Quick the boss is coming, act like you’re working! Stop watching YouTube videos, get back to work!
Who’s the boss anyhow?
Aren’t YOU the boss of your blog?
You don’t need to hide or act like you’re not doing anything.
You’re the BOSS.
I’m my own boss, my own editor, my own shooter, my own writer, everything. This is all stuff I learned through trial and error…failing at a lot of things has taught me how to succeed at them eventually…you roll with the punches. – Lilly Singh
You don’t have to wonder if anyone is watching you making sure you’re working. You don’t have to worry if anyone cares if you complete your posts on time? You get to order the day any way you choose.
But some days it feels lonely being the boss and you feel like you should confess about what you’ve been up to. You know…to make yourself appear important and a legit blogger.
Do you ever feel like this…(not just getting sucked into YouTube videos, that’s beside the point) but do you ever feel like you need to report in on your productivity to someone else besides yourself?
Then you realize, that was a huge waste of time – once you post a post, you did your job for the day even if you got sidetracked along the way. No matter how much time you wasted, you got back to the task at hand and typed a few words before they vaporized into thin air.
No matter who is watching or paying the paycheck, we are ultimately each our own boss. – Kristin Armstrong
…when I show up to work (aka, write a blog post) I like to verify the task at hand and I start out first by defining the word prompt. Or by deciding if I want to participate in the word prompt or not. This I find is especially important when my mind is racing with too many ideas, or not enough ideas to even start to write.
Thank goodness someone provided me with today’s prompt which is Boss.
Now, I do know what a BOSS means, but just to make sure there isn’t another meaning that is more intriguing or flattering or more fun…I look up the definition to help myself stay focused.
Lead yourself whenever your boss’ leadership deteriorates. When your boss doesn’t praise what you do, praise yourself. When your boss doesn’t make you big, make yourself big. Remember if you have done your best, failure does not count. – Mario Teguh
When you’re the boss of your blog you get to make up rules about how much fun you have while doing hard and challenging stuff. It’s only boring if you let it be that way. Fun and inspiration can be found in multiple places. And you can change rooms and get a snack if you’re feeling off.
The boss gets to decide what to work on when, or how long it will take to complete your posts. Or how often to change tasks and read your emails or check out Pinterest, or Google +, or Facebook, YouTube, aka, all wonderful ways to get sidetracked again.
It happens, I’ve seen it on an occasion or two. Does it ever happen to you? Or are you better at managing your time because you are the world’s best boss?
By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day. – Robert Frost
Where was I? Oh, yeah, I’m the boss of my blog. See – every day starts out a blank slate. Mine started over 3 hours ago and I’m still not done. Damn YouTube videos…
I do like it that I’m the boss of how I spend my time. The freedom is kinda nice. I stand here every day and put in the long hours it takes to be qualified as the boss.
Slightly off topic here, but if you’re curious about my Ergotron standing desk it is from JustStand.org and my anti-fatigue mat is a Topo. I get no rewards for mentioning either one, it’s simply trivia for you if you’re interested.
So yeah, that’s right, I’m the lucky boss who gets to stand here.
With a helper to keep me focused, aka, Tizzie. She’s a daydreamer of sorts. Kind of like me.
Oh, crap, I have sidetracked again. All the hopping around looking for links and videos, and I forgot to mention the definitions I found when I first started the post!
There’s a lot of sacrifices you have to make to be the boss. – Travis Fimmel
Focus…focus…get back on track…the definitions for the boss are –
Google search says:
Urban Dictionary says:
Hmm…a boss is a higher life form than most feeble humans.
In order to be a good blog boss, you have to know how to manage your time. That’s the toughest part.
Is it easy and fun being the boss of a blog? I’d say yes, and no. All I know is that some days it is mentally exhausting being the boss of a blog…the research and creative work is never truly done.
Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties. – Doug Larson
But, the best part of being a boss of a blog is being in the know of when it’s quitting time!
Post inspiration – #MyBlogMyWritingStyle – 30 day blogging challenge (instructions found here). If you made it to the bottom of this post – thank you for joining me today on my sidetracked journey! xx
PS – Do you ever get sidetracked when you’re writing? What is your favorite YouTube channel? What is your favorite way to get sidetracked?
I am glad somebody gets sidetracked like me. LOVE your workstation. I may have missed the mark on my post but I am not much on the boss mantra – to me its all teamwork. Everybody has a roll and duty and if all combine then the end product is fabulous. My blog is not fabulous but fun…which is fabulous.
Thank you! No way, you didn’t miss the mark, you made the mark more enjoyable! And you shared Paul’s story as well, that’s fabulous and so is your blog!!
Interesting work station! Wish they had invented these years ago. I’m at my desk all day doing my transcription work and the ability to stand and work would have been so helpful. Isn’t being your own boss wonderful? Make sure to give yourself a raise once in a while
Thank you! I’ve had this for 3 years now, and am mostly happy standing all day. But…I do think the best set-up would be a sit/stand alternating one. Mine does that, but it’s a pain to move the mat around and find a chair or ball to sit on with the right height for me. I’ve learned over time to be a nice boss to myself! Ditto to you, you worked hard on that slideshow of yours – you deserve a raise!!
I am so easily distracted. You Tube videos are not the problem – it’s websites I use to research. OK, sometimes Facebook and Twitter too, but that’s blog-related. Sort of. Occasionally.
LOL! I do the SAME thing
That kind of research happens!!
What a great way to look at this (blogging boss)!
Yes, I get sidetracked a bit. In fact, I have a blog post on blogging hurdles coming up in a couple of days. And I do feel like I report to my readers sometimes. But then I realize how silly it is. While they are integral part of my experience. I am the one to ultimately dictate the rules.
I don’t really do YouTube all that much. I watch movies, I go for a bike ride, etc.
Thank you! Looks like you’ve got the blog boss thing down very well, way to go! I’m following you, but if I forget to stop by, remind me, I adore prompts to get me sidetracked to visit new blog posts ;-)!
Sounds like a plan!
Have a great weekend
You, too!