Well, well, well…here we are on the letter Q. Believe it or not, I was stymied for a bit while trying to figure out what to write for that letter.
Ugh…and then I remembered, DUH…Quaint.
Jeez…it’s amazing how our human minds rush right over the things that are right in front of our faces.
So yeah, Quaint.
What’s my story about quaint, and how did I come upon it as a word in the title of my blog? Inquiring minds want to know. Especially those who didn’t haven’t read my about page, (which I need to add to my to-do list to revisit and revive…R is the letter for tomorrow…) and would like to know more about me.
I’m the girl who adores our quaint little tea house in our backyard. It’s a seasonal spot. I can’t wait to spend time in there. Especially, now that the snow has melted, and the grass is starting to look more like a green yard.
Yesterday, after reading the responses to my Personal Blogger post, I came to the realization confirmation that a personal blog is all about the blogger. The less the blogger shares about themselves while writing, the less easy it is to write a blog post. The words become forced instead of flowing.
At least for me, I find that there is a tendency to try to come up with perfect words, to impress, and yet, the real words of who I am or who you are, end up being suppressed. Yet, if we give it a solid chance, we’ll find we’re all better off while we do this thing called living life, to use words to express the real you, or aka, ME.

On a side note…here is a recent photo of me…
And my immediate family. Me and my brother and my dad. And the other photo includes the three of us, my dad’s significant other for so many years, she’s like a step-mom for sure, & my husband and my two daughters & Copper – (a year or so old photo, but we all essentially look the same).
Now, where were we?
Get on with it…we’re ready…here it goes…Quaint.
Wait…first, while I have your attention, I double checked back to my previous blog posts to see if I had written anything specifically about quaint. I found one that I adored about an adventure in a quaint setting – YAY, ME! It was back before I had figured out the comment sharing button on my blog. And my settings now don’t allow for comments. So, don’t worry, I won’t be too offended if you don’t go check it out. But if you love quaint farm animals…you’d be in love with it too.
Go…now…read it. I’ll wait for you to return…the pictures are some of my favorites. This is George, by the way, he’s a very friendly goat.
Yay, you’re back. Thanks for checking it out! Cute farm, eh? While you were gone, I found something else about me…chubby checks…Aw…
I love the quaint quote below from Ralph Waldo Emerson. I find his words of wisdom inspirational for reviving the quaintness in life!
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I tossed this onto paper once when I was trying to come up with an about me paragraph to go with the definition of Quaint.
I love gazing in awe at sunrises & sunsets, noticing dew drops on blades of grass,
little dogs & kittens with tilting heads, bubbly chats filled with belly laughs and finding happy places bursting at the seams with brightly colored objects & treasures made anew.
Wait…scratch that, this isn’t an attempt to rewrite My Favorite Things lyrics from the Sound of Music? Oh good graycious, I am a Baby Boomer baby who loves that song too. Seriously though, any day is lyrical to me if I get to spend it discovering people, places or things that make me think differently & smile until I can’t smile no more.
Or…then feeling extra witty, I added a preface to it to combine into one heck of a quirky description. Which, by the way, my daughter pooh-poohed when I was thinking about sharing it in my about page. I’m glad she did, ‘cuz now I can share it as a quirky paragraph in this my quaint post.
If I could transport back in time, watch my life story unfold and find words to describe me, I’d be tempted to use a favorite song from the 1960s. Yeah, that’s it – like the lyrics of My Favorite Things from the Sound of Music. My, oh my, I still love singing that song (albeit off-key-alone-in-the-car-like way). I also adore Julie’s singing voice!
I’d tell you to grab your recorder (everyone has one, it’s a long brown musical thing with holes on the top that you’ve kept stored away from your grade school years) and play or sing along with me as I tell you who I am…I love gazing in awe at sunsets & sunrises, noticing dew drops on small blades of grasses, little dogs & kittens with tilting heads, belly laughs & bubbly chats, and places bursting at the seams with brightly colored objects & treasures made anew. Wait…cut, scratch that, some songs should just stay as they were written. But it’s Me in a nutshell (no pun intended on the nut part)…any day is lyrical to me if I get to spend it discovering people, places or things that make me think differently & smile until I can’t smile no more.
Oh, my…that’s enough about Quaint ol’ me…for one day!
Post Inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge – Q
PS – Do tell, what do you enjoy in life that is quaint or quirky or both? Are you smitten with kittens too? Or are you a dog lover instead? How about quaint little hobby farms, or sunrises and sunsets, or vineyards?
If you had called you blog quaint revival stories, you could have knocked off three days in a row – sorry, that’s all I’ve got
I really like the tea house.
You think so like my husband, it makes me smile. He built the Tea House from scratch. I, like every good wife says, “I hope you’re going to sell the plans for it…!?”
I like your photos. I wondered why you chose Quaint as part of your title. Now I know. Personal blogging means learning something new every day by checking in with those people who you follow. Case in point.
Thanks, Ally. Glad I could solve some of the mystery about me for you. I like that take on the meaning of personal blogging. Yes, I really like it…! A LOT!
Wonderful explanatory post, Shelley. I love the picture of the moon over the tree tops. We have a full one tonight! You and your hubby have a signature pose with your hands flung out. That’s quaint too
Happy Friday.
Thank you, Janet – glad you enjoyed the post. Happy Friday to you, too!!
Another “Sound of Music” fan!! Love that song too. Thanks for the very complete explanation of Quaint! Very enjoyable. Oh my, that baby photo is wonderful – there’s something special about black and white (or should I say Quaint!).
Sunsets are my favorite. And my recorder is long gone. My son’s may still be in a box somewhere…where it should probably stay LOL.
Aw, thank you! Yes, B&W photos are quaint all on their own – even better with chubby baby cheeks. LOL on the recorder. I have mine and my two daughters – maybe I should sell one? You interested?
No I wouldn’t want to break up the band!
I’ve always considered myself far more a quirky than a quaint, but I love the Sound of Music, cuddly farm animals and vivid sunrises …AND I would love to join you for a cup of tea in that quaint tea house … so I must both a little of ‘both’
I knew I liked you for many great reasons! If your travels around the world bring you to my neck of the woods (as long as its not snowing) you are most certainly welcome here for tea in our tea house!
I think quite fits you and how you blog. Picturesque, loving, gentle and fun. All very quaint. Love the moon over the trees. And the sunset is always a favorite.
Aw, Anita, you’re so kind, thank you!!
I like your photos Shelly, no matter the era or the genre, so how’s that? Unlike some of mine, they are not vintage yet.
I visited the farm post and it was just as down home as you said it would be. Last year I went to the farm at Heritage Park. I’d only been driving past it for decades. I met the cow, goats, chickens, duck and I went because Santa and Mrs. Claus and some reindeer were going to be there – looking for a photo op of course. The reindeer didn’t show up because it was too warm that day and the handlers were afraid they’d get overheated and stressed. I went to an Alpaca farm last year too – it was a lot of fun and I didn’t even get spit on.
Thank you, Linda. You and I are much alike, I enjoy that about our blogging friendship. Alpaca’s are funny. The one at the farm in the pictures I shared is called Sam. He’s friendly and shy at the same time. If I didn’t have another job, and didn’t live where we have winter for too long, I think I could be a hobby farm person. But…I’ve got my own little farm animals that require enough attention. So, on second thought, I’m like you – visit and take photos and blog about it. I’m glad you remained spit free on your ventures. I look forward to seeing what you find for photo ops this summer!
Thanks Shelley and I am so glad I discovered your blog through Laurie, when she mentioned you in one of her posts. I enjoy our blogging friendship as well. I may have told you about my bus-friend Pat and the tigers? If not, she was divorced and worked for a corporate banker, and went on vacation for one week to Arkansas. Visited Turpentine Creek in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, which is a wildlife refuge for rescued big cats. She fell in love with the place, and the owner was walking around and she told him that she’d give anything to work there – she had cats of her own and how exciting it was. She was an administrative assistant and he was in need of a part-time person for the Refuge and also was planning on writing a book, and hired her on the spot. She spent almost every day of her vacation visiting the place, came back, gave her notice and was there a few months later. She lived nearby in an apartment, but has since had a small house built on a mountain and lives there with a collection of critters. She is semi-retired now … talk about living the dream.
Yes, I’m glad you found my blog via Laurie. She’s a great blogging friend too. Wow, Pat’s story does sound dreamy. So nice she knew what it was she wanted and went for it and got it. Very inspriational – thank you for sharing!
Yes, Laurie is very nice – same age as me so we share some things in common when I mention pop culture from back in the day. I was amazed with Pat’s impetuous move, but she never regretted it for a moment.
Love learning more about you–and that baby pic, so adorable!
Aw, thank you, Rebecca!