Who, who, who, is the boss of our yard?
It is this adorable, energetic, little hummingbird.
Perched on a nail.
From sunset.
To sunrise – there he sits, guarding his feeder against other birds in the yard.
The yard monitor. He keeps a watchful eye on potential invaders to his turf.
Don’t mess with him, or he’ll glare…or stare, ever so briefly before he turns again.
It is best to let him be who, who, who, he wants to be.
He’s quick you shall see – in a moment’s notice, he shall flee. Never fear, a renewal of the hummingbird nectar in the feeder will draw him back.
Post inspiration thanks to Linda Hill’s #OneLiner Wednesday: Who? who, who, who?
PS – Do you have a guardian of the yard bird? Aren’t hummingbirds fun to watch? What is your favorite bird in your yard? On a side note, I’ve joined an Instagram photo of the day challenge at this link https://www.susannahconway.com/august-break-2018/. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram click the connect button on the left, I’d love to hear your comments on my photos there, too! Happy August!
Oh, I love this. The one liners and the pictures go so well together.
Aw, thank you!
That’s so cool! Beautiful shots. <3
Thank you, Linda!! I enjoy your #1LinerWed prompts!!
Weird seeing one just sitting like this. Hummingbirds are usually always on the go.
Yes, they are. He’s been sticking around there for the last few days. Very territorial!
Maybe he’s not well…
Maybe. We have seen him do this earlier in the year, too. There may be a new hummingbird that has found the feeder, and now he’s telling it to move on? Hard telling!
Well done! Love the use of the prompt! Glad you got your quirk out today
Thank you, Pete! Glad you enjoyed my quirky moment!
We don’t get hummingbirds, such a shame, but in my garden I do get lots of sparrows, blackbirds, Wood Pigeons, Collared doves and occasionally Robins. The Robins are my favourite. (Don’t tell the Sparrows, they’ll be jealous
Bummer – I would think the hummingbirds would love your gorgeous gardens! I won’t tell the Sparrows – your secret is safe with me!
I love the coloring on him. Is that natural or photo edited? Looks almost iridescent. How cool that he just sits there waiting for you to snap a shot.
That’s his natural color – they are so pretty when you get up close to them. I caught him through the window, so he didn’t know I was there.
I posted about birds today! I uploaded just the birds I’ve photographed this past year, including my little Wren who lived in my backyard in a little birdhouse we provided for her and her family.
Great minds think alike, right!?! Your photos are awesome, I love the collection, colors, and different angles you captured!
I love your backyard documentaries, Shelley. They’re a lovely Wednesday diversion when I’m stuck in court all day.
Aw, Denny, I’m so glad to hear I’m making your court appearances enjoyable :-)!
I may have to blog about this kid I got earlier today, he cracked me up. We’ll see. I love hummingbirds, by the way, a quirk I inherited from my Mom and her in turn from her Mom. She keeps several feeders around the pool in the back yard, and we’re always on the lookout for them.
There’s always a good story in the works at court, right?!
Yes, hummingbirds are so fun to watch, hope you and your mom get to view one of their shows soon!
Love the “Perched on a nail” photo – beautifully captured!
Thank you!!
Hummingbirds are such interesting creatures. I don’t put out bird feeders, so I enjoyed seeing your photos. Very nice, Shelley!
Thank you, Mary! Welcome back from your trip – I’m jealous…the views were so gorgeous! Hope you’re not having too much shock being back to work? Maybe Gibbs or Ziva have tips to help you adjust…naps always work for me!
Monday was a shocker at work, only because of the many emails and trying to catch up. Today, though was good…much more tolerable.
I love the UP of Michigan. It is gorgeous up there and I would love to experience it in the fall.
I bet Monday was awe-inspiring with the volume of emails! I give you permission to schedule a fall vacation! Just send your boss my way to confirm!!
Okay, will do!
I’ve heard that when the weather gets cold, hummingbirds can fly extremely far away…and when the weather gets warm again they can return to the exact spot they’d left earlier that year.
Yes, that’s what happens! I think the little guy who has been territorial did the same thing last year, too. I have photos of one doing the same thing last year. We even moved the feeder last night, and he went right to that one to do the same thing! A persistent little chap!
And an amazing ability. I have a terrible sense of direction so this is particularly remarkable to me.
LOL – I agree wholeheartedly!
So tiny, squeeee! I haven’t seen a hummingbird this year, but I’ve had lots of other visitors.
Yes, he’s a tiny little monster! He’s so mean to all the other hummingbirds, we kind of wish he’d leave! Glad you have fun visitors to watch!
wow simply awesome.
Gorgeous pictures and soulful words.
I am dropping down link of my photo blogs , hope you will like them. Please leave your valuable feedback.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! Thanks for sharing your link, too! You have a lovely blog, it was nice to be invited to check it out!
Feelings are mutual <3
Fabulous post