
Why, yes, dear, it is okay to have Tequila on a Thursday night.

True to my photography quests in life, I’m on the lookout for objects or action to capture as they appear before me.  Rain or shine, wine or dine…a poet or not.  Especially if those objects involve Tequila on a Thursday?!

Any type of liquid inspiration works for me, along with the ability to add a quirky line or two.  It’s my nature – go ahead, cut me some slack.  Plus, you, too, can have Tequila on a Thursday, but not in a glass.

Trust me, you’ll see –

Before that though…let’s pause for a view of mother nature…

Since my irises have finished their blooming season, I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of tiger lilies and other perennial flowers that I can’t even remember what they are called.  Maybe you know?!   But I saw a yellow one, from the window, and I then remembered how delicate it is.  I didn’t want YOU to miss seeing it either, so I grabbed my camera and rushed outside to catch a few shots.  A couple turned out.

I rushed, jeez…it was right before the storm arrived.  The thunder rumbled…


While sirens sounded, storm clouds came in and rain chilled things outside…

Mr. was busy heating up the kitchen for quite an exciting time for me.  The Photographer – aka, the one behind the camera, who drooled and waited for dinner to appear on my plate.  I hate to just sit and wait, so I photographed the action as it happened.

I’ll let photos do the inspirational drooling for you…that is if you’re into shrimp and Tequila like me.  On a Thursday night.

Introducing Mr. cooking in action –  Tequila Lime Shrimp with Compound Butter (a modified version of Sam The Cooking Guy’s recipe).

He must’ve made the compound butter while I was outside dodging the storm…

Here’s the complete recipe – but make sure you scroll down to see the action!


And then the cooking commenced.


Enter into the Thursday night scene…you guessed it – a special appearance by Jose.


Carefully, with an oven mitt on hand, Mr. moved the skillet off from the heat, grabbed a lighter…and WHAT??

Yikes – it was time to really heat things up!  Yeah, stand back…


Things heated up about 3 feet from the skillet!  Good thing I was standing back some.  I still have my hair and my camera – all intact.


He let the flames subside and when they disappeared, he continued adding ingredients.

Then he let it all simmer and get happy together while he plated up the rice (we had Jasmine rice).


Add fresh cilantro right before serving.


Are you drooling yet…strange, I am, too?  The morning after!


Who wouldn’t be…it looked lovely on the plate.

And then we ate.  It was DELICIOUS!


And that is why I believe it is okay to have Tequila on a Thursday.

Post Inspiration – Food fit for a queen and a Mr. who watches Sam The Cooking Guy Videos.

PS – Have you ever lit your food on fire?!  Do you cook with wine or Tequila?  Let me know if you want the modified recipe above!  What did you have for dinner last night?  Are you happy it’s Friday!?  

35 thoughts on “Why, yes, dear, it is okay to have Tequila on a Thursday night.

  1. Oh, that looks so good, however, did someone sample that Tequila for quality? I would think that is a required step. I’ve never _intentionally_ set our food on fire. There was that Thanksgiving, though…

    1. LOL – I believe Mr. cook agrees – it is appropriate to always samples the liquids. Oh, dear…burnt turkey reminds me of Christmas Vacation!

  2. OH MY! The Mr should have his own cooking show. Such a professional work area – all organized. With your photo skills…what a team. Of course Tequila on a Thursday. Jose is a welcome guest any day of the week 😉
    This post is wonderful – made me hungry too yum!

    1. No, just a proper excuse other than just drinking a glass of it with a wedge of lime on the side ;-)! Plus that storm you sent our way, was cause to celebrate. We’re thankful it didn’t provide destruction in its path, just lots of rain!

  3. Dang! My mouth was watering so bad! I love everything in that dish, except the tomatoes.Was there much tequila flavor after Mr. burned it off? Hubs does most of the cooking around here too. He loves to do it & I don’t. I’d be grateful for the recipe, if it’s not too much trouble. Hubs is always experimenting so this would be a fun dish for him to make, & fun for me to eat!

    1. Glad you liked it – the tomatoes weren’t that noticeable to me, but I do like them. I added a photo of the recipe so you can see it now. Sorry to make you have to re-read. I hope your Hubs makes it for you and you enjoy it too!

  4. That looks amazing! I cannot express how jealous I am that you are married to a cook. Lucky, lucky.

    1. Thank you – it was really tasty. Wish he was making it again tonight. Instead, I’m taking him out for dinner so he doesn’t have to cook and neither do I! 😉

  5. That looks delicious Shelley – every meal Mr. makes appeals to me. I’ve only had Baked Alaska and Greek flaming cheese (which made me nervous around my long hair) but those were prepared by a server, not by me.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Mr. appreciates the kudos. I’ve never had Greek flaming cheese…I wonder if Mr. could make that next? I’ll stay clear so my hair doesn’t start on fire!

      1. Glad to give Mr. an atta boy! Years ago, we used to go to Greektown at lunch for special occasions like staff showers, leaving for a new job. Sometimes we went after work as well. We needed a longer lunch as we had to walk there and back (about 1/2 hour) and we always ordered saganaki (flaming cheese). Yes, the servers would get a little too close with the flaming cheese and they’d be exuberant with the crowd watching them with the cheese on fire and yelling “Opa” and I was always afraid a spark would catch my hair on fire. It’s very good and Wisconsin being the cheese state – I say go for it – this video will help and tie your hair back:

        1. I’ll have to try the flaming cheese with my hair tied back, of course, some day! Thank you for the suggestion!

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