Why in the world would there be boxes everywhere? Oh, yes, because it’s the 3rd time we’re (I’m) preparing for a thrift sale this year. That’s a LOT of thrift sale time, aka, staycation time. You’d think I would’ve used the previous two + years of a forced staycation to get that kind of clutter-removing stuff done.
But nope, it didn’t happen. I refused to let that be a legit excuse to deal with boxes neatly stored away.
Now I’m motivated by WHY I need to get this done. Before, it was just an idea.
“Just think of all the $ we’ll make, we’ll be able to go again to some beach someday, right?”

A girl can dream.
As I was startled out of my deep sleep last night hearing someone (un-named, aka, Mr.) tripping over the boxes in the dark, I realized, it was time to clear the path of the boxes.
TODAY. Not tomorrow, but TODAY.

Me, as I turned on the lights, “Are you okay?”
Mr.: “Yes…have I told you before how much I hate thrift sales and all the crap sitting around? Those boxes are a tripping hazard!”
Me: “Yes, dear, I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
So here we are at tomorrow.
“The WHY provides the context for everything else. . . Starting with WHY is what inspires others to act.”
Simon Sinek
As I sit drinking my cup of coffee, writing a blog post to you my adoring fans, I’m filled with a new determination.
I must prevent falls. Why, didn’t I think of that before?!
I dreamt the rest of the night about the Power Puff Girl superpowers I was going to have when I got up. In addition to all the other boxes of stuff I’ve priced, I envisioned myself clearing every nook and cranny, every box, every toilet paper roll, every beer cap, every wine cork…they’ll be priced to sell. There’s a theme there if you didn’t catch my drift. I’m a crafter by heart and not by trade. Crafting is a legit reason to drink, too. Anyhoo. Either a Crafter or Wannabe Crafter will buy the stuff or our recycling bin will be overflowing the week after the sale.

Mr. and I are not getting any younger, and all the individual items that used to be in those strewn-about-teetering-tottering boxes, previously stored safely away for a decade +, aren’t either.

I’m kind of done deciding if the items are finally back in style at Vintage Stores.

After scouring the local What’s For Sale ads on Facebook, I’d say, probably. Other people are selling the same things. Imagine that?!
Okay, maybe not this…

But, if I want any vintage store owner to come to our sale to buy the items I have, they have to be priced LOW, not at the “Mr. and I are going to take a tropical vacation on the profits from this sale!” kind of price.
Anything that we sell that we didn’t originally buy ourselves is 100% profit!

Why am I so slow to decide on prices? Because I’m slow to get rid of things that could be are sentimental. It’s my Dubious MinimalistTM heart. It’s a curse I was born with and it beats so hard when I think of all the memories associated with revisiting the boxes. You know the sore foot kind of memories – all the tripping hazard kid toys scattered around the house used to create.

The most recent boxes of items have made the rounds back and forth in our house to the garage, for, um…let’s not count the years.
Hanging onto our girls’ toys they adored when they were young turned out to be a not-so-good idea. At least the mouse enjoyed the vacation house it had made.

I sent my daughter a Snap, and she replied, “Oh, NO, Bubbles.” I sighed to myself, so that’s what her name was. No more superpowers for her – or the mouse.
Why am I trying to research the internet to make $ on the free toys that came in McDonald’s Happy Meals in the late 1990s and early 2000s? Or the toys that we bought them or they received as gifts over the years? Or someone else’s stuff that we inherited?

WHY? I dunno. I do know that I need to figure out how to get rid of them if they don’t sell. That is a sticky point. Hmm.
Let’s count the number of times I tried to part with these precious boxes of stuff I clearly don’t want but didn’t want to just give away. It’s less than 12, and divisible by a 3—four score, whatever.

It’s too many times. And enough is enough. I’ve decided to revisit the advice in one of my favorite books “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek.
“Once buyers get used to paying a lower-than-average price for a product or service, it is very hard to get them to pay more. . .I cannot debate that dropping the price is not a perfectly legitimate way of driving business; the challenge is staying profitable. . .
Price always cost something. The question is, how much are you willing to pay for the money you make?”
Simon Sinek
Why will the items not return to our house this time? Because I’ve finally decided it’s okay to part with them and the tripping hazards the boxes can cause.

And here I thought all these years that it was my Dubious MinimalistTM tendencies that kept me partially motivated to consider parting ways. All I needed to do is remember a fall as we age is NOT a good thing. Google or DuckDuckGo it…you’ll agree, a clutter-free house is a safer house! Since Mr. and I aren’t quite 65 yet, we’ve got to get our you-know-whats in gear and clear the paths!

So, for our staycation entertainment this Labor Day weekend, we’re off to move boxes! LOL And, in case you’re wondering, no humans were hurt in falls (so far)!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hills Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “start with why.” Begin your post with the word “why.” Have fun! And…back by popular memories, I’m joining Terri and friends over at Sunday Stills. This week’s theme is Vacation/Staycation.
PS – Happy Labor Day weekend to you and yours. May you find clear paths to your entertainment! What’s new with you this week? What kid toy did you step on that you’ll never forget? Have you vacationed recently? Where did you go and how did it feel to travel again?
That’s a big task! I have sentimental stuff too, two houses of it. Overwhelming at the least.
It is, and I guess I’m finally getting fed up enough with the stuff that I better act while I’m in the mood

Those McDonalds toys are a pretty hot item. You might get more money for them if you sell them on eBay. Same with the PowerPuff dolls.
Hmm…really, they’re back to being popular? We didn’t sell a single one last sale, so we’re going to advertise this time. My daughters loved all those silly little toys. I guess maybe mom’s who are their age might be looking for them for their kids. That’s how boxes of stuff get stored.

Oh my, this could have been my post (except for the part about actually doing something to address the “stuff” problem). We’ve made progress but it’s hard to get rid of sentimental objects or items that “should” have value (like vintage dishware). Hubby would just as soon dump it in the trash. I’m hung up on getting it to someone who will appreciate it. Loved, loved how you described yourself as “a crafter by heart and not by trade.” I have so many projects that never came to be.
Aw, I feel your sentimental pain. Dishware must’ve been something so special to our parents? My mom collected a lot of it. And so did her mom. So when I see a pretty dish, I just can’t part with it. Yet, I hate dusting them too.

My MIL has been the catalyst for this year’s purging of stuff. Thankfully, she’s doing it so we don’t have to someday and it’s been an experience to remember.
It’s quite amazing that after I cleared out 9 boxes of stuff (priced to sell) – Mr. repurposed the space with more stuff. ALREADY! LOL.
Yesterday’s adventure was sorting and pricing jewelry. My mom loved costume jewelry. Mr. said to me, “Is it worth all that work for a quarter?” Sigh. I kept thinking, “Well, if I merchandise it right, someone will buy it.” The what if they don’t buy the stuff feeling is winning over the sentimental feeling this weekend.
Thanks – My crafting heart is struggling. I had fabric, bottle caps, wine corks, fabric scraps (all those old jeans, flannel, etc., that I’m going to make something with) to part with. I found cross-stitch kits started but not finished. I need to part with the ones that are still brandnew!
Then I decided we’re going to convert the room where I stored all the stuff into an official guest room. So a bed frame we had in the sale, we brought back to remodel it. How did I pull off adding another project amidst all the others? I must be crazy!
Wow Shelley, I’m with your Mr. That clutter would make me angry as I love minimalism. I hope you get top dollar for everything. Happy Labor Day guys!
I’m starting to love minimalism more and more. But, it’s definitely a work in progress. You would have a panic attack if you saw all the items we need to organize now that we have some extra space.
We’re looking for gone instead of getting rich on this round of parting of ways with stuff!
I hope you had a great weekend. I can’t believe it’s Tuesday already!!
Yeah, Tuesday already. Time needs to slow way down!
I think that if you guys walked through my house and saw what I have in each room including the garage, you would like the lack of clutter.
My last two (wow) exes were not minimalists which I didn’t see obviously before putting that ring on.
Living by yourself can be a bit lonely, but it’s great to come home to my place just as I left it. It’s been six years since the last split and I have not dated!

Yes, time is flying!!
Oh, my, yes, I’m sure we’d be impressed with your minimalism and your comfort with loving/living in a home you enjoy being in. You’re wise to be happy alone and content with the life you have.
We’ve tossed around the idea of getting rid of everything and buying an RV. That would be a major down-sizing accomplishment!!
Getting rid of stuff we don’t need (or don’t even know we have!) is a great incentive for helping fund a vacation, Shelley! Oh my, you have a lot of boxes. When we moved from Sacramento to Spokane we had to get rid of a LOT. Sadly hubby was working so hard on getting work done to ready the house for sale, that he didn’t have time to go through his years of stuff so it came along with us. Sigh. I’ve learned from my children that they do. not. want. our. stuff … as sentimental as it was (operative word). I would hate to leave that sad legacy for my daughters and step kids when I pass away to have them go through old boxes and exclaim “what were they thinking?” Best get to it my friend. Good luck!! Great twist on the Sunday Stills theme, too
Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. I bet a move would make it easier to get rid of stuff. We’ve been in one spot for over 30 years. We had to move all of my mom’s stuff to our house to sort because we needed to sell her house. Her death and all her stuff to sort through while working full-time, raising teenage girls, etc., put a ‘let’s store it for later’ theme to our lives.
My oldest was here though, and she begrudgingly took 4 boxes of her college papers with her to her home to sort. YAY, a win for space!
I adore your line “I’ve learned from my children that they do. not. want. our. stuff … as sentimental as it was (operative word).” That’s exactly what our kids say too. They’ve tried to stay clear of the house while we’re prepping as they don’t want to have to take anything home. But, they’ll go to a thrift store to buy stuff.
Thanks again for the welcome back to the Sunday Stills!
Oh I have to laugh that your daughter took 4 boxes of college papers home finally. Been there done that, Shelley! Nothing’s official yet, but we may have to move my dad and step-mom in with us for awhile. She is a hoarder with a capital H. errgg! Best wishes on clearing out stuff. Constant battle, my friend
LOL – the transfer of boxes to offspring happens. My mom did it to me too. And then she returned the favor when I cleaned out her papers. Several boxes/bags of papers her mom had saved from the 1920s. SIGH!
Oh, my, I hope your stepmom doesn’t bring all her stuff with her! It’s a challenge just to have longer-term temporary guests. I’ve been there too. Thankfully, the stories and the memories are noteworthy and teach us valuable lessons.
Thank you for the clutter-clearing encouragement, I SO appreciate it!!!
We all need that encouragement, Shelley!
Yes, we do!!

Go for it. It is hard for me to have a garage sale living where I do. Most people think that it is too far out of town as it is anyway. I always get “Oh you live WAY OUT THERE!” which in reality is a half hour drive from town.
I have had my girls clean out a lot of their stuff but will have to get them to do another sort and tell them I am not storing any more. (good luck with that)
It is worrying to think of what that toy was made of that probably killed the mouse lol
Good luck and I can’t wait for the next “We made sooooo much money that we splashed out on a sandwich and coffee (shared) at the local cafe
Oh, man, you’d love our shoppers then. They drive for miles for deals and for vineyards.
I was able to help load 4 boxes of my oldest stuff into her car this weekend. Next time she comes, she’ll take more, I hope. It is a challenge to get them to take stuff, “I don’t have room in our apartment storage. We’re going to remodel that area and can’t have boxes.” Sigh. If you find a good trick, let me know!
LOL – we will definitely gloat about what we ended up making. A trip to a favorite cafe sounds about right. The space we have is priceless so far! And, I added another project to the honey-do list as I cleared boxes (aka, messed up another space by sorting).
PS – I forgot, yet again, to join your Last Photo on the Card for 8/31/22! One of these months I’ll remember.
Thanks Shelley. I am glad you are able to move stuff on.

You can post your last photo for August anytime, there’s no time limit
Yay – thank you! Really…no time limit? Does that slow your blog down? I have my comments shut off after 30 days. That was because I merged two blog URLs so it helped somehow?!
Slow it down? I wouldn’t know if it does or not. I guess closing comments would stop spammmers but people could still see the post and link?
I don’t know for sure, I just remember it worked best for me when I merged the two blogs together into one. You can still see old posts and like them, but no one can comment on them. I’m not positive about the linking to old posts or not, I think you still can, I’ve done so.
I went into the settings and closed comments to stop spam I hope
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
You have that much stuff and this is your third sale? Girl!
As far as getting rid of the boxes, I will quote Yoda: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Only why.
As my friend is having issues with mice in her basement, I laughed over the photo of Bubbles unstuffed. That’s exactly the kind of home mice prefer…nice and soft!
Oh, Mary, it’s a sad state of stuff! LOL. I love that Yoda quote. I’m going to use it as my mantra this week.
Mice in the basement…grr. Tell your friend there’s a thrift sale coming up with lots of little stuffed animals to use as traps?!
Ha! I think her mice count is up to 20, so she would be happy if the rest of the family would go elsewhere. She had to use traps as there have been way too many. One even got in her car. Ewww…
Wow, that’s an impressive number of catches!! They multiply so fast. I had a mouse in my car when we first moved into our home (30+ years ago). The field mice we’re sitting out in the field, looking at the constructions and dreaming of their vacation spots. Then our outside cat, Alex, was a superb hunter and controlled the critter population. We miss his skills! Good luck to your friend. I can feel her pain!
I’m with you about boxes of sentiment stuff that I/we inherited and don’t know what to do with. And then there are the empty boxes we toss into the basement in case we need them. I wish we lived close by so we could hold each other’s hand as we sort through the stuff.
My inspiring quote about this sort of situation is: “Life is too short to be the caretaker of the wrong details.” ~ Alesandra Stoddard
The inherited items are challenging to say the least. And, yes, a whole wall of storage boxes will come in handy. Unfortunately, they did when our kids moved to apartments, back home, back to apartments, to new apartments, to college, back home, back to apartments. Sigh…and now they don’t want them. Huh? What? You don’t need the boxes!
I don’t know what is worse, inheriting stuff that someone treasured and now you own it by chance or being asked, “Is there anything you want of mine after I’m gone?” and you say, Um…I don’t need anything right now.” I wish you lived closer by too!
I love that quote! I have her book “Creating a Beautiful Home” and have kept many sentimental items thinking she’d be proud of me.

I’ve been trying to get the motivation to do the same thing Shelley. You’re doing a much better job than I am! Those dishes are beautiful, btw. My experience:
Set a date and then you have no choice – either stuff gets dealt with or you have to wait until another opportunity. Trust me, I’m not perfect and still have much work to do.
Thanks on the dishes…you can see why I’ve kept them wrapped up in storage boxes so I knew they were safe somewhere?! LOL!
Oh no…the link didn’t work? Can you send it to me again?
I wish I could trick myself with setting a date. But who am I kidding? lol I can completely understand why you’d keep those dishes! I’m sure I did the link wrong. It’s a meme about being haggled at a garage sale. The link to the post is https://sprawly.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/garage-sale/
Maybe that’ll work. Happy selling!
I wish I could live up to the “I’m never having another thrift sale again” thoughts. After this one, it better be the last one.

Yes, the link worked, I loved your post – nailed the whole thing! I chuckled as I read it. On top of prepping, we (I) decided to upcycle some of the items we’ve been trying to sell and repurpose (aka, revive) them to use in the room we’re trying to clean out. I found boxes from 2016 & 2017 that I had sorted before multiple times. I sure hope they sell this time.
I’m not convinced I’m living up to it. Glad you liked the post. Upcycling some items for re-use is a great compromise! They get revived and you get a little more use out of them!
I definitely enjoyed the post. My upcycle also involved some shopping for the new bedding. I’m making the room/bed look so inviting my kids can’t resist visiting and staying for more than a couple of hours.
I am impressed
Thank you, Chris – I think the deadline closing in on me is motivational.

I feel sooooo much better about my cluttered house when I see your boxes, boxes and more boxes Shelley. You are amazing to tackle this daunting task but Mr. will be happy and no more stubbing his toe or trip and falls. No posts entitled “Things that Go Bump in the Night” either! All I can say is that daily I marvel at how two other people and a bird lived here and things were neat as a pin. I am missing the cooking/baking and housekeeping gene.
YAY! I’m glad to make you feel better. I’m to the point of frustration so it’s making it easier to want to get this done.

Mr. and I will both be happy to have the boxes gone.
Perhaps when you’re retired, those sleeping genes may wake up.
Yes, I think of things to do when I’m retired in conjunction with restoring some orderliness in the house … it is easier when you have more time and don’t have to waste precious “down time” organizing (and in both our cases RE-organizing) boxes. We need to buy ourselves something special when all clutter is clear and the white glove test comes back spotless.
I often think of how I ended up with my mom’s stuff that she was going to deal with when she retired. LOL! I’m doomed…
But, I’m having fun dreaming of the room all organized and rid of the clutter. It’s motivating to get rid of the stuff now that I have a plan. Except my helper is feeling under the weather so that has put a slower pace to the completion of the project.
Yes, that’s how I feel about decluttering my mess, but my mess is compounded by the fact that I brought in a lot of groceries for Winter only I have run out of shelf space in the downstairs pantry and had to get some shelves for upstairs – 10 shelving units (stackable) which does not look great, but I will deal with that tomorrow since it will rain … but it gets discouraging sometimes. I’m sorry you lost your helper. So you had the day off of organizating then?
Prepping for winter takes priority over decluttering!
Mr. has some kind of bug, so I’ve been just sorting my mom’s jewelry quietly so as to not disturb his resting. So, no, I’m not done organizing, I’ll be back at it again today.
Sometimes it is good to have a day that you get things done, but don’t over-exert yourself. I can remember working on weekends doing the late Summer cleaning (we switched Spring cleaning to early Fall as there was so much to do in April and May) or landscaping projects that I was glad to get back to work and just sit down.
Yes, indeed. I focused on the tasks of pricing for the thrift sale…it was a lot of sitting, now I need to move on to the painting project. And more organizing. My home-work is never done!
I hope you have a great week – don’t work too hard!!!
I did not organize yesterday as I planned. I looked at it and threw my hands in the air and said “next week” using my best Scarlett O’Hara eye roll and wave of the hand. Hope Mister is feeling better and over his bug. We have a fairly nice weather week ahead … walk, walk and then walk so more. Times a tickin’ though if we have a warmish September/October, I should be okay on my goal.
I organized and got the last items priced and then Mr.’s bug found me and I’ve been too tired to work on anything. Mr. is feeling a bit better, but it’s hanging on longer than it did for me. I just feel exhausted still. Sigh – we haven’t been sick together like this since our kids were still in school and living at home. Oh well.
We hope to get out and walk soon. This coming week is going to be hot for September.
Yay – I hope you reach your walking goals!!!
Well I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this message Shelley. Hope it is not long-lasting … could it be food poisoning? Yes, it it not September weather and we’re having above-normal hot weather through October (or so they say). Today I saw a woolly bear caterpillar and it was more brown colored than black which means a mild Winter. That sounds good to me!
Hi Linda – I’m (we are) better, but not quite over it. We did take a rapid test and are both positive. So there ya go, now we know.
I’d be so happy with a mild winter!!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the woolly bear caterpillar you saw is right!!
Oh wow – sorry to hear that and if I remember correctly, you and Mr. got sick in January 2020 and that was before the world was introduced to COVID and you wondered later if that is what you had. That happened to my next-door neighbor and he never returned to work after being so sick at Christmas/New Year’s holiday 2019. A woman at the plant came into work sick and contaminated everyone as she wanted her Christmas bonus and needed to come into work to get it and to be paid for the week off. Her husband was ill at home and she caught his bug.
Yes, please a mild Winter. Hope my caterpillar was right and not just a young’un who had not finished growing all his stripes.
Yeah, I still think I had some weird version of this back in Jan 2020. There are multiple variants.
I know I got it this time from Mr. since he had symptoms 3-4 days before I had any and I had not gone anywhere.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor. Back in 2019 the world didn’t respond well with treatments so many people ended up worse off than they had to be. My nephew got it back in Dec 2019 when his co-worker from China returned back to FL from China and everyone she worked with that week ended up with it. The doctors didn’t know what to treat it with at the time. Thankfully, there are treatments and protocols to use now that work well.
Yes, mild Winter, please!! Keep looking for the right caterpillars to prove it so!
Yes, they really didn’t know anything back then and your poor nephew … the worst likely as the original strain before it mutated somewhat once it got here. Very scary nonetheless, as is the monkeypox and the polio virus. Our world these days!
I know I’ll look for the right caterpillars going forward – I was overjoyed to see it once I saw it’s “stripes”!
He still has smell/taste issues which affected his career. He pivoted and is doing well in a different role at work, so he made the best of the situation. After living through the experience, I can confidently state, news cycle scare tactics of painting the worst-case scenarios are worse than the actual bite. I just can’t watch/listen to them. Sorry.

Yay for stripes on caterpillars!!!
That quote “how much are you willing to pay for the money you make?”
Was powerful
And I like how you had the book on the table
Also / your searches about the falls reminded me that a while ago we heard that “falls from ladders” was a top
Injury of the elderly – it specifically said “from ladders” and we wondered why so many elderly folks were climbing ladders – ha
But I guess the boxes posed a hazard and hope you were able to Sort and disperse as needed.
The hardest thing for me to get rid of from my children’s stuff is their art and then some of their school Work (like notebooks with essays )
– I think we still have bins with some of their collectibles – and still a huge collection of legos (wow- those keep well)
Anyhow / we donated a lot of stuff to charity this year – stuff we inherited and some of the items we needed to part ways with –
What really helped was having the right place to take the stuff to – that helped so much.
Thank you, Yvette, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
Yes, ladders are bad. My FIL fell off one and injured his knee, it hasn’t been the same since. A fall is when mobility issues start to escalate as people age. That and inflammation due to diet, but, you know that too!!
We’re still in the process of dispersing and sorting and pricing. We’re going to be donating a lot too. I feel for the donation sites, they must be bursting at the seams this year. I love your comment that having the right place to take the stuff makes it easier. That’s pure motivation for me too.
I also have a hard time with the items that I remember my kids loving when they were young, or the things they used that they left behind and didn’t want to part with. Thankfully, they both were willing to take their papers and sort themselves. They know how darn sentimental I can get. And they remember all the hours I spent and still am spending on my mom’s stuff. Sigh.
Oh well, soon it will be over and we’ll be onto something else. Hopefully it won’t be entertaining a spring sale!!!
Thanks again, it’s great to hear from you!
It must be so tough – at times – going thru your mother’s stuff!

And fingers crossed there will not be a spring sale –
But if there needs to be – well it will be here rather quickly and will go fast –
And regarding balance and aging – did you know that I earned my 200 hour teacher training yoga certificate (RYT) last month (woo hoo) and one of the areas I want to focus on as a part time yoga teacher is chair yoga and also helping people develop balance and enhance range of motion!
I just started the new certification for the chair yoga (sigh) and I am excited to see what unfolds!
I had a yoga teacher (well hundreds over the years) but one from a few years ago was a balance specialist and she often gave tips for ways to wake up the brain – tips for coordinating the body and mind – and her Friday class always offered practical easy to work on brain health off the nat.
For example – she reminded students to merely bend a knee and point the toe down while preparing food – then alternate feet – this small movement challenged new parts of the brisk and helped with balance!
Anyhow, body balance and brain health go hand in hand – as I am sure you know too
Oh, dear, Yvette, I’m so sorry, I just discovered your comment in my TRASH folder. WP does weird things sometimes.
Yes, I’m guessing there may be a spring sale. We’ll see, maybe not?!
Congratulations on your RYT – that’s a wonderful accomplishment. My daughters do/did yoga for a while and when we were on our last vacation to Jamaica together we all did morning yoga on the beachfront. The soft sand made it interesting to try and get the poses right. I did sit and watch others a lot. LOL. Yoga has so many benefits for us all, I really should try it again!
You’re so right, balance and brain health, and aging in general is a time to work on balance to prevent falls. I need to focus more on it. I do balance on one leg at a time often, and practice getting up from the floor without my hands just to make sure I can. I’m sure you’ve got those skills mastered! Are you going to be doing some posts about it??
You are so encouraging Shelley!
And my sister loves beach yoga – a lot
And one thing I tell everyone is to try at least ten different Yoga teachers (or classes) before deciding anything
I say that because for years / my mother and I hated yoga and that was because we only went to vinyasa flow classes that had so many ups and downs ! Blah!
And then there was the unknown (or the elite photos we see of someone doing a one arm glance in a cliff) – and so Adrienne Reed from Tampa FL had two seasons of yoga on PBS and Dosovery Fit and Health – and her 25 minute episodes rescued me! And gave me a taste for how yoga aligns the skeleton – helps with brain alertness and lets you work on breathing
– oh and the pandemic did mess with my daily practice
And yes / I am going to make videos and do livestreams – but not full classes / have more than enough of those on YouTube
So just shorter reset kind of sessions
And keep you posted!
Thanks again for all of your time this week with comments and the interview – !!
Really appreciate it
You’re welcome Yvette. You’ve done a lot of research and training for yoga, I’m sending positive vibes your way for great successes in your next phases of the journey to teaching. Keep me posted!
You’re welcome for the help with your post.
In retrospect, the virus made for a very blurry week that’s hard to remember. I realized I didn’t put a link here on my blog , so here it is. https://priorhouse.blog/2022/09/12/priorhouse-interview-shelley-quaint-revival-health-talk-books-keto-animal-based-diet-lizzo-sugar-cart-favs/
Take care!
Well no link was needed at all – but including it in the comments was a great idea
And thanks again for making that happen even while having that wave of COVID hit !
A I would not say I did that much research and training – but I did already teach for 2 1/2 years without the certification and only went thru the program (to become an RYT) so I could teach at more places – and Wow – I learned so much more than I expected – and I so I guess a little research and a medium amount of training – hahah
Also – I want to specialize in restore yoga and chair yoga – or a gentle reset kind of thing – but I am letting things simmer for a while –
And I will keep you posted-
Wishing you a nice start to the week and hope you are both 100% soon
Thank you for giving me something else to think about during our COVID fight!
It sounds like you’ve done plenty of research and teaching to be able to share the knowledge and help people! Restore yoga sounds wonderful, the Senior Centers near where I live have classes for that and get quite the attendance.
Thanks for the well wishes – I’m looking forward to being DONE with this and back to 100%.
I hope you have a great week too!
I am so sorry that you have COVID and sending well wishes your way yet again

Love ya my friend
Thank you, Yvette. It was just a matter of time. We’re thankful for the immunity boosting we’re building by recovering from it. Love ya too dear friend!
Hope you have a great day
Same to you!
What a sea of boxes. Parting (with) them will be an act of faith for sure. Good luck. Over on this side of the pond we have car boot sales. There are also charity shop who do the sorting pricing and selling for you. Which gives people a feel good factor. I wonder what Mr Sinek has to say about that

Hi Kelvin! Thanks for the wishes – we are so looking forward to the boxes vanishing from our space.
I’ve never heard of the car boot sales. The charity shops we have, and I think they will do the same. I’m all for anything that gives people a feel good factor too! I’m guessing Simon would approve. He likely doesn’t have any clutter, I don’t see him as the type, but who am I to know for sure!! LOL