Here’s the deal about goal setting on January 1st that has always irked the hell out of me:
There’s no fricken reason why that is the PERFECT day to start any goal.
It’s bullshit.
Yeah, it rarely works, that is unless you’ve planned well in advance and sold yourself on the idea for at least 90 days prior to that, while you practiced and drilled into yourself into believing that you’re gonna start on 1/1…
You have to sell yourself first. Really, you do.
And that sale doesn’t happen in a day. I’m serious. To change your life in one day is hard work. Duh!
Oh, my, I’ve struck a chord in myself, I’m already swearing at 5:00 am…Yowzers…
Well, even if that’s not very nice of me, it’s not taking away the irritation I’m feeling. It’s important to embrace your true self…
I’m irritated because, instead of starting my day out with my goals (aka, after a nice night of sleep, get up be creative and write a blog post), I was sidetracked yet again.
My day started at 3:30 am. Thank you time change forces of nature – our household is confused and hungry at that same time.
Go me! – Way to start the day with Irritation #1 instead of Goal #1.
After feeding my confused, why are we up so early dog, I made the mistake of reading emails from work first? I manage 6 in-boxes on a minute by minute basis throughout the day and get a lot of emails. YIKES…not a good idea to jump into that kind of thing at 3:30 in the morning, so I stopped that task for a bit and tried to refocus on my personal goals.
So I read other blogs, replied to comments, and I read a chapter in the new book I received in the mail yesterday, and then my mind went all blurry. Sh*t…
This quote hit me right in the face (kind of, not literally, but you know what I mean though).
If intentionality means acting according to your beliefs, then the opposite would be operating on autopilot. In other words, do you know why you’re doing what you’re doing? – Ryder Carroll
Hell no. Other than it’s my morning routine, and the pets need feeding so they’ll leave me alone to get the rest they need. Don’t cha know, we’re all on autopilot every morning? Isn’t everyone? It’s normal, right?
After the pets settle in for their work of the day, that’s when I get to do my “things”. After that then I get to do my long list of things at work, and then I do my other after work things, and then I go to bed, and the next day I get to repeat it all over again. I get a lot of things done in a day. I accomplish a lot of shit. YES.I.DO.! The world I live in is my bestest boss ever. At least something is in control, right?
But why do I do any of those things? Hmm…that’s a really great question that I don’t spend enough time answering? Now, I wanna get sidetracked and finish reading the book. Dammit. It’s Thursday and I have to go to work.
And there you have it, not knowing why the hell I do the things I’m doing seems like a really good idea to figure out before January 1st. So that’s why I’m NOT waiting until then to get started. I have time to plan and practice and accept the changes.
Post Inspiration – the arrival of the Bullet Journal Method book in the mail yesterday and only 54 days to go until 1/1/19!
PS – How about you, have you read the book? Do you wait to start your goals until 1/1? Does that work for you and why? Is there a book on that??!? Happy Thursday!
The other issue with 1/1 is that invariably it follows an epic night before, going to bed around 3am, and nursing a short-term virus (aka hangover). Not an ideal state to start all that ‘New Year, New Me’ nonsense
That’s an excellent point!!
Bullet journaling is something I’ve looked at, but given that it’s a paper-and-pen based system and that my right hand doesn’t work and I never learned to write with my left, it’s pretty much out of the question.
My one goal every year is to get to the end of it. So far, I’ve done all right.
You’ve inspired me, John. You’re right on target to look at the essentials in life as being the most important things we can do to set goals – and use whatever means works best for us!
Why wait until Jan 1?
There is no better than today to start.
Good post. ave a good one.
You’re right, no time like today to start something! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Andrew – hope you have a great day too!
It has been good. Thanks
So true, Shelley. Changing routines are hard but it should be easy for me to start a new one anytime I want, especially since my workload is changing. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!
You’re welcome – yes, especially important when roles change. I hope your mom is doing well, too!
Eek. And yesterday, my Thanksgiving guests started asking me what they can bring to dinner. Um. Everything! Time to start planning!
LOL – I thought of the same thing…Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away! So much to do………….!
Shelley…breathe….I fully get how frustrating timelines and organization can get you in a tizzy. I was a quality mgr and had many timelines that had to get done yesterday and 1/1 was always a renewal time according to MY bosses…right. I like Johns comment…just get through the year…maybe a little wiser than last.
Thank you, Anita – yes, breathe, just breathe! We’re close to getting through that year mark, time to celebrate another year of being able to be kind to others! Hope your surgery went well!!
I think it will go well. Concern is snow coming tonight. Yuck.
I’m thinking about you! Yes…we’re supposed to get snow tonight too, YUCK is right!
I haven’t fulfilled any of my goals for self-improvement I set on January 1st. I often say “it’s a new week” and if I fail by Sunday afternoon I turn to “well I’ll do it once the new month arrives” … now I’ve resorted to “during the Winter when I have more time, I’ll do it/learn it/try it and make it a New Year’s Resolution” … all talk and no action! I hate myself sometimes – this was a fun read Shelley.
Ah, I understand. I think that often as well, and then I remember, small changes over time make a big difference, and after so many years of thinking that we have to change, we kind of get fed up with that and think, why change? If there isn’t a good enough reason, what’s all the fuss about changing then? I am thinking this bullet journaling might work for me though…still have to finish the book first! LOL! I’ve added it to my ‘goals’ list!
You’re funny Shelly but it is so true and maybe we should live by this rule sometimes “if it ain’t broke, why fix it?”
So true, that rule does tend to work!
Nicely expressed, as always!
In fact, I have taken the liberty to nominate you for the Sunshine Blogger Award.
I do hope you accept it and let me know whenever you do. For you do have an intriguing insight about the world around us….
Thank you for the vote of confidence and the nomination! Nice job answering all of your questions. I only have time right now to answer one question – Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist – I have faith that you’ll understand that my lack of time prevents me from participating in awards…but I do adore comments and people stopping by (like you) to share their words of wisdom about life. I’m touched you took the time to say hi and to share smiles with all of us! Happy Blogging to you!