Adventures · Inspiration

When enough is enough

Ready or not, feeling the cool fall breeze is a subtle enough reminder that the seasons are changing yet again.  This morning our thermostat indicated it’s 24 degrees outside at 4 am.

Oh, my, no, I’m not quite ready for it.  I let out a sigh.

Yes, it’s fall indeed.

A caressing touch of my hair blowing in the wind across my cheek is enough to momentarily calm my soul when I’m frustrated of how short this summer seemed to be.

I’m going to miss the warm summer days.

As I close my eyes, I soak in the warmth of the sun’s rays and feel my face relax.  I breathe in and out slowly to accept what comes my way.  There is so much out of my control in this crazy world we’re living in.

Neurologists claim that every time you resist acting on your anger, you’re actually rewiring your brain to be calmer and more loving. – Power of Positivity

I know I need to let all the stresses float away.  Moment by moment.  I tap into the calmness of doing so, it gives me a sense of solidarity with the world in a small way.

I notice the sounds as the wind brushes by to offer me tiny bits of wonderful peace.  A bird calls as it flies by, the corn rustles in the field, the pampas grass whips back and forth in the wind.  It bounces back with such resilience.  I pause to admire it often.

Is resilience enough?  I think so as I listen to my own thoughts about what’s good in life.  I let negative ones go, they don’t serve me well.

Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble. – Psalm 37:8

It’s these small ways that I’ve learned to stay calm, breathe, and remember that we all are loved, treasured, and can make a difference when we’re a calm presence of enough.

Enough from me for now . . .

Wait…just when you thought I had no link to the prompt from Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday new/old – LOL – I do!  We’re on the home stretch now with our new remodel over all the old smells.  It’s amazing what 7 gallons of paint, 1 gallon of Murphy’s Oil Soap, 1 gallon of ammonia, an ozone machine, new padding and carpeting, and new vinyl flooring, and so many hours of TLC can do for a place.  Smoking habits stinks in so many ways!  Bright white paint over 20+ years of smoke stains.


The project is almost done and I’ll be back soon for the big reveal!

55 thoughts on “When enough is enough

  1. You guys have really been working hard, but it looks to be paying off. I can’t wait for the reveal. I like your windswept scenes. Fall is solidly in place here, but nothing short of 40° yet. I’m not ready for 24. Good luck wrapping up the work, and I hope you get better tenants (or sell it while it’s perfect). Have a good week, Shelley.

    1. Hi Dan! Thank you for your encouragement.
      Yes, all the hard work is paying off. This project has been kicking our butts big time, but we’ll survive. Selling sounds better than renters at this point, but we’ll see!
      We had 40s last week. They say that we’ll have 60s next week. We hope so, we have a few outside projects that need to get done before winter temps settle in.
      I hope you have a great week too!

  2. I await to see your results. I am waiting for my Spring days but Summer wants to barge in, Hope you and the family are going OK x

    1. Thanks, me too! The seasons of 2020 are as unpredictable as many other things this year! All is well (other than projects) – I hope you and your bestie are well too!

  3. You’ve done a good job with your projects. Summer may be fading away, but you have something great to show for it. As for being angry all the time, I’m not– just tired. I learned the Psalm you mentioned like this: “fret not yourself, it tends to evil.” I remind myself of that daily.

    1. Thank you, Ally, it’s great to hear from you! We do have plenty of tasks we hadn’t planned on doing accomplished. It was a perfect project for 2020 – insert any emotion that year has brought our way and it fits. LOL!
      Yes, that’s a great version of the Psalm too.
      I’ve thought about you a lot while I was off being busy this month and not blogging. What’s your best tip for getting back into the groove after taking time off?

      1. Just write. I overthink things when it comes to what I write about, so for me the tip I told/tell myself was/is: just jump in again. Don’t know if that helps, but that’s my approach to re-entry.

  4. OM Gosh, that terrible paint, Shelley! Yay for fresh paint! I hope your next tenant understands that smoking is only outside. Such a horrid habit, and I was once a participant. I like that photo of the field, beautiful! 24 is way too cold, yikes! Stay positive, Shelley! 😊👍🏻😬👍🏻

    1. Yes, I agree, John. If the walls and ceilings looked like that, it’s no wonder the renter died of lung cancer.
      Thanks for the photo kudos – pampas grass is just so fun to watch blow in the wind.
      I hope you’re doing well and that you liked the cleaning trick I tried. Search for Andrea Jean Cleaning DAWN AND VINEGAR SHOWER CLEANER and see how she did it.

      1. Shelley, I just watched a YT video with this woman. Wow! I’ve GOT to try this, and funny thing is that the shower basin and bathroom sinks, faucets and countertops are exactly the same as mine! They are the original, 25 year old parts but are still in decent condition. I will let ya know what happens when I get around to doing this. Thanks!!

        1. That’s awesome. It’s nice when quality material was used back in those days. I hope the technique worked for you.

  5. Wow! I’m impressed with your progress…all that hard work is paying off. Looking forward to your reveal.

    It’s raining in England today…what’s new? LOL. Frost warnings at home though. Fall is upon us.

    1. Thanks, Laurel. We can’t wait for the big reveal so we know we’re actually done!! 😉
      I’m so happy to read you were able to get to England and to see your family. Frost can wait until you return!
      Soak up all the hugs you can while you’re there!!

    1. Thank you, Janet – I’m so happy to hear from you. Yes, fresh paint does wonders. White maybe boring, but it does give the illusion of clean everywhere, plus we don’t have to switch brushes just keep on painting until it’s done.

  6. Hi – glad the remodel is almost done and love the opening photos – can feel the breeze – even though I guess it getting to be a frigid breeze! 🙂

    1. Hi Yvette! Me (us) too. Thank you, glad the photo showed the breeze. It was only 24 yesterday morning, and today it’s 40. October can be a wild card when it comes to weather in WI.

  7. Hi again – I cannot leave a comment on the “nose pickers” post – but here is my reply to your comment back to me:

    glad to connect too! –
    regarding masks- my son prefers the bandana too –
    and I have had so many – the best ones are these four dollar ones we bought in florida – work so well and comfy – but your paper towel masks (or t-shirt ones) sound breathable. 🙂

    regarding getting caught up with blogs – you just keep doing what you do because I think you have a good system – you take care of posting on your blog (which is very important and I know that some folks stop posting when they cannot visit or make the rounds and that is missing the point) also – it can be nice to “miss” bloggers and so when you do make your rounds – even if not super regular – it is like visiting an old friend –
    … so I think you balance the task vs relationship part of blogging very well – keep doing what you do 🙂

    1. Hi – sorry you couldn’t comment, I do have my settings to stop at a certain # of days since it was posted.
      Speaking of masks, I made myself one out of a t-shirt sleeve, and it is my favorite of all. I can fold a kleenex inside for a filter that helps in two ways – extra protection that is disposable and it also keeps the glasses from fogging. It fits snug enough to stay put, but doesn’t slide down when talking. That way I don’t have to touch it at all when wearing it. I hate it when I see people messing with them.
      I appreciate your words of wisdom on blogging, I’ve taken them to heart and will remember them – thank you for sharing!! 🙂

    2. I needed to hear this, especially lately. A total fluke. I am not stalking you, Yvette lol. I just happened to scroll back on Shelley’s post. I get caught up on wanting to carefully read all blogs and comment and then not have time to write my own posts. “Balance”

  8. I’m ready to let summer go this year. The sooner we move along the better, though I am operating under the false assumption that 2021 will be better. Even though I know a lot of the crazy is going to come along with us into the new year. Good work on the smoke removal. You’re going to love it!

    1. Hi Dawn – thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree in a way, I’m ready to let this summer go too. Not the warmth and the freedom to sit outside without a coat on. I have no predictions for 2021 – I do hope there will be more to be pleasantly surprised by instead of what 2020 brought us.
      Yes, we’re going to love the final product and to be DONE with it too!

  9. Great to see you back! I was hoping you were okay – these days ya never know. That project from hell looks so much better. Wow! I don’t know how you have managed to power through all of that. Writing a how-to book (someday!) about it might be good therapy if nothing else. 🙂
    It is hard to believe that summer is gone – those macro shots are stunning. Hang in there. I appreciate your quotes about letting go of the stress.

    1. Hi Andrea!! Thank you – I’m glad to be back even if I feel incredibly rusty at writing and taking photos. I looked back at my SD card and there are a LOT of apartment before/after photos. Not exactly fun photos to share. That book idea may be what gets me through the upcoming winter.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I appreciate your encouragement. I hope you and your family are doing well. I’ll be by soon to check out what’s new in your life/blog!

      1. You’re welcome Shelley. I always do the before and after photos when home stuff goes south and has to be repaired. And suck major time out of my life (& wallet!). We get immersed in those projects! It must be overwhelming on top of the pandemic and its restrictions, etc.
        Those of us who have been there, done that, will appreciate your B & A pics. 🙂

        1. I’m working my way through the photos. It’s kind of scary to look back at all the stuff we’ve done. It has been very taxing to our spirits to have this going on in addition to the pandemic, that’s for sure!

          1. Indeed. I’m taking more breaks than I probably should. LOL – but the weather was so nice and the yard needed attention too. This project will get done soon!

  10. Wow, that white ceiling is going to make all the difference. Talk about calming! That’s a symbol there maybe for resilience and moving on! I can’t wait for the reveal. And I know your cold is coming, as is ours. It’s actually been a pretty cool fall here, for us. I keep reminding myself to use our glassed-in front porch–the only time of the year it’s perfect. Summer, it’s like a greenhouse. Fall is the best season here in MD. Of course, it’s also my busiest work season, so it’s been tough to fit it all in. I’m trying to take walks while my boys are doing activities–at the park or soccer practice. And, thankfully, they’re back in school (hopefully to stay) so my time is my time for a few hours a day anyway. Always love to get your posts and catch up, Shelley!

    1. Yes, the ceiling looks so nice now. I’m glad you appreciated the calming post. We’ve had a wonderful week of nice fall weather. The trees have been beautiful to look at.
      I’m glad the boys are back in school and that you’re finding time to get in some walks and ‘me’ time.
      I so appreciate you stopping by here to share your thoughts. As soon as I get the big project done I’m going to enjoy catching up on my favorite blogs to read! xx

  11. I like the grass waving in the wind Shelley. It sure makes a statement of how windy it is in the open area and reminds you of what is ahead (sadly) when the winds of Winter blow. I am glad it has moderated just a tad this week because it was brutal last week. I took out the gloves and hat out for next week. When I rode the bus, mid-October I broke out the gloves and hat by October 15th and surprisingly, like you say, Summer zipped by and Fall has arrived. It’s looking good from all your efforts … hope it is occupied soon.

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, this week has been extra nice. The trees are gorgeous and we were able to get the yard and garden beds and stuff stored in the tea house so we’re ready for winter from that standpoint. Certainly not mentally ready for the cold and snow!
      We’re tossing around the idea of selling instead of renting. We’ll see. Thank you for your support and encouragement!

      1. I hope you go with the latter idea Shelley … less hassle for the two of you. This return of Summer has been nice after that cold snap. Two or three more days to enjoy it, then back to reality.

        1. Me too – we just have to figure out how to do that. The nice weather has left us … our silly weather guy predicted the possibility of snow flurries later this week. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. Ugh with a capital “U” – now you are feeling like there went your Summer and Fall on the rental. I felt like that in 2017 when I had the three big plumbing jobs/messes, the whole-house insulation … at the end of the year I said “what happened here to what pitiful free time I have?”

  12. Hi Shelley, This year has been a blur for many people. We also have four seasons which move us along. Sometimes, too quickly. Yes, Fall is here. I am very much with you. I especially love your paragraph that begins with “As I close my eyes….”. You share a tremendous amount of wisdom in this post. I appreciate the actions you describe on how to stay positive, resilient, and not give into worry and anger. I am looking forward to the reveal. A great post!

    1. Hi Erica! I appreciate reading your thoughts, thank you for sharing them. I’m trying to sort through the photos for the big reveal. I’ve taken a lot just so I could remember how much work it was to do.
      I hope you and yours are doing well. I hope the trees are pretty where you live, ours have been gorgeous this week.

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