Adventures · Inspiration

Use your rib injury to pamper yourself

Tomorrow marks the six weeks’ post cracked rib and torn tendon injury date.  I’m well on the way to recover in full, but not quite yet.

Everyone told me a rib injury and subsequent recovery takes a LONG time.  And they are right, it does!


I decided I wasn’t going to be frustrated, depressed, or angry about missing out on the summer, and I also didn’t want to just sit around and gain weight.  So I kept moving through the daily decrease in pain.

Sure it was tough to avoid certain things.  I enjoy running for exercise, that was definitely out, still is.  But I didn’t want to stop moving.

I kept my move on by walking about in my yard or on the road.  Each day, Mr. and I walked our normal running route, gradually increasing distance and speed.  We let my rib pain dictate both.

Do not count the days; make the days count. – Muhammad Ali

What did I notice about myself during this long recovery period?

My ribs are delicate and I respect how much they protect my body.

I can exhibit patience after all.  It is fun to slow down and notice the world from a different perspective.

There is much to notice on the side of the road.  Bunnies, gophers, snakes, spider webs, wildflowers, and garbage.  We’ve picked up at least 3 aluminum cans each day, which we’ll recycle and earn cash with, too.

I’ve found I actually prefer walking over running.

It has been so peaceful to walk and talk with Mr. versus the rush and huff running way.  We do get cardio exercise by walking.  My hunger decreased and so did our calorie intake.  So we both lost weight instead of gained weight during recovery.

The only thing I’m sad about is not being able to run in our favorite 5-mile race on September 1st.  Last year I got my personal best and took 1st place in my age group.  Can’t top that, right?  So why not come in last for my age group this year?  Way to reframe goals!  Yay, me!

I’ve pampered and taken care of myself and my flowers.  As I water the flowers I notice each and every flower as it grows.

I notice spiders, ants, and weird little bugs.

And I take time to notice dew drops on blades of grass.


My rib injury gave me a delicate sense of peace this summer, and as I pamper myself enough to keep the healing steady – I’m grateful for what I’ve learned along the way.

Post Inspiration – Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Notice; Nancy Merrill’s Photography – Delicate; and #AugustBreak2018 – Pamper Yourself (find challenge rules here).

Oh…and I noticed the badge for SoCS has been updated – congrats to Pamela for the winning design!



27 thoughts on “Use your rib injury to pamper yourself

  1. I was thinking similarly this morning! I’ve spent 10 wonderful days in Arizona with family, friends & this beautiful countryside. I was reflecting that if the worst thing that ever happened to me 5 years ago didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be doing half of what I am now. Life changes, injury happens in various ways, however attitude is everything & newness can become a wonderful reality. Thank you for this post!

    1. Great minds think alike! 🙂 Someday I’d like to visit Arizona – it always looks so beautiful in pictures. You’re exactly right and so wise, I appreciate that about you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the reading of my post. Enjoy your travels – and all the excitement you have in your remodeling projects!

  2. Beautiful photos! Ever since being a stay-at-home mom, I’ve been less hurried than I used to be. It feels good to be able to go at an easier pace and take in the surroundings more😊. Glad you’re healing and seeing the bright side of it all🌻💕🌞!

    1. Thank you, your encouragement is a blessing to me! I bet your kids appreciate the pace and the opportunity to learn to take in their surroundings instead of rush through them?! I know my kids appreciated slower paced summer time where they got to play at their leisure!

    1. Thank you, Janet, your encouragement is appreciated! Hope you’re busy finding some great music to listen to!!

  3. I prefer walking over running too. I just walk for a longer time than I might run. As you said, I take in a lot more when I stroll and notice every little thing around me. I remind myself that I’m grateful. I’m sure you do too.

  4. Doctors will tell you that walking is better for you than running, because your legs and feet don’t have to cope with the shock of the constant pounding. It’s something to consider. Glad you’re feeling better!

    1. Thank you, John! I’ve heard that too and fought it for a bit, but as I’m enjoying the walking, I’m thinking that is more correct than I thought in the past. I appreciate your input and well wishes!

  5. I too have had to heal from cracked ribs – no fun but I really understand where you are. I sometimes think minor injuries are events that happen to us to show ways we can refocus on ourselves and the wonderful things around us. Fully enjoyed your pictures. Continue to fully heal and get back to the norm, while remembering the neat things your adventures showed you through this experience.

    1. Thank you, Anita – your sympathy and encouragement are so appreciated. You’re right, events that happen in our lives are perfect opportunities to refocus our thoughts and notice the world around us!

  6. I’m glad you are healing. When I used to walk a lot, I got a walker’s high after about 20 minutes. It makes me want to get back to it on a more regular basis. “Do not count the days; make the days count.” is a great quote and goes well with my post today. Happy healing!

    1. Yes – we love that walker’s high at about 20 minutes into our walk! I hope you get back into it on a regular basis – it is good for the heart and good for the brain…and healing ribs! You’re right, your beautiful post fits perfectly with the quote. And your pictures…gorgeous!! :-)!

  7. I’m so glad your ribs are healing. It is amazing how the body reacts to injury and finds ways to adapt during healing. I’m glad you’ve been able to find the joy in this journey. I love all of the images you’ve included in your post: the flowers, the bugs, the grass. So perfect for the theme. Thanks for joining the challenge!

    1. Thank you, Nancy, I appreciate your encouragement and wishes for continued healing – you’re right, the human body is darn amazing! I look forward to joining your challenges again in the future!

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