Adventures · Welcome


EverydayAdventures2017 – Unplug.  So, how does one unplug when they are writing about unplugging on a blog, on their computer?   I am guessing some blog from their favorite spot on their laptop.

You got me how they do it.  I think less is more when it comes to unplugging.  To me, unplugging is about escaping your routine and letting your mind wander.

The only thing I could think of this morning was to not grab my camera, not write a lot, and just post a few of my favorite spots where I find it easy to unplug.

On a beach

Tuesday 021 (Large)

By a bonfire


Bird watching

Photo Dump 160c

Going for an early morning run


Taking a nap when you’re tired


Unplug, tell yourself…enough, is enough!  Give yourself permission to not do anything but watch the moon and listen to the sounds around you!  Peaceful isn’t it?
