According to a wise cat named Tizzie.
Who climbs up high above the other cat who can’t.
So she can get a view of the world below at the cat who looks up to her.
Tizzie knows how to find the best napping spots available, of course, nothing less than the best for her.
Snug and warm shipping boxes take priority over open spaces.
Ah, yes, Tizzie knows why it’s best to nap when the sun is out.
Post Inspiration – #JusJoJan and One-Liner Wednesday (check out the link over here at Linda G. Hill’s blog).
PS – Do you ever get jealous of your pets who get to nap? Do you take naps during the day? Do you remember those moments when you’d get your kiddos down for a nap and panic – should I nap too or get something done?
All the millions of dollars spent on cat toys and cat places, and they still prefer the box and the packing bits.
Yes, indeed they do. I often wonder if they enjoy all the people smells that soak into the boxes as they travel from place to place?
I never thought of that. Good question.
Cats are inquisitive, it was their idea not mine ;-)!
Ah yes, I am a BIG believer in naps and kitties can school us well in that art. Love that photo of her in the box — mine does that too and it’s adorable.
Thank you, a cat all curled up and sleeping always looks so peaceful to me. As you should be, a busy mom like you deserves to nap whenever she’s able to or when the sleep deprivation hits! I hope you get a sunny nap soon!
I work from home and must admit sometimes I do take a nap. If my brain is overloaded from work or I feel like I’m in a fog I do find a 15 minute break in a dark room very helpful. And on weekends I have been known to nap quite a bit longer when my body needs the rest. It’s a shame naps for adults aren’t more acceptable in the workplace especially with all of the scientific research showing the benefits.
The cats look quite content in the sun.
Lisa, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I think your wise to nap when your body tells you to. That’s awesome. I’m afraid if I tried that I wouldn’t wake up for 3 hours…! I agree, napping should be part of the workplace. Imagine how refreshed the workforce would be? I worked for a doctor who took a 15 minute nap every afternoon. I was amazed at how it recharged him and helped him keep going well into the evening hours.
Cats know best when it comes to napping.
I am inspired to go back to bed … g
I bet Kat and Pumpkin would say ‘go for it’ too!
I love this
Aw, thank you! I love the quote you shared too – I’m still smiling!
Tizzie is a beauty! So regal atop your cooling unit.

Thank you, John. Tizzie does love to sit and look regal. Sometimes I think she looks like an owl.
I’m with Tizzie. Since I retired, I am a big fan of naps in the sunshine too. I can’t fit on top of the fridge, though!
I’m adding ‘naps during the day’ as something I’ll look forward to when I retire. I agree with you, it’s best if we hoomans avoid sleeping on the fridge :-)! Thanks for commenting! I so enjoyed your post about the missing piece!
Yes nap…..first find a box big enough….then nap
LOL – good thing cats fit into shipping boxes. I’d nap in one too if only a human sized shipping box didn’t look so much like a coffin
So true

I’ve noticed cats do often nap in the sun. I used to have a cat named Roy and man, he napped in it every chance he got, like it was a drug and he was Keith Richards. I think they are onto something. It probably provides much needed Vitamin D3 among other things. Great post!
Hi Parker! Roy – that’s a fun name for a cat! He sounds like a very wise cat indeed. I agree, the much needed Vitamin D3 is important as well. Thank you for commenting. It looks like you’re getting close to having your Gravatar working properly. When I click the link it takes me to your reader page.
Woohoo! I’m glad. That gravatar can be tricky! Thank you for all your help. Shelley!!
Yay – yes, it can be tricky. You’re welcome!!
My father was a great napper and my husband is pretty darn good at it too. I probably should develop the habit… especially reading all the benefits. Hmmmmm… there’s a patch of sun over there….
Haha. Go for it!
The males in your life are napping role models! Nice. The habit seems to be a welcomed one. I’ve always been a fan, but now I just go to bed early. You’re right though… sleeping in the sun sounds fun! I hope you took the opportuntity to give a nap a try and that it went well and that you were able to get to sleep at night. :-)! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Janis!
Your eyes are getting heavier and heavier if you are basking in the sun. Tizzie picked a perfect place to take a cat nap. I don’t nap during the day except on 4th of July holiday (and long weekend if it happens) when the fireworks in the ‘hood go to all hours of the night and I don’t want to sleep in and miss a morning walk, so the only alternative is to nap in the afternoon.
Yes, the sun does help us doze off. I should nap on that day too. It’s hard to sleep through all the noise at night.
I wore hard contact lenses for 35 years so napping was never an option during the day, except when I stayed in the house on a weekend and read on the couch and I’d have a nap. So I never got into the napping habit – when I stopped working on site, I stopped wearing contacts and went to glasses for the first time since 1974!
Yes, contacts and naps don’t seem to work well together. I could never get used to contacts. It’s not easy falling asleep in glasses when you forget to take them off first. I’ve bent a few too many frames that way!
Mine would likely bend too as they are so light – after wearing contacts for so many years, it took me a while to get used to having something sitting on my nose and ears.
Have you ever thought of laser surgery? Sometimes I think about doing that. It would be so weird to not have glasses on my face!
Many years ago, the opthalmologist I went to said “promise me you’ll never have laser surgery on your eyes – no matter how much they improve the procedure.” He was the Chief of Staff at Wyandotte Hospital (then a very large hospital) and was on an opthalmology board as well … I figured he knew something I did not and agreed and will abide by his warning. We had a local TV star (weather person) who had the “Star” eye laser surgery and had such side effects that she could no longer see and had severe dry eye and took her own life two months after the surgery, leaving behind a husband and two young children. Her husband goes around now trying to convince people not to choose this surgery – she wore contacts before and had no trouble tolerating them, so she admitted in her diary that she left for her husband that she was so sorry she had it done. That said, my hair stylist and her four daughters all wore glasses and had the surgery done without incident – her husband is reluctant so he wears contacts. I have not worn contacts since 2009.
Very interesting – thanks for sharing! It is scary to think that your vision could be completely ruined if the surgery didn’t work. I’m sure I’ll just stick with my glasses. It’s time to get a new pair
Well I think the contact lenses are so improved these days that most people can tolerate them. I wore hard lenses the entire time I wore contacts. I was told it was better vision since I had an astigmatism. But my hair stylist told me what her husband Jim pays for his disposable contacts versus what I pay for glasses with progressive lenses, the blue-ray tint, beveled glass to make them thinner – it would be cheaper for me to wear contacts to be honest. My eye doctor is pricey but they have the machine that does computer checks of your eyes with no dilation so I stay there as you walk out and can drive with no fuzzy eyes. I had issues years ago with the drops and had to have someone come pick me up and drive my car home, and that was 8 hours after having the drops put in! When I needed bifocals, I wore monovision contacts, one for closeup and one for distance and it worked perfectly. I know I can ask for my prescription, but what if someone else messes it up? So I stay there. But I have no optical coverage either, just a senior discount as a courtesy.
You’ve done well to explore what works best for you. I try to rationalize the cost over a couple of years, and a daily rate isn’t that bad so I can see.
Still a big cost when I get new glasses!
I love the idea of daily naps, but find them difficult to incorporate into my life. I need to channel my inner kitty cat I guess. Or find my sunshine to lay in.
I love that ‘channel my inner kitty cat’ idea! That combined with sun is a win!
Lucky kitty who can spontaneously nap…even in the sun! I am jealous. Sleeping – and getting to sleep are a chronic challenge for me. That box does look cozy
I agree, cats have a knack I wish I could tap into! If only human size boxes were easier to incorporate into a decorating scheme. That just takes eclectic to a new level ;-)!
And then there’s the challenge of getting oneself OUT of the box!!
What a beautiful kitty. She seems very dignified and is probably the Queen of the house. Time for a nap.
Thank you Geanie, yes, she’s regal and acts like a queen much of the time. Of course, we treat her as such too
I often have a lay down and rest my eyes in the afternoon. If really sleepy I allow myself an hour sleep and I feel the benefit later when I wake up. Yes animals gave the right idea and it’s the time of year to hibernate.
That’s great that you can rest and feel recharged. Then your body needed to sleep. Ah, yes, animals seem to know best when to rest!
The third picture with kitty on the fridge looks like she has on a bow tie!
Yeah…it does now that you mention that. It’s her pretty pink bell that no longer jingles.
So cozy in her mailing box

Yes, she knows the cozy spots in town! It looks like you two are off to a fun start for 2020. You’re so organized, I’m so impressed! Thanks for staying in touch, I love reading about your adventures!