
Treat yourself to a thank you break

‘Tis the season of having a hard time appreciating ourselves for all the efforts we do that matter most.  Instead, we get wrapped up in the hustle, bustle, rushing, here and there thinking that we’re just busy and someone will appreciate my efforts, eventually.

Every day seems to blur into the next.  And when we find our way through it all, we’ll look back and say, “Wow, it was all the little things I did that made the biggest impact.”

But, what if we paused now while we’re in that mode to notice what we do during those rushing moments?  Out from the fog appears all the tiny little things that don’t cost us a dime to do and that matter the most to others…


Someone is paying attention and watching you-you might not even see them if you’re too busy to stop and see you’re doing small things that matter.

So just take a little thank yourself break ~

Thank you for not minding when the impatient driver cut ahead of you on the way to work.


Thank you for opening the door for someone with full arms or who couldn’t reach the handle.


Thank you for giving directions to a stranger or for letting them go first through the checkout line.

Thank you for picking up the phone and answering with a smile despite your already full day.  Thank you for being patient when someone repeated the same question several times.

Thank you for listening to a co-worker who needed to talk.  Thank you for stepping up to help your boss when they needed something urgently.


Thank you for smiling and making people wonder why your day is going so well.  Thank you for all you do!

You’re special – Thank you for taking a break to remember all the little things you do.  They do make a difference in the lives of people every day!

Post Inspiration – Linda G Hill’s #1LinerWed and Seasonal Thanks

PS – Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to take a peek at my post.  I’m grateful for the opportunity to share time with you.  Hope you have a great Wednesday!

23 thoughts on “Treat yourself to a thank you break

    1. You’re welcome, Dan! Thank you for sharing all the little moments in life that you do on your blog – cheers to you!

  1. We do need to realize the little things are sometimes so much bigger than we think they are. Great post, loved your pictures. Stay warm.

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