
Who the heck gave ’em the key?

The magical key to every wannabe photographer’s heart starts with the phrase, “You might want to grab your camera, you’re not going to believe what I see in the yard.”

“Really…okay, I’m ready…what is it?”



“Umm…I see deer tracks, and rabbit tracks…”

“Look to the left more.”

“Oh, my, goodness…what the heck is that?”


“I need to switch lenses to zoom in…”


“Or put on your boots and go outside – you can follow my tracks.  I went outside to see if the trail cam picked up any photos.”


So I did.  I ventured outside with my trusty camera in hand.  It was nice and sunny…and cold.

No wonder the mice were on the move to find a cozy spot to slumber for the winter months.

I discovered the highway of tiny mouse tracks.  Leading to our flagpole garden.  They’re either eating all my perennials or they are planting soybean seeds?  Hmm…


Or maybe it was one helluva a hotel-motel no-tell invite – extended to every mouse in the field throughout the neighborhood?

Or was it just one busy mouse who knows how to throw a party?


I wonder who gave (him) them the key?

Oh, and, by the way, as the sunset last night, while watching Jeopardy (see the score in the window reflection?) I admired the colors of the sunset.


As the last drop of gravy landed on my plate.


I don’t know about you, but we’re mighty glad we’re finally done with the last bit of turkey.


Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – ‘key’


PS –  Do you think it was one mouse or a family of them?  What creatures lurk around in your yard at night?  Have you finished all of your turkey and pie and are ready for the next round of eating too much?  What do you have planned for fun this weekend? 

35 thoughts on “Who the heck gave ’em the key?

  1. We have at least one very busy bunny, judging by the footprints and, um, er, other evidence. I love the crisp shadows on the snow. Those are great photos.

    1. LOL – yeah, bunnies leave nuggets according to Copper, they are extra tasty. Thank you, glad to hear you enjoyed the photos.

  2. I can imagine those mice being all snug and cozy together. We rarely have snow, so your signs are a treat. I love the sparkles in the third photo, too.

    1. Yes, I bet they’re building quite the lodge there. I’m glad you enjoy the view of the snow. I too love the sparkles in the morning light. PS – I loved your take on the prompt.
      Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to you!!

  3. Where there’s one mouse, there’s usually more.

    Back when we were feeding the outside cats on the deck, we ended up with a few animals. First there was a raccoon, who was obviously a mother because she brought her four kits with her. (And yes, they were adorable: we were using a double dish, and the way tey were arranged, you saw a head and a butt and another head and another butt, with Mama nearby.) Then we had a possum up there, although not a mom with kits hanging off her. Recently we’ve been getting deer in the yard (they cleared a wooded area to build houses and they had to move). Then one rainy morning, we looked out on the deck and see a hawk sitting on the railing. (His or her nest is in a tree behind our house, but I guess the rain grounded him.)

    Some little bird was trying to build a nest on our front porch, but she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of keeping the nest materials together, and we’d come out every morning to a pile of sticks and grass that had fallen from the day before…

    1. Yes, indeed, mice travel together. Wow – you’ve had quite the selection of wildlife visitors. That’s fun if they don’t destroy anything. Did you have a favorite? Thanks for sharing – it’s fun for me to hear what visits other yards!

      1. We don’t have much in the yard to destroy, so they’re all welcome. By far, the raccoon with the kits was the most memorable, followed closely by the hawk. And, of course, my friends the crows…

  4. The pictures of the snow make me cold when I look at them. It is only mid 60s here and we rarely get snow. Love to live vicariously. Beauty without the work.

    1. If pictures make you cold – you’ll need a bigger coat when you head north to visit anyone! The lack of work would be nice. PS – I’m still smiling at your take on the prompt. Nice job!

    1. Thank you, Anita. Yes, nature sure is. I’m impressed at how the mice improvise and make their homes out of bricks!

  5. I love looking at tracks in the snow … especially all the little feet, like the dainty birds. Yup, you’re glad that maybe now that turkey is a done deal, you and Mr. can share a pizza tonight.

    1. I wonder about what the little critters are thinking as they weave their tiny paths. “Are we going to beat Linda’s record this year?”! It was nice enough to grill out – we had steak instead! It was glorious!

  6. oh my goodness is this crazy to see the tracks.
    laughing with your natural humor:

    hotel-motel no-tell invite

    and nice flagpole base (even though it is now a hotel)

    1. LOL – thanks, Yvette, glad you enjoyed my silly humor! I’m sure there will be another tale or two about the guests at the hotel come spring.

      1. Looking forward to it! And we just officially realized there are birds in a gutter and awning on the house – like into the attic – and feel bad for them but it is a fire hazard

        1. Oh, no, birds build in the strangest places. Luckily they rebound and move on when their nests are destroyed (naturally as well as by hoomans!).

  7. Love the picture with the sparkles. How pretty the snow is. Sometimes wish we had a bit but then I remember the cold and, no.

    1. Thanks, Janet. Snow can be very pretty to look at, especially the sparkling moments. You’re right on the cold, part. Benny might enjoy romping in it? But the beach and grass is more his thing I bet!

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