First thing to occur every morning in my house is a pressing sense of needing to stream something very important.
Pee. We’ll maybe that’s just me and my aging bladder?
Nah, I’m not alone, my elderly, partially demented, hard of hearing dog has to do that too. We makeup the morning stream team. Kick-started by another member of the family who happens to be hungry.
According to Dessy, our fat cat, the first thing to do is to wake both hoomans and the dog from their slumber before they are ready to wake up. And before they realize the urgent need to do that very important thing I mentioned at first.

In the dark, somehow Dessy can see when our eyes open up to peek at the clock.

Then she pounces on our bed, meows, pokes and prods, to get someone to move. She keeps that up until one hooman goes vertical and strolls across the room toward the kitchen.
After Dessy, and her two get the hoomans up cohorts, are all sufficiently fed, then I get onto the important stuff. Like mixing up a perfect cup of fat-burning morning coffee. It wakes up my sleepy thoughts to do a different kind of streaming, thanks our SoCS friend, Linda!
In addition to the spices listed below, I add a shake or two of salt, two scoops of potassium chloride, a scoop and 1/2 of collagen, and a tsp of coconut oil.

Then I stir.

Then drink it as I see what you’ve all been up to since the last time I sauntered to my desk to check out what’s happening around the blogosphere.
Cheers to you and to the Packers!!!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday and #JusJoJan – First Thing

PS – What do you put in your coffee? If you have pets, do you let them wake you up?
The ayurvedic plus coffee sounds interesting and yummy. I may have to try that!
I have never heard of putting things like that in coffee but I’d give it a go. I usually just use Truvia, that’s all! Dessy is a beautiful cat!
I had never heard of putting those spices in coffee either. It’s been fun to experiment with them. Thank you – Dessy loves to pose for the camera!
I drink strong filter coffee, with milk but no sugar in the morning. But what you put sounds interesting. I will try it.
Cheers – enjoy!
I notice Dessy and your beautiful countertops match. I can commiserate as Katie’s first job very early in the dark morning is to get her mom up and go outside and stream. Then she gets a treat which might actually be the real motivation. Then we try to go back to bed which only works for approximately 20 minutes on average, then she gets her mama up again to get her breakfast. And then, once mama is sufficiently awake Katie goes back to sleep till lunchtime. Duty done.
LOL – Dessy does think she’s camoflaged when she’s on the counters. Katie, Copper, and Dessy would get along well. They have the drill down to precision! I like how you try to go back to sleep – that rarely works for me.
Doesn’t work here either.
Wow, I feel so inadequate – I just put milk in my coffee.
Cheers! Heavy cream is good in coffee
My first and smartest cat, Ayesha, would simply touch her cold nose to my closed eyelid for a second, and I woke to her nice face staring happily at me. I recommend it to all cats who can make a quick getaway, so your puzzled hooman will never be sure what happened.
Ippy, my second and most delightful cat, was not erudite enough for subtlety and would simply snuggle in and meow softly.
My 3rd, Angel (not named by me), had been badly neglected before me, and was so grateful she wouldn’t have dreamed of waking me up. She was my last and most loving, heartbreaking cat, and would always divide her food in half, however small the amount, so as to never run out, I realized.
Aw, it’s neat to read about your three different cats and how they woke you up. You’re a true cat lover, Ellen, they all were lucky to have you in their lives. I have a feeling that Dessy would be even more spoiled if she lived with you.
PS – great to hear from you – I’ve been thinking about you a lot! xx
Is there actualy any coffee in your coffee?
I drink my coffee (decaf, by the way, to keep the blood pressure down) black, no sugar. I used to use both milk and sugar, then dropped the sugar, and gradually phased out the milk. And no, Molly doesn’t wake me, because Mary’s usually up before she is (and definitely up before me).
LOL – actually, you’re on to me. I only drink 1/2 cup of coffee mixed with water then add all the other stuff. So it’s not just a cup of coffee.
It’s good you dropped the sugar. I bet Mary would say you’re sweet enough as it is. Molly knows who feeds her. Cats have intuition when it comes to that.
I like black coffee, although the spices you list are good ones that I put in other foods. Not for their health benefits but for they yummy benefits. Our cats always got me up in the morning. I don’t know how I could have stopped them.
Cheers to a spicey life :-)! I do believe you’re on to something – cats have a way of making their presence known and their food bowls full.
I drink mine pretty straightforward… a little milk and Stevia. Sadly, no critters to get us up in the morning.
As long as you enjoy your cup of coffee, how ever you mix it, it’s a delightful way to start the day. Sadly, we’ve mentioned a few times over the years (since our offspring left them for us to care for) that we might enjoy a morning without them waking us up!
Oh yeah, your Packers look great! I’ll be rooting on Rodgers and his guys. Drinking a nice cup of coffee right now, my favorite way to start the day. That and a nice blog post, like yours!
Well, I’m so slow in responding, I’m here to say, your support and my support of the good ol’ Packers wasn’t enough AGAIN! Sigh.
Cheers to you and your blog too – it’s a wonderful way to start off a day of blog reading!
Oh, I know–my Browns, your Packers, the Bills, from my family’s neck of the woods. I’m going to have to pick a favorite to enjoy the Superbowl, but that just might be the commercials! Or I’ll stick to blog-reading!
It was a disappointing game to watch since I really didn’t have a team to root for – I gave up watching partway through the half-time display of strangeness (IMHO).
You tweaked your blog and photo behind your profile pic – nice! I drank black coffee when I worked and we made it in a coffeemaker, but I drink instant now with one spoon of powdered cream and one spoon of flavored cream and that’s twice a day and really the only sweet thing I have in my day. I used to put a little syrup in my oatmeal but eliminated that about four years ago.
Thanks for noticing. I was just playing around with settings and decided to change a couple small things.
Cheers to a cup of coffee that warms your day!