Adventures · Cheers

Who’s the boss in your house?

What motivates you to get up every morning and show off your most extravagant boss-like self?

Is it your dreams and aspirations; your alarm clock and job; the sounds of a baby crying; your aging bladder?  Wait, no, that’s me and Copper.

It’s me.

But, typically, it’s later in the morning.  Not 3:30 am.

Today, it was Tizzie, and then Dessy, and then Copper.  In that order, until they were all in unison (1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3 – WTH?); each with the sounds of “get the hell up now or else.”

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. – Henry David Thoreau

Tizzie is exceptional at her craft.  She orchestrated sounds and moves with indescribable brilliance.


It was the perfect scheme, I tell ya.  Cheers to Tizzie!  I may have the cup that tells everyone I’m the boss.  But Tizzie has proven she’s The Boss today.


There she sits in the shadows.  All smug and proud after her scheme played out as planned.

People of sound mind do not crave 3:45 am wake-up calls.  Even those who admire moonlight beams shining on their dog’s job while he ventures out in the frigid cold.  Nope, they don’t. (Yeah, I grabbed the camera; you can’t make this sh*t up right?)

The speed of light (he came in before I could get a picture) it took Copper to do his job indicates he agrees.  It’s just not right.

Oh, woes me, inflows of temptations to pour a Moscow Mule (instead of coffee…there are all these fresh citrus fruits on the counter) or to dig into sweet treasures (if only I liked chocolate) to console my foul mood proves Tizzie deserves a standing ovation.

Problem is, I have no idea where she went.  She got what she wanted – she’s off somewhere else, dreaming up her next scheme.  Probably sleeping in the mess her and her sister made yesterday.


Me, on the other hand, (this cup is huge and holds lots of coffee) I’m wide awake.  The caffeine has kicked in.  I think I’ll hunt gnats.  Yep, dammit, a new batch has hatched.  Tune in later to see how that turns out.  And you thought your life was extravagant?  Jealous, aren’t ya?

Daily Post Prompt:  Extravagant




4 thoughts on “Who’s the boss in your house?

  1. Funny. My boss. Always coffee. and if I could post a picture to “cheers” you. it would be a new mug from mom with the 12 Days of Christmas New England version. NO singing. just smiling.

    1. Love it! Post a blog video soon and send me a link! Cheers to you – I’d say stay warm, but I have a hunch it is way warmer where you are than our -6 below here!! A warm mug full of any holiday cheer sounds pretty awesome!

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