When humans chose to debilitate invaders to their home, it’s to protect harm from happening, and it is justified.
Yes, we’re ruthless when it comes to some insects.
Japanese Beetles are not welcome on our plants.
And wasps are not welcome in our front entrance. We only have space for the two of us to sit and enjoy the area. It’s our house, our rules, so there!
No offense to anyone who adores either one, wasp or beetle. Ewe…do tell, what is it you like about them? How have you found them beneficial?
They both have some purpose, I know, but…I haven’t found one in those locations on our property that warrant their presence allowed.
For some odd reason, wasps enjoy our front doorstep. Who knows, maybe they’re attracted to the ocean blue color of the door. Yeah, that’s it!?
They typically build in the corners of it and the nests are easy to spot early on. Removal of their nests can happen quickly so the wasps can move on and build somewhere else. We prefer that to happen versus us (Mr.) having to remove a larger nest.
Wasps build their nests out of chewed wood, and since we have cedar siding and a cedar fence in the yard, they do double the damage when they go about their business.
Their nests are fascinating to me, though. All the tiny chewed pieces of wood turn into a lovely home where they hatch more of the buggers…man, that takes a lot of work just to make one small cone. If only they’d know NOT to build where we don’t want them to. Jeez…
Neither one of us is allergic to bees, nor we don’t care to get stung, and we don’t want any visitors to be stung either, so when nests are built in our main entrance to the house, Mr. takes care of the removal.
He’s brave. Armed and ready with bug spray, a stick, and a broom. He turns into an exterminator.
We all watch as the action happens.
Yikes! This nest went under our radar for way too long. It was wrapped around the light bulb socket.
And it took multiple attempts to get it down. Thankfully, no one was stung and the wasps have moved on.
PS – Do you adore wasps? Do you enjoy Japanese Beetles? I’d love to hear more about how you’ve made them friends in your life!
I DO NOT like wasps or bees. I had an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting as a child and so I avoid them at all costs. I particularly dislike the monster red wasps we get around here. Do you get those? They nest under the roof and go between the vinyl siding and brick of the house close to the gutters. And wouldn’t you know we have a couple of loose roof shingles right where we see them go in and out!
Just looking at the photos of your wasp nests gave me the shivers! Glad nobody was stung in the eviction process!!
Oh, my, that’s terrible – you’re wise to avoid them. I’ve never seen (or at least I don’t think I’ve seen) the monster red ones! We do have our regular ones that built in our roof vent one year – right before we reshingled the roof. They are nasty when they get a big nest built! Sorry for the shivers!!
My husband says he would hate to see what kind of nest they are building under there as we see hundreds going under there daily.
YIKES…I’m with him on that. I’d probably go with a professional exterminator!
Ugh – we have a crazy yellow jacket infestation and we collect them like crazy in baited traps (we also have a rechargeable electric racket that we use to zap any that get in our house – you can always hear my kids yelling, “Mom, yellow jacket! Get the zapper!!” Good luck, they are nasty and I agree there is no place for them at my home!
Oh, my, that sounds way worse than our nest! I can imagine a zapper would be a beneficial tool. I love that your kids know when to call for it!! Thank you for stopping by to read and share your thoughts :-)!! I love the playdoh you made – pastels are in ;-)!
Thank you!!