Wow. I know it’s true. The calendar doesn’t lie, but crap…it’s the last day of August already.
August was…
Lots of coming and going out the front door of our house.
I saw lots of flowers, and birds, and my two daughters. Our oldest arrived here to visit us last night. We’ll be spending time with her today and watch her run our favorite end of summer 5-mile race. It’s the first year in 15 that I haven’t run it, but I’m okay with that. It’s fun to see her carrying on the family tradition.
All of August’s hot fresh air, foggy mornings, hot sunny days and pollen have provided opportunities to appreciate the challenges of allergy season for dogs.
I haven’t needed therapy time on a couch and I certainly didn’t sit much on the couch – except I still do want to take a nap on my new couch I bought earlier this spring.
September is a lovely month to look forward to. We’ll be celebrating 30 years of marriage, and I may do some cooking for the Mr. We’ll see if he’ll let me!?
For today, the beginning of the last day of August, I grabbed moments to enjoy the glorious sunrise – look at those colors, I wish I could paint it and keep it forever!
I heard that tonight the Northern Lights will be dancing in our view. I wonder if I’ll be able to stay awake or get up early enough to see them?!
Post Inspiration – the last day of AugustBreak2019 – August was – thank you to Susannah Conway for the inspiration and Linda G. Hills’ Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Couch
PS – Hope you have a wonderful last day of August. Do you have great plans for the weekend? Do share. Thank you for stopping by – I adore all your comments!!
Beautiful photos. The colors in the sky are amazing. Enjoy your long weekend with your family. Difficult to believe tomorrow will be September.
Thank you, Ally. It is hard to believe it’s September. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
I hope you do get to see those lights, Shelley. I am going to put some labor into this weekend, but I hope to relax a bit, too.
It was too cloudy to see the lights. I, too, am into doing some labor and for sure some relaxation.
Yes, Shelley, hard to believe last day of August. Have fun watching your daughter’s race. I look forward to hearing more about your 30th Anniversary. September will be a great month!
Thanks, Erica! It was a fun race – weird to not run it myself with Mr., but we enjoyed cheering her on. I agree, September is going to be a great month! I appreciate you stopping by!
Beautiful pictures of that sunrise. Thanks for sharing them with all of us. My plans are to read away the day as I wait for my car to be washed. It was either that or try and get in line before 8 am. No thanks to that!
Thank you, Jill! Oh, that sounds fun – hope it wasn’t a murder mystery in a car wash kind of book!?
Hope the car is all shiny and ready for September.
lol! it was a psychological thriller set in Pittsburgh PA
Gorgeous sunrise! And yes, August flew by here, too. But I love September – enough that it’s the month we chose to get married, too! Happy Anniversary! And enjoy your daughter!
I’ll be weeding today. It’s time to get the rain-inspired growth under control again and cut back some “past their peak” plants.
Thank you, Laurel! YAY – our anniversary is the 30th – we have the whole month to celebrate. When is yours? We had a blast with our daughter – it was fun to have her here.
I didn’t do any work (yet) this weekend. Maybe today…we’ll see. The end of the flower season is my least favorite time. I’ll need to do some of that work too, but maybe not today! I bet your garden looks great.
Ours is September 14. We got married the week of 9/11. We thought of moving the date or canceling the party, but decided life had to go on. No one who was flying to the wedding made it, but we managed to have a good gathering with friends and family who made it.
Aw, that’s wonderful that you stuck to your plans, you’re right, life goes on, and your love stands strong too! That’s heart-warming to me.
Gorgeous sunrise photographs. Yes, time is zipping by…
Soon you’ll be decorating for Christmas! Find ways to incorporate your lovely garden flowers in it for transition to winter!
I love the format of this post, a look back on the little things that make everything up. And the photos are just beautiful- that sunrise!
Thank you, I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the post.
Beautiful photos Shelley! I’ve seen the Lights just once in Michigan back in the 1990’s, was so beautiful!
Thank you, John. I think that’s when we saw them here too. I missed it when they were visible a few weeks ago. Thankfully there’s a local photographer that caught it all and condensed it into a video to watch. I was sleeping anyhow – some day I’ll catch a view of them again. It was too cloudy on Saturday night to see them.
Always the clouds right? I hope you get to see them.
Yes, always the clouds! And I’m usually sleeping ;-)!
Beautiful photos. Lovely, lively post.
Thank you, Indira!!
Welcome, dear.
We consider holiday weekends to be “staycation” time, where we go out for coffee a couple of times and don’t cook at home (we go out to eat, pick up take out, or order a pizza), and generally blow everything off until Tuesday. Kind of like the rest of the year…
LOL – Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the holiday weekend!
wow! 30 years and you haven’t shot him yet? amazing.
LOL – only shot him in photos. He’s a keeper!
Amazing pictures of the sunrise, Shelley! Have fun with your visiting daughter. Pondering what the theme for September will be.
Thank you, Janet. We had a blast with her. I’m with you on the September theme!
For me, this date is especially poignant as it is exactly one year since we held my Mom’s celebration of life. Last day of August.
Aw, that first anniversary is an emotional one. Hugs to you – hope you found joyful memories to celebrate.
Beautiful photos. Seeing the northern lights is on my bucket list. Hope you get to see them.
Thank you, Lisa. It ended up being a cloudy night, so no viewing for me. Some day, the weather will be right, and I’ll be awake to see them, I hope you do too!
Such a beautiful sunset. I also liked your door. Do you ever post on Norm 2.0 Thursday Doors?
Thank you! I have posted on Norm’s doors before, but I forget that my own door counts too! Thank you for the comment and suggestion – sorry for the delay, your comment had gone to my spam folder for some weird reason!?
Gorgeous pictures Shelley. It always makes me sad when summer’s over.
Thank you, Joni! Me too!
Love the determination in the back view of your dog marching into the future. He (?) definitely knows where he’s going!
Yes, he’s got plans to follow his nose, that’s for darn sure!!
Lovely post with such gorgeous goodbye photos to August! Enjoy your daughter’s visit – those times are so special
Thank you! It was a nice way to say goodbye to August. Lots of hugs from my daughter made it extra special!
Those views are stunning. And August and the previous seven months of the year shot by in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the daughters.
Thank you, Drew! I agree. And I’m guessing you’re feeling like your 3 month trip is flying by fast too. I hope the hurricane didn’t affect your trip!!
Not at all. The hurricane was headed this way but it veered off to the Bahamas.
Glad you were safe!!!!
Oh, I do hope you can capture the Northern Lights! And happy almost 30 years–that’s wonderful!
Thank you, Rebecca. It ended up being too cloudy to see them, so maybe next time. Yes, 30 years the end of this month. Where did that time go?!!