Adventures · Inspiration

Why did you start blogging?

When you sit down at your computer, notepad, phone, or whatever medium it is that you use to write your blog posts, do you know why you show up every time?

Do you know why you started your blog in the first place?

Do you know?

I sometimes wonder why I show up…?!

Why is it that I want to share my posts with the world?

Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?

That’s the question of the day:  “Why did you start blogging?”

Well, let’s see.  It was a hot summer day, July 29, 2012, to be exact.

I was heading into more big changes in my life.  I had said goodbye to my mom in April of that year.  After a long journey with vascular dementia, I was spent and needed something for myself.  I had also received news that the company I worked for maybe downsizing or closing by the end of the year.

Oh great, will the torment of life ever stop?…more loss in my life…just what I needed.

I was full of lots of sarcasm about life and I needed to get out some frustration or anxiety other than venting to my family.  I needed a hobby, yeah, that’s it – a hobby!

That day I was all cocky and rambling about snarky stuff to my youngest and she said, “Mom, you should start a blog!”

Me:  “What the hell is a blog?”

Sarah Mae:  “It’s a place where you can write all about your ramblings and maybe talk about your photography now that you have a new camera.”

Me:  “Why would I want to do that?”

Sarah Mae:  “You have so many thoughts, and you enjoy playing with your camera, you could just write about that for fun?”

Me:  “For fun?  But, I don’t know how to blog, where would I even start?”

Sarah Mae:  “Use Blogger, it’s free, and easy, here – I’ll help you.”

Me:  “What will I call this blog thing?”

Sarah Mae:  “Whatever you want to call it…”

Me:  “Random Thoughts by Shelley” seems to work.

Sarah Mae:  “Perfect.”


There you have it, I was a blogger on Blogger.  And I was hooked on how much fun it was to take a risk on something I never dreamed of doing, let alone trying before in my life.


My very first post was called A Decisive Moment.



To this day, I still ramble about random things, and my Why I blog is still at the hobby stage, and most days I’m okay with that.  All of my posts are the fruits of my labor.  I can have my pie and eat it too!

Being the boss of my blog, I can write what I want, when I want.


And I can change it up if I want to, too.  But each day, I always start with my why do I show up to write.


I revamped the blog you’re reading twice.  Yes – It has morphed twice!  Why?  Because my random thoughts have changed, same as I have over the years.  And I imagine it will evolve into something different again…someday.


Because people like me who like to learn new things get bored with the same old thing, even if we approach it in the same old learning-as-we-go way.  We still crave learning new things or reviving parts of us we’ve shut down or parts of us that we’ve kept in hiding yet (soon) to be discovered.

As always, there is more to come…

Post Inspiration thanks to Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week Challenge – Fruits of Your Labor; #MyBlogMyWritingStyle 30 Day Blogging Challenge Day 5 word prompt Start and the question of the day – “Why did you start blogging?” (challenge details here).

PS – Who encouraged you to start your blog?  Does your family or your group of friends support you on your blogging journey?  Do you enjoy random formats on blogs, or do you prefer for your own writing to stick to a specialty type of blog? You know that tomatoes and cucumbers are fruit, right, and the egg is the fruit of some chicken whose nest is empty?   


18 thoughts on “Why did you start blogging?

  1. I started my blog in June, 2017 because I realized I was having trouble accepting the aging process and had no idea where I belonged in the world. I needed to explore where I fit in the universe and communicate with others on the topic. It’s really theraputic in that sense.

    1. You’re on to something great – I always enjoy reading your posts and of course, I love your book too! It is nice to have this cyberspace place to share the empty nest stage in life. I agree with you it is therapeutic!

  2. Oh my … my attention has been diverted by visions of pie and cheese cake with cherry topping. Oh cruel visions visit me again tonight as I rest … Oh sugar temptress … come closer, test my resolve … here … just get within arms reach. Oh yes, blogging … I forgot my answer. Back at ya soon. g

      1. Sorry about the diabetic mental collapse this morning, but once a year I have a piece of Cheese Cake like that pictured for my birthday. Great post. Thanks for the flashbacks. g

  3. I started blogging to develop some kind of platform from which to jump off into authorship (one day, fingers crossed). But I’ve discovered blogging is a wonderful hobby, in and of itself. I’ve grown as a writer and thinker and found a community of supportive fellow writers and readers–like you. Great post!

    1. Yes, it is a great hobby and a place to grow as well. I can’t wait for that day for you, too, and I’ll be saying, “I knew the famous author Rebecca back when…!” Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your encouragement here in the blogosphere!

  4. I always liked writing short pieces, hoping to bring smiles or enjoyment to others. I had a emotionally painful situation two years ago, and this hobby was a tremendous help keeping me busy and I pulled through very well. Also, it has been a joy to get to read others stories and visit beautiful places through the lens of so many.
    Great post…Mother of five here….my kids dont help me with the blog, but my sister is my favorite fan

    1. I’m glad to read that blogging helped you through a challenging time in your life. I like how you describe the joy of blogging! I enjoy seeing your take on the world with your photos, too! So nice of your sister to share her support! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. I had wanted to start blogging but figured I didn’t have time. My older son encouraged me to just do it. Instead of watching TV or something, just do it. That bit of encouragement was what I needed.

    1. Gotta love our kids for keeping us busy, eh? Glad to see you’re having fun with blogging too! You’ve got me beat by finding time to head to the movies. 🙂

  6. I say the period goes outside the parenthesis too, but my high school typing class was about 45 years ago so…My biggest thing is two spaces after a period. Some people only put one and it bugs me. Nice post, Shelley. You found a good challenge for this month!

    1. Yes, I had a typing class way back that helped me be a two space after a period person too!! LOL! Thanks for the read and for sharing your thoughts and encouragement. 🙂

  7. I started my first blog in 2008 while my husband and I were engaged. I haven’t posted on that blog for a couple of years now as I’m more focused on photography than writing right now. Thanks for a wonderful tour of your creation. And thanks for joining the challenge!

    1. Wow – You’re a blogging pro with all that time invested! Your photography is wonderful, it’s so nice you found what you’re most interested in pursuing. I love your challenges, so happy to participate when I’m able! Thank you for your encouraging words, much appreciated! Enjoy those peaches!!

  8. The outcome, in the form of fruits of our thoughts, which are rooted deep in our mind and heart, tells the world who we really are. It is good to share these fruits with the world and blogging is the perfect way to do it 🙂

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