Adventures · Inspiration

Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

As a creative person, have you ever went down the rabbit hole of despair?  The trail down there is rough and rocky.  The nuggets of nourishing things don’t seem quite as appealing to you as they did when you first tried them out?


You find yourself nibbling on random things, hoping something tasty will trigger you to find a perfect “thing” that clicks with you to make you stand out?  And it just isn’t there yet.


You keep going.

Balancing, while hoping.  Hoping to rescue yourself from your doubt.


Looking for a place out of the rough patch.  To find a place where you can finally come out of the shadows of ‘Meh’ and find the ‘YOU’ – aka, the star of the show you’re aiming for?  A place to hunker down and dig into what you’re really interested in.



Being creative is tough stuff.  There’s always something to distract you.  It’s easy to notice the world around you, and think, “Hmm…maybe that would be a better idea?”


You start to give up on what you started.  You get distracted.


You get brave to take a larger peek at it – that other thing which causes you to switch directions.


You dig in again.  Getting all comfy – with a familiar routine of discovering what it is you like about it that’s your kind of thing.


And then, you’re back to your faithful ol’ habits.  Ah, such joy to be a creative person or even a lazy rabbit.


What does it take to get out of a creative person’s rabbit hole of despair?

Look up – notice what the fast track people are doing?   I went down that hole this morning to take a peek at the blog of the author to the book I’m reading.  I wanted to see if he has lots of posts, lots of comments, lots of likes on his blog.  Nope.  WTH?  But he’s famous.  He’s published…  Hmm…?  Well, huh…now what?

That happens, I guess.  Do creative people not settle?

Did they stay tight to their beginnings, holding on for dear life so they wouldn’t lose themselves in the process?


Or did you notice how quickly their other ideas took off and multiplied into something bigger and better?


What bright idea made them stand out from the crowd?

Did they stick with their old habits for too long, or did they move on?  Did they notice that even if they are working the same place as others, there’s something special about them that makes them stand out?


They had a bright idea.  One that worked for them.  It looked kind of like the other ideas, but it was unique to them.


They stuck with that for a bit and then saw how there might be other opportunities too or things to add to their current ideas?  Or was it all a blur to them – do they talk about the blur or just what works?

I found in my rabbit hole I went down today is that we all can be bright in our own unique way.


We all can let our creativity bloom.  That’s what makes us special and the best way I know of on how to climb ourselves out of the creative person’s hole of despair.

Post Inspiration – Creativity.  Becky B’s #JulySquares and #Blue

PS – What are your tips for getting out of creative despair moments?  Do you follow the blog of your favorite author?  Which photo did you like today?  That’s our little rabbit that disappeared from the rain spout house – he’s still surviving.   




22 thoughts on “Thoughts on a creative rabbit hole of despair

  1. Sometimes, we find a creative way out. That usually makes me feel better. I love the pictures of the bunny. I love watching them eat.

    1. Yes, we do. I love the bee post you shared today. Very creative photos. This little bunny really gets into his eating. He digs in and lounges. He’s done quite well without a momma to show him the ropes.

  2. When I started my blog I thought I would write but I seem to have taken a path of posting photos. I set an easy goal of how many views per so I am committed but not disapppointing it is hard to find followers. I like your style its easy to read with pleasant photos, I never scroll by it. Have a good weekend

    1. Thank you for sharing, Alice, I appreciate hearing how you’ve evolved with your blog. You’re right, it is hard to find a following. As my dear friend told me, “It’s hard to feel like what I have to say or contribute to the noise is worth it.” I’m glad you keep trying, I’m glad you stop by, and I’m thankful you’re patient with me in my efforts to stop by and see what you’re up to. I always enjoy what you have to share. Thank you – I appreciate you!

    1. Ah, yes, sometimes it does. Thank you for the read and for sharing your thoughts. Happy blogging to you!

  3. Pictures and story go so well together as usual, Shelley! You’ve captured the feelings we creatives have quite well. I’m in one of those questioning states right now and need to get on with it already! Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Janet. I’m wondering if it is just this time of year or what?! Hope you find the momentum you’re looking for – you’ve got so many creative ideas and that she-shed (STUDIO) to work in!!

  4. Rabbit hole. An excellent description – with the actual rabbit to illustrate (love all the photos, can’t pick one…). Every blog post is another jump for me. Leap of faith down the rabbit hole. I haven’t looked at any famous author blogs – interesting what you found. I wonder if they measure success in other ways – ie: selling books!.
    Creative success – whether personal or public – probably relies on a multitude of factors. Different for everyone. Developing enough confidence is the real challenge.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the post. I’m in my investigative mode again, so I like to check out hunches. That one was a hunch that threw me down the hole. You’re right – confidence is a real challenge. You’re doing great, in my opinion. 🙂

  5. Interesting analogy on the rabbit hole and creativity. You are definitely a creative person, Shelley, making the world a better place one word at a time and one photo at a time. Exquisite photos, as always:)

    1. Aw, I so appreciate your words of encouragement!! Thank you, Erica, I’m glad we crossed paths here in the blogosphere. 🙂

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