We’ve been saying, “Whatever” a lot since the sights in our yard have become more brown than green as the drought keeps hanging on.

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.
Joseph Campbell
The site of my sacred place is our yard and of course (as you followers know) my (our) Tea House where I wear a path to/from every summer. This year’s path is crunchy!

Thanks to a steal of a deal at Goodwill, I officially claimed and added a trinket to the sacred space with this $2.99 pillow.

I remember fondly when Copper first discovered his sacred spot on the couch.

He gave me the look, “It’s okay, Mom, you can sit on the other end, this will be my spot.”

“We can watch the Catalpa tree grow from here or you can let me nap here too.”

I think he dreamed about running by that tree in the yard.

Or how he loved to watch the sunrises with me.

My happy spot isn’t quite the same without Copper by my side. The memories are fading a bit just like the cover on the back of the sofa. But, he’ll always be in my heart.

It’s been two summers without him in the yard to sprinkle his scent and chase the scoundrel rabbits away. My plants are doing okay in the tea house though. And I’ve been spending time there reading books. I even took a nap on the couch once this year.
The calm within the storm is where peace lives and breathes. It is not within perfect circumstances or a charmed life. . . it is not conditional. Peace is a sacred space within, it is the temple of our landscape. We are free to visit it, whenever we seek sanctuary. Underneath the chaos of everyday living, peace is patiently awaiting our discovery. . . go within.
Jaeda DeWalt

And I always watch the Catalpa tree. Despite the drought, this one is doing so well this year. I’ve been watching it closely.

Remembering how Copper loved to stand under it for the shade.

Life goes on, even during a drought.
Before the drought, the geese visited daily…

And the turkeys were busy too. They liked to dance and prance in the field.

The rabbit scoundrel(s) in the backyard are so desperate for food they don’t run away when I slowly approach them near the tea house. The only thing that does scare them away is when the gray-haired lady runs at them screaming, “Get out of my flowers you scoundrels!” Trust me, it’s a sight to see!

This taunting scoundrel even posed for me. Isn’t he tiny and cute?

This mama deer resorted to eating the dried-up soybeans while her two little ones are left in a safe spot in the woods. She looks like the drought diet has made her quite lean. Of course, when I saw her with her little ones, I didn’t have my camera.

The scoundrel rabbits along with some birds have been eating my struggling to survive flowers in the planters. I sure wish they’d eat the weeds instead. This might be the year of no marigolds to enjoy.

On a happier note, Mr. hasn’t had to mow the lawn more than once since the new model lawn mower has taken over the trimming of the grass by the tea house.

He has a pal. . .that will lead to more scoundrels.

Together they do a mighty fine job of keeping any grass that’s growing mowed nice and low to the ground.

By bringing a soulful consciousness to gardening sacred space can be created outdoors.
S. Kelly Harrell
And, that means, there’s been more time for Mr. to work on the retaining wall! Remember each brick weighs 55#s!

Once that wall is done, I’m guessing Mr. will say the backyard is his sacred spot for a lot of the biggest accomplishments he’s done so far in our life together in our backyard. And, on top of that, he’s planning to grill out Ribeye steaks to celebrate Father’s Day!

Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sight/site.” Use one, use them both, use them any way you’d like. Bonus points if you use them both. Have fun! Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills June 18 Furred and Feathered Friends and Tina R. Schell at Travels and Trifles Lens-Artists Challenge #254 – Spiritual Sites
PS – Happy Father’s Day! I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Does your sacred spot involve hard work? What trick do you have to keep rabbits out of your gardens? Do you chase them too? What is your favorite wild bird or animal to watch?
Lovely tribute to your sweet Copper. It’s hard to think about them without the sting of tears, Shelley. Love the sacred space of your teahouse–nice interior–so warm and inviting! Fun to see the wildlife that plagues you, LOL! Happy Father’s Day to Mr.! Have a wonderful week!
This is such a lovely post, Shelley. Has it been two years already since sweet Copper passed? I never met him of course but feel like I did!
Your grass is looking super stressed, I remember that look from the 90s when I was mowing (or not mowing) commercially. You don’t dare put a heavy mower on that crunchy grass.
The Tea House is so cute, a fine place for a nap! The retaining wall already looks very nice! And, happy fathers days to the Mr, Shelley!
Have a great new week and let’s pray for rain at your place and mine!
Thank you, John. Yes, two years in August. You have been one of Copper’s greatest fans.
Yes, our lawn is so dry. We may get rain today. It’ll be very interesting to see if rain a few times in a row will even bring it back to life.

Thank you – I do love the Tea House. Thank you for the Father’s Day wishes. Ditto to you and your 95 year old Dad!
We hope you have a great week too and yes, I’m praying for rain for all of us needing it so desperately!

You are welcome! If I ever drive through your state I’ll let you know. Maybe stop by with a pizza!

Enjoy reading and looking at your happy place filed with spiritual nature.
Hi Perpetua, thank you for stopping by! I enjoyed reading your fragments post – the Kintsugi is enchanting!
Good for you having a personal place for solitude. Yep – drought this time of year is unusual – then again, we live in crazy times. Pets are quite special. No wonder we hurt so much when losing them. Then again, the memories are so special that they keep the pet alive in our mind. Happy Father’s Day to your hubby and have a good week!
Thank you, Frank. The only thing that might make my solitude place more enjoyable is if there was a beach to walk on! Yes, we are living in crazy times!
Yes, our furry friends sure touch our lives forever.
Thank you, I hope your Father’s Day was special and that you have a great week!!
Thanks for sharing your special place with us Shelley. Despite the drought it still looks lovely. And the critters are only trying to survive despite their destruction of your hard work!! Here in the south we’ve been deluged of late with way more rain that we’re used to. Somehow it’s feast or famine isn’t it!! Hope you get some refreshing rains soon – preferably take some of ours!!
Thanks for checking out my special place, Tina. Since we don’t travel much, it is nice to have a place to escape to right in our backyard.
PS – I enjoyed the photos you shared for today’s prompt – you’ve been to so many cool places, I love that I can take virtual travels with you!
Yes, I keep reminding myself that the critters have to eat too. It’s been a famine type summer here. We did get some rain, thankfully, it was a soaking type of rain, not a thunderstorm. It’s a deal – If you can send us some of yours, I’ll send you some sunshine!
Quoique que nous essayions en vain de faire pour la dompter, la nature reprend toujours ses droits.
Thank you, Anne, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.
You’re so right, nature sure does!
Thanks for the update Shelley. I miss Copper too
Thanks, Brian – just so you know, when I was scrolling through the photos of Copper, I found a few of them that I remember you commenting on and I smiled.

We have coyotes, so rabbits are not really a problem. I have teahouse envy! Though I imagine it IS hard to be there without your little Copper. Yesterday I put up my old blue tent in the backyard, trying to get new puppy used to the tent, thought maybe because it has more windows than my new tent she’d like it better. She didn’t. But I slept out there, and missed my Katie-girl so much. I cried when I woke up out there this morning and she wasn’t there. It’s sure hard isn’t it.
We think we have coyotes around too. Haven’t seen them though and the fenced in yard seems to be the ‘safe’ haven for the rabbits.

I was thinking that year 2 without Copper would be easier. It is in a way, and not in other ways.
I’ve considered the idea of bringing our cats out to the tea house. I’m not ready to be clawed though.
Aw…hopefully Penny will get excited about the tent. Did Katie love it right away?
Yes, I agree, those moments of overwhelming sadness of missing our dogs are so hard
Yes it’s hard. Even with the new puppy, I still miss my girl. Cats might help…but not the same.
I couldn’t imagine you not missing Katie. Penny is such a sweetie. I wonder if she was just like Katie would it seem weird?

It has taken our cats a long time to get over missing their annoying brother Copper. They are more affectionate now and want to be with us more. He was definitely the star of the house and got the most attention. It takes us all time to get over saying goodbye to a furry friend.
My front yard is starting to resemble a Brillo pad or maybe one of those Copper Brillo pads and that Copper Brillo pad will make me think of Copper. Oh wait … I thought of that little munchkin when I saw his pictures in this today’s post. I know two years ago must seem like forever ago, but I am sure if you close your eyes, you can hear that those toenails clicking on the floor and feel his head resting on your leg. I’m sorry our pets have to grow old Shelley … he will always be in your heart and mine as well.
Yes, that’s what our yard looks like too. Even more so this morning as we’re getting another rain storm. We were doing a happy dance together in the kitchen when it started to rain yesterday afternoon. It’ll take a lot more rain to turn the grass green again.

Aw, yes…I can hear Copper many times and especially miss his little paw on my leg when I sit out in the tea house. Our niece’s family chose to have their 17 year old little dog put to sleep this week. It’s been a sad week remembering how hard that choice is and how much we miss their presence in our lives.
Copper will always be in my heart and I’m so touched he’ll be in yours too!
Two weeks ago, two friends I’ve known for decades lost their pets, both elderly pets, one a dog, one a cat. Both were devastated. Yes, I loved reading about Copper’s adventures and seeing him again brought a smile to my face.

I remember you saying you just can’t do another pet because it is so hard to say goodbye when they’re old. I’m definitely at that point, I still can’t imagine myself having another dog. Copper filled my heart so much I guess.
Our cats aren’t the same, but they are becoming quite the characters and very affectionate too. I may need to share more about them
I actually was mad at my neighbor Marge because after Sugar died, she convinced me to get another canary and I did not want to do that. She persisted as my mom had passed away earlier in the year, it was two weeks before Christmas and because I was laid off … she said I needed “a little being to take care of” then I had to have Buddy euthanized, also in December, after he had a stroke, just four years later. I was upset and mad at her and said “never again” and have stuck to my word. Yes, dogs are more loving where cats can be aloof sometimes, but still good fur kids to spoil and love.
I admire you for sticking to your wishes. All the little birds and squirrels you spoil at the parks get your attention instead, that’s a good compromise. And now you’ve got Cardinals and Chickadees coming to the feeder near your house.

Yes, indeed!
They can be my “house pets” … my budget gets a big dent from “house pets” and “Park pets” … but whatever brings you joy, right?

The wall is looking good. It was good to see Copper again. I miss seeing him, and I miss my buddy. We’re not in a drought situation, but we haven’t had enough rain. I know that brown crunchy state, but we don’t usually see it until late July. I hope Mr. keeps making good progress, and that you guys get some rain soon.
Thanks, Dan. Mr. said to me, “You didn’t think we’d ever get this far did you?”

Your wishes for us for rain worked for 24 hours. I’m not sure how much we actually got, but it did rain. We’ll have to wait another week before any more signs of it.
I hope you had a great Father’s Day – I enjoyed seeing your walk photos!!
oh those bunnies. I have had to pray for forgiveness. My words uncharacteristic of my personality, but they chew on the irrigation. Cooper was a God send I am sure. Not sure how to get rid of them, and I don’t want to kill them.
I love that your tea house is a spiritual place where you connect with you. That retaining wall is coming along nicely. I have done that before, no easy feat, but it will look nice when it is done. Have a nice week Shelley.
LOL – I can relate, I’m hoping the neighbors don’t turn me in for yelling so much! LOL. Yes, he will always hold a special place in my heart.
I just went out to the tea house with a cup of coffee to start my day in good spirits. It’s nice to see the plants wake up to the morning sunrise and hear the birds singing. Now we’re off to take our daily 2 mile walk.
I LOVE your take on this prompt. I had a hunch that you’d share photos from that time in your life. They are absolutely stunning! https://windkisses.com/2023/06/18/lens-artists-challenge-254-spiritual-sites/
And I spent my morning in the garden hoping I can keep things alive a bit longer. Our heat just arrived this week. Oh well, it has been a fabulous winter, spring.
I spent 5 minutes this morning watching the tiny scoundrel hop between my flower beds, sit up and turn toward the window where I was watching from, and I swear it winked and then reached for my flowers just to tease me enough to bang on the window. UGH.
I hope your flowers survive the heat!!!
hahaha of course it did. “My” squirrel sits on the edge of the pool like it belongs to him, and he awaits a cocktail. Same…he isn’t even afraid anymore.
I found your comment in my Trash folder…WTH Word Press!!? Oh, my, I can imagine your squirrel doing that. The one we had visiting for most of the winter acted like that too. Scoundrels are persistent and relentless.
I think I should check my spam more often too. I have heard people have had hang ups with WP. No worries, Shelley. Have a nice weekend. Can’t believe July is around the corner.
I forget to check my spam often. I think WP and hang ups go hand in hand. I hope you had a great weekend too – I agree, it’s hard to believe July is almost here!
My favorite wild birds are, of course, crows. I was looking up through the skylights in the living room one morning and saw half a dozen of them looking down through them. I don’t know why, they love our roof.
Hi John! I remember that you like the crows. I think of that every time I see them in our yard. One of them landed on my bird bath that I forgot to turn so the top wouldn’t fall off and as the crow took off it pushed extra hard and the top fell off and cracked it. I bet the loud crash scared the bird for a bit. But it hasn’t stopped them this year, with the draught, they’re mighty thirsty and thankful the cracked dish was only slightly damaged. Oddly, finding a replacement is nearly impossible this year. Not sure why there’s a shortage, but there is!
I like your Happy Place pillow. It seems like something we all should carry around with us, thus making everywhere our happy place, dagnabbit.
I like that idea so I took a picture of it on my phone so I can pull it up and remind myself happiness is everywhere if I look hard enough!

I enjoyed your variety this week for the theme.
Thank you, Kirstin! I enjoyed reading about your busy week that had variety as well. My weeks are more mundane than that being that a lot of my time is spent in my office where I work from home FT too!