!).
I hope you have a great week!!
I haven’t done retail therapy for years. Maybe years and years. I used to, once upon a time, back before I realized it was therapy. But if I were at the Mall of America I would do my best to buy some stuff. What did YOU buy?
I didn’t know red squirrels molted! We have 2 or 3 of them that raid our feeders daily. They also rule the roost when they’re out there, chasing off bigger squirrels and most of the birds who wait patiently for them to finish and leave. Penny doesn’t seem to mind them or any squirrels so far. I’ve tried to explain her role in warding off the pests, but she doesn’t seem to think it’s her job.
Hi Dawn – I hadn’t gone shopping that long since 2018 I think – on a Black Friday. My friend that I was with is gifted when it comes to finding deals and appropriate clothing for whoever she’s shopping with. She had come over to my house the month before and helped me put together outfits with what I have in my closet and then we made a list of what I should shop for. It made it (too) easy to shop when we went. LOL. I found great deals on shoes, summer pants and tops, and found out what stores have clothing lines that fit me the best. That’s what was the highlight – actually getting to try on the stuff to see how it fits. Now I could buy online knowing what sizes are best for me. BUT…now I don’t NEED anything more, until I purge and downsize what is in my closet that doesn’t work anymore. (Sorry for the long answer!!)
Yes, I didn’t know that either, but the squirrel is definitely molting. They are scoundrels. Hopefully Penny will learn in time her protect the yard role. Squirrel and rabbit chasing is a fun project. I’ve chased this guy several times – I can’t keep up, but I bet Penny could! LOL
Hmm – you got me hanging with the hole by the mailbox with a feather in it. Hopefully it wasn’t a Blue Jay that was the critter who lives in the hole’s dinner. I thought about a Killdeer who builds its nest on the ground, but it has not got a hole in the ground. I hope your little squirrel who thinks it is a bird doesn’t have mange as they lose their hair in patches. I once had a squirrel, when I fed the four or five of them until the hawks came along and that squirrel was hairless in one of the coldest Winters ever. I named him Willard as he looked a little like a rat. Your squirrel is too cute to call him Willard – how about Rocky since you spar with him over the birdseed. I have done retail therapy but more so online these days. I hope the trees took … our weather is similarly ugly and right now as I get ready to shut down for the night, it is teeming raining AGAIN.
We’re all stumped on who is the critter. I didn’t think of a Killdeer, we have those around. I haven’t seen any yet. I think if we see some mounds of dirt we’ll know that its a mole or a ground squirrel. The hawks and the eagle that fly down the road way may deter the critter from building so out in the open.
). I was happy to try on the clothes to see what really fits before buying. I strike out and settle to easily with online shopping. But now that I know what brands work and what sizes to buy I doubt I’ll have to head to the mall. Maybe consignments stores though…
Yes, Willard doesn’t quite fit. I do love the idea of calling him Rocky though.
You would’ve been proud of my fashion finds to spruce up my closet (for me to wear to my home office…
I hope the weather fizzles out by the time it gets to you. It’s so WINDY! But above freezing so maybe we’re seeing the end of this winter finally?!
I sure hope it is the end of Winter – we have Wednesday to get thru too … maybe half-half bad/okay. It is good to take someone with you as you can’t always trust yourself in the mirror – better to have an objective person checking out how it look.
Me too!
Yes, I agree – and now I’m clearing out the items I bought on trips that I shopped alone that don’t really work for me. Having a second opinion and questions like, “What shoes do you have that you’d wear with that?” or “Do you have any pants to go with that?” or “Is that a basic you’re looking for?”
Yes – my mom and I went shopping all the time and we’d pick out accessories the same day or I’d come home right away and try it on to see what shoes or jewelry, etc. to wear. I took the bus so didn’t want surprises on the day I would wear that new item and be scrambling around.
It’s nice you have happy memories of shopping with your mom. I have those too – my mom was a shoeaholic and I kind of have that problem too. Yet, I’ve never really found a brand that works so well.
I realize that I’m not well-versed in accessorizing either. This whole adventure has been a learning experience!
Yes, nice memories and more and more I wish I’d returned to the workforce and not let my clothes and accessories languish in my closets since April 2009. But then, I’d have never started my walking regimen or blogging either.
Maybe you can get a part-time job in a place that you can wear some of those outfits again?
Or…sell them online and make $ to buy more walking shoes and cameras that you’ll use on your walking adventures for your blog posts.
I wouldn’t mind to do something like a volunteer job, but it would not be right away after I retire. And I don’t know that I would have a “dress-up” job. I’ll probably keep all the pantsuits and pants with dressy tops, but not the dresses or skirt suits or high heels. Do you have to attend Zoom meetings for work, so you do need to dress up? I don’t do that at all, so I’ve become lazy about my “work hours” clothing.
That sounds like a perfect way to ‘work’! I recently bought a couple of dresses so that I could wear them to some meetings I have this spring/summer or just for fun. I do have Zoom meetings, but my camera/computer set up locks up often, so I’m mostly there as a black screen with just my name. Whatever I’m wearing that day works just fine

Yes, it is the lazy way … quite a contrast to my “glamour puss” days when I’d paint my nails twice a week, two different shades and coordinate my clothes and makeup to match the nails. Hmm. I like that idea of the black screen … remember the lawyer who did the Zoom meeting and his daughter had a cat filter from her last Zoom meeting and forgot to take it off?
I’m thinking it’s more of a minimalist kind of way – the less chemicals we put on our bodies as we age, the better. I struggle with this time of year and the expectation of others that toe nails HAVE to be painted.
Yes, that cat filter was so funny. I could probably do something like that for my next zoom meeting.
I did my share of toenail painting in Summertime for sandals back in the day. I stopped painting my nails as they were yellow from the nail polish. I painted them clear with Clinique (I think) polish that had no formaldehyde resin (which is the ingredient that causes yellowing) … I have not used nail polish in about 20 years now. Saves a lot of time. I saw an ad for a package to get for mom for Mother’s Day (gel fingernails and a basic pedicure = $95.00) … I had no idea that was the going rate (and that was a deal). Yes, the attorney didn’t lose his composure either. Yes, do it Shelley!
I looked at the small bottles of polish I have. They’re so small how would I know what is in them? Yikes, I don’t like the yellowing factor either!
That’s a crazy price, but if people aren’t paying for it, it would change.
I will!
I have not used colored nail polish for years … my nails were dark yellow and it looked awful. It will make anyone’s nails turn yellow and for me, I learned I had a formaldehyde allergy … allergic to the ingredients in toner so when on site, if I retrieved a print job, xerox job, fax job that was still warm to the touch, I had to wait til it cooled off or wear white cotton gloves (which is what I did). It caused my hands to crack and split – they looked terrible, so that was the solution and it worked perfectly.
Wow – that’s good you stopped using it! That’s sad about your allergy, it’s in a lot of things, in our bodies naturally, and in things that humans take for allergies, like vaccines too. Yikes.
I’m glad you’ve found ways to keep your nails healthy!
A lot of people are allergic to lauryl sulfate, the ingredient used to create foam in shampoo, soap, toothpaste. I used Purpose soap for years – the liquid soap for washing my hands to put in my contact lenses as they were hard lenses and the bar soap for washing my hands the rest of the time. Then they changed the formula and added something – it was previously hypoallergenic and all of a sudden, my hands got beet read and cracked. It took me a while to find a new soap (Tone) and I no longer wear contacts lenses so keeping oils or creams off my hands is no longer a concern.
Yes, I’ve heard that too. I’ve been on a quest to find soap or remove soap in our lives because of all the chemicals. My hands get very dry too. I’ll have to look into Tone. Thanks for the suggestion. I gave up contacts years ago, I could never quite get used to them. You’re wise to protect your eyes!
I just ordered a sunhat – I got burned today (not badly, just pink, just my face as I had a coat on – it was chilly at the water). I had told myself that going forward I would go out in the morning for my big park trips like I always have done, then be back to the car on my way home before the heat of the day. That is easier said than done – I went to another venue and the sun came out. So this time I ordered the hat, but how that will work with taking photos I don’t know, but I can flip it back and put it on when the sun is stronger. Tone bar soap works best – they have a body wash but they were all scented – the last time I looked anyway. I still use Purpose to wash my glasses, but I buy the cheap/flimsy food handling gloves from Amazon, so I can wash them and apply anti-fogging stuff for Winter and then throw the gloves away … one time using Purpose and my hands get red.
I’m glad you found a hat to wear. I’ve been thinking about getting one too. I wonder how they’d work with the camera too?
I checked on TONE, I remember seeing the bars at the store when I’d shop. I used to use Ivory. 99% pure, but still had LOTS of ingredients. We just use Kirk’s now, but I just looked at it has lots of ingredients too. For the most part, I try to stay away from soaps now.
You’re wise to stay clear of products that irritate!
Tone has cocoa butter and it smells nice. I used Kirk’s for a while too. My mom had long curly hair as a young woman and told me once she always washed her hair with a bar of castile soap. I could never the Kirks to lather up enough to wash my hair with it.
I think I remember that smell. We’ve been going with unscented Kirk’s. It seems to lather well. It can be a bit drying so I stopped using it for shampoo. I haven’t found shampoo that I love yet.
I use Nexxus products … used it for years. Therappe Shampoo and Humectress Conditioner. The smell is wonderful.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check out their ingredient list.
Hope you like the ingredient list Shelley as the smell is awesome!
Good luck with the trees, Shelley! I’m not sure May is going to be any better since it’s snowing here this morning. Ugh. I do need to engage in some housework, but I could just as easily do it with the sun shining. Ugh. I hope the rest of May improves because I am getting sick of the crazy spring and I need to go bike riding and start visiting greenhouses.
Thanks, Mary, your description of Wisconsin’s Ugh factor this spring is perfect.
I hope the weather perks up and you’re able to get out on the bike and visit greenhouses. How will you carry your purchases? I shall stay tuned ;-)!
Lol…I’ll take the car to the greenhouses!
Good thinking, you can buy more that way too!
So is last photo of Nutz scurrying away was the Last Photo? I guessing. Then Shelley it is a great action photo of Nutz scurrying away

Now about that quiz, as there wasn’t direct link, that could be a mark down
Yes, Nutz (which is a great name by the way!) photo was the last on the card.

No link…aren’t you going to create the post for me to link to?
The branches in the foam in the basket is inspired. It looks like abstract art now, but later… fingers crossed… it’s going to be glorious. I agree that this last April was one of the most bizarre ones I remember. I’m happier now that it is May.
Hi and thanks Ally! It does look like abstract art, thanks for pointing that out. So far we can still see the small sprouts of leaves on the branches that are still standing in the yard next to their stakes. The weather may be stunting them to wait to grow fast until their roots are stronger. Time will tell.
You must’ve had some sunshine in your area
It was cold and 20 mph winds for May’s welcome here. GRR 
I love that you’re happier on day 1 of May!
Wonderful photos, Shelley and a great project with the trees. I hope that works. We don’t have room for ten trees, but we have added a few in recent years. I’m good with looking at April in the rear view mirror. We’ve had warm days, but the warmth hasn’t come until noon-ish, so it’s been tough to start outdoor projects. We’ve also had a lot of rain (at least it’s not snow).
I hope you get some warm dry days to get those projects back in gear.
Thank you for your encouragement Dan. We thought it would be easier to pick spots for trees, now that we learned how big the tree can get in such a short period (11 years flew by) we had to be more strategic instead of just planting them all in a row.
I hope it goes well, I’ll check out a few posts here and there to see how much fun everyone is having! Good luck and have a blast checking out all the creativity. 
I think the calendar is off a whole month. We’re getting April weather in May. This week should be better and we’ll make a little progress – we hope.
I’m sad that I forgot all about your month of May doors writing.
Spring is a busy, time, Shelley. I chose May for this challenge because April already has two. But, TDWC is easy. Pick a photo – write something. And, you have all month to do it. Not an every day thing.
Thank you for the clarification, Dan, much appreciated. I’ll see if I can weave a door or two into my posts this month!
I enjoyed your update! So curious as to what the sneaky creature is…lol.
Thank you, Kirstin – I enjoyed your post – you have so many stunning travel photos, I’m jealous!
We believe that the critter is a mole. Still haven’t seen it, but there’s a change to the hole and the area around it indicating a tunnel of some sort.
I love that you captured the squirrel, mid-molt!! And I know you probably don’t want to hear it, but I’ve been loving our cooler springtime weather here in MD. (Because that means it’s been much cooler where you are.) But when it’s cooler, my husband’s greens in his gardens stick around longer because they’re not fried by the sun. So, we’ve been enjoying green leaf lettuce, arugula, and spinach! Hope you can get to your big projects soon!
Hi Rebecca! Yes, I admit that I’m jealous of your weather. We may get to the point where plants will be popping up this week as we’re getting April showers in May. I hope to find some plants that the rabbits won’t mow down. How does your hubby keep the bunnies from eating your greens?! I’m glad you’re enjoying them – fresh is best!!
Congratulations on your short story being published. I enjoyed reading the glimpses of Patty & Joelle from your WIP!! I just had to share the links here: