
Winter’s Morning Painted by Jack Frost

There is something magical about the costumes and images Jack Frost paints on crisp winter mornings.

As he whisks his paintbrush over each surface, the formation of tiny little crystals sparkles in the sunlight.  He performs together with the sun, on each stage they play on, creating a temporary world chilled in white.

On Valentine’s Day, he sprinkled tiny hearts and Cupid’s arrow hidden in the stars.

Frost is the most sophisticated of poets. – Peter Davison

He moves swiftly over each post of the fence, leaving tiny little structures, reaching and climbing their way up in the air.  They glisten in the sunshine like a wall of diamonds.

It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam.  This crisp winter air is full of it. – John Burroughs

On the ground, he found, a lonesome branch to land.  Once covered it became a sword; ready for action to protect the wellhead from freezing…(Okay, that’s weird, but I have whimsical fans; I just had to say something quirky…!)

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. – J.R.R. Tolkien

He covers every branch of the trees and every blade of grass he sees.

Frost is the greatest artist in our clime – he paints in nature and describes in rime. – Thomas Hood

His paintings complemented by the sun; adding extra touches to each surface, as they twinkle from here to there.

Each time together is short but sweet.

Until the next time, we all shall meet – take time to enjoy the show while you can.

Daily Post Prompt:  Costume

Cee’s Black & White Challenge:  Chilled

Do you remember hearing stories of Jack Frost when you were growing up?  Do you enjoy the beauty of frost?  Which pictures do you prefer when it comes to looking at frost: color or black & white?


15 thoughts on “Winter’s Morning Painted by Jack Frost

  1. I do enjoy the beauty of frost. I just wish it wasn’t so cold out! I like both variations of your pictures – the color and the black and white. but I really love the blue in the last picture.There is something about winter skies that seem to make the blue more vibrant.

    1. Yes, I agree with you! The cold this year is relentless. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I love the vibrant blue too!

  2. Art of nature is the best art because God himself does that in different ways and forms to bless us with infinite beautiful views. 🙂

  3. The art of nature is the best art because God himself does that in different ways and forms to bless us with infinite beautiful views. 🙂

  4. Wrote this last week or so… A different perspective!

    City Frost

    off white on tops
    of cars, but not
    snow, no
    and the bus-only
    lane is pink
    not brick
    as it should be
    so what was it
    last night
    that happened?
    (not snow)
    a winter’s secret
    to come and go.

    © ellen diamond

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