Well, well, well…if that darn two-day stint with rain storms here in our little corner of the world hasn’t helped green up things nicely.
I couldn’t paint a better picture of it if I tried. I don’t paint, though, so…um…well, you know what I mean.
The catalpa tree is still not budding, though. As one in the know knows and concurs with the wise old farmers, our local weatherman said last night that we should wait a bit longer to plant annuals. We could get frost still.
I don’t want to think about that. I’m so overdone with winter. My little marigolds would never survive that kind of chill either. They can’t even stand the wind of the furnace blowing in their direction.
I shall remain focused on the greener side of life.
It’s not that the grass is greener on the other side, it’s that you can never be on both sides of the lawn at the same time. – Laura Fraser
I can go outside again, I’m no longer stuck taking photos from the windows! I’m a giddy little ol’ gal with a camera who takes aim at finding joy in getting down level with the green.
Down that low, I can imagine Copper is struggling to see through the long grass. No wonder he seems to get lost following his nose. I think he just likes being outside too.
It’s a cry different scene for him when he saw the yard just as an easy access poop zone that he used during the winter months. Poor thing…but, he seems to forget easier than I do.
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side! – Ricky Gervais
The grass seed Mr. tossed on the overused area is not taking off yet. Sigh. But that means less to mow, right?
Even if you think the grass is greener on the other side, you’re going to have to mow that side too. – Joyce Meyer
As I was crawling along at ground level trying to get a fun shot of the grass, Mr. opened up the patio door, leaned out and asked me what I was doing.
“Oh, you know me, just playing…trying to get a fun shot of the grass.”
He chuckles at me and my haphazard attempts. I don’t blame him, I did look pretty silly, I guess. I’ve never watched myself in action. I was too absorbed at the moment to care.
Mr. looks out at my glorious green photo topic of the day, and sighs, “Guess I better get the mower ready. I know what I’ll be doing this weekend.”
And, I smile as I take one last click and get the shot at the top – I don’t disagree with Mr.- he’s right, the lawn does need mowing. And so we shall switch gears now that spring is here!
Post Inspiration – Perspective
PS – How about you, are you tickled green that the grass will need cutting soon? Maybe today I’ll see dandelions! Do you like to play around and take photos of grass too? What is your favorite quote for ‘the grass is always greener’ thinking? Don’t hold back…I adore hearing your thoughts!
Oh my ,,,’get frost still’ … you are really going to enjoy your 61 days of Summer if they show up! g
LOL – yeah, it’ll be about that many days! There will be 7 days of unbearable heat too, but I’m not complaining yet!
I love seeing green in the spring. We’re way ahead of you here, so the annuals are out and the grass has been mowed. It’s all good.
Yes, those things will come soon. I’m glad I’ve waited for the annuals, we had slight frost last night. I’m jealous that you’ve done all that already. Wait…no rubber trees?!
Green means renewal. We do not have a traditional lawn. We are on the edge of forest, so our environment is fairly wild. The tree canopy has closed in completely. Lovely shots of the grass and great take on perspective.
Yes, it does. Oh, that sounds quite mysterious to me. Thank you for your kudos on the pictures and the perspectives!
That beautiful spring green of budding trees is my favorite! We’re seeing baby leaves (and some adolescents) everywhere. And the lawn’s been mowed twice – both times on a rare dry day. A few dandelions but not many so far. Definitely too cold for annuals here yet unless I want to replant. Daffodils are great right now!
Yes, I love the budding trees this year. I don’t know if it is just me, but the buds are the same colors as the trees turn in the fall, once they open up they are mostly green, but the buds are reds, yellows, browns and greens right now. I wish I had Daffodils – they are such a happy flower in the spring!
I mowed last week for the first time and my daughter mowed here in Germany for the first time this year yesterday, now if it could warm up a bit that would be great
Aw – that’s fun you’re in Germany for Mother’s Day!! Enjoy – hope it warms up soon, too!
Thank you and same to you
It’s wonderful to finally see green – especially up close. I’ve seen one dandelion on my walks around the block. Let’s hope the frost season is over soon!
Yes, it is! I’m seeing the dandelions popping up today – I may need to get down close to see one to make sure! I sure hope frost is over too.
I love your musing on perspective–lots to learn there as writers, too. Thanks!
Aw, thank you, Rebecca
Your thoughts on writing always brighten my day!
Isn’t it amazing how one day you have snow and the next you have to mow the yard? I wish my flowers grew like the grass & weeds. Kudos to you for crawling around the yard! You got a bug’s-eye perspective! LOL!
In part of our state there was snow – I’m so glad we didn’t wake up to it. It is amazing how the switch just gets turned to spring and back to winter so easily. Glad you enjoyed the bug’s-eye perspective.
You guys have winter a lot longer than we do! I’ve never been a fan of winter, although Hubs is. Yes, I did enjoy your bugs-eye view! Pretty cool!
This year seems longer than most winters! We even had frost last night. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, glad you enjoyed the view.
Frost as yet, wow. No grass grows on my property Shelley, it’s all Desert Scape. I knew that winter poop spot was gonna look bad come spring but what’s a little dog to so? I wonder if the birds have eaten the seed your husband put down? They eat grass seed too.
Yes, the latest we’ve seen frost was June 17 one year. It was a shocker and we lost a lot of annuals. We thought it was a long shot on getting the grass to regrow. And yes, I’ve seen quite a few little birds hanging out there. The rabbit too. We might need to put bricks down there!?
Given Copper’s use of the yard, just be careful where you kneel
These are great photos, My wife and daughter are always telling me that I need to get down lower with certain subjects.
LOL – I do try to avoid his zone, but he does have free roam of the place. Thanks – glad you enjoyed them. I’m a shoot at ground level often, it’s fun just to see what photos I get.
I think my mom used the abbreviated version: “the grass is not always greener on the other side” from the time I was young to make a point so that is the one I’d be leaning toward. You captured the sun shining through the blades of grass in your header image Shelley. We have a frost warning tonight as well and everyone was advised to put their hanging baskets and porch pots in the garage/basement and cover up their tender annuals. It may not be as bad in my part of town, but enough it enough already!
Yes, that version I’ve heard too. I love sunlight through images in the afternoon. We had frost last night. Yep. Glad I don’t have any annuals planted!
When I planted annuals, I never did it until Memorial Day weekend and if it was cold, I held off. Too much of a bother to cover them up in the ground – porch pots or hanging baskets are bad enough.
That’s my plan – I’ve even waited until the first weekend in June. I just need to find patience to wait now!
I love the greens in your photos. On Vancouver Island, plants and trees are in full bloom and people are in light summer clothes. I can’t imagine frost!!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the greens. Yes, frost, and there’s frost again this morning. Not a heavy one, though, it melts quickly and provides dew on the grass.