Adventures · Inspiration

Those summer skies

In Wisconsin, when our temps outside hit the 90-degree mark, it is not a dry type of heat.  Nope, it is hot and humid.

Fog rolls across our fields with the sunrise.


And when it heats up too much, we tend to head back inside to cool off in the air conditioning.


I’ve been waiting for warmer weather, so I did my best to hang outside for as long as possible yesterday.  Knowing full well today that it would be stormy.

Hot days have helped blossoms burst open on catalpa trees.  Even on a cloudy morning, they are beautiful to look at.

Hot summer skies are fascinating to watch.  Cloud formations vary enough that they draw my attention to them.  I’m always looking up to see what’s changed.


Over across the highway, to the north of where we live, is a small airport where they fly jump planes.  Have you ever thought of, or have you ever jumped from a plane before?  They fly/jump on weekends and on Wednesday nights.  It is fun to watch them float down from the sky.  Tiny people hanging in the air for as long as possible.  That must feel quite serene.  Still not sure I’d be brave enough to do it.

Before the sun sets, deer come out to nibble on soybeans.  See two deer, left of the catalpa tree?

Deer were out again this morning, only to this time, right of the tree.  Ah, gotta love wildlife.


At night they visit while we’re sleeping.  This clever lady even shook the bird feeder to help her get a midnight snack.

Our beautiful skies from the night before have turned stormy today.  It was inevitable with the amount of heat we had yesterday.

I guess I won’t be hanging out in my Tea House today.


Real storm clouds rolled in, brought with them wind, rain, thunder, and lightning.  Someday, maybe I’ll be able to photograph lightning.  I always head back into the house when the clouds look like this.

Aw…that poor catalpa tree – its blossoms were falling off in the wind.  It’s just part of growing up in the great outdoors.

Post Inspiration – Lens-Artists #52 Serenity (hosted by Tina) and Sunday Stills – Great Outdoors (hosted by Terri)

PS – How about those crazy skies?  Do you like to watch storm clouds?  Have you ever jumped from a plane?  What do you do on a rainy day?  




50 thoughts on “Those summer skies

  1. I love those crazy skies Shelley, beautiful! No way will I ever leap from an aircraft, that’s just insane. It’s spitting rain here this morning, we need far more than that.

    1. Thanks, John! I agree, it’s crazy to jump from a plane. They do look quite happy floating along – but then there’s the hard ground to land on. Nope, not for me either! Hope you get the rain you need! It’s still raining here.

    1. Thank you, Dan – glad you enjoyed the photos! I was thinking of you when I walked across our yard. We have tiny mushrooms, like the photo you shared. They are popping up everywhere due to all the rain. Hope you have a great Sunday!

  2. Shelley, your photos are lovely. I love clouds, too. Especially stormy skies. No airplane jumping for me, nor bungee jumping for that matter. And on a rainy day, you might find me napping to the sound of the rain hitting the roof.

    1. Thank you, Maggie. I’m out for bungee jumping as well. I love to listen to the rain hitting the roof too. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. I love looking at stormy skies! You’ve really got some good ones here, too. Those night time deer are so cool, to just have them roaming around!
    No, I’d never jump out of a plane. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Barbara – I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Yeah, the deer are funny. It was cool to catch her in action knocking out seeds to eat.
      You’d be like me then, having fun watching those people who do enjoy skydiving. 🙂

  4. Jumping out of a plane would definitely not be serene for me LOL Shelley! I do love stormy skies tho. We’re having our share here – typically short-lived and dramatic. After the rains it’s much less humid. Don’t you just love summer?? Enjoyed your tree and it’s visitors. Don’t think we have that species here

    1. Thanks for checking the post out, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos! I have yet to have someone say they’re up for jumping outta the plane! Yes, I just love summer, lots of great photo ops! The whitetail deer are fun to watch 🙂

  5. A great set of images tying up the serenity and the great outdoors very nicely, Shelley. Storm photos are always so amazing. Sad to see the blossoms flying away but they will be replaced with shady leaves! Have a wonderful week!

  6. Stormy cloud photos are wonderful – they look like paintings! Jumping out of airplanes is not on my bucket list, but those who do make for nice photos. That tree is so pretty too!

    1. Thank you! The jumpers are fun to watch, and listen to – we always know when it’s a newbie – their screams as they fall are a tell-tale sign. 😉

  7. Nicely done. I like the power lines and furrowed fields in the second photo. Man’s geometry against nature’s backdrop of soft strokes.

  8. My son just mentioned a fly/jump for his upcoming 21st birthday. Like you I wouldn’t have the courage! We are getting more of the weather you describe, hot and cold mixing with thunder, lightening and heavy rain.

    1. 21st birthday – he’s too young to know better than to not do a jump, right?! This year’s weather has been crazy all over the world. Stay safe – hope the storms aren’t too bad for you!

  9. Maybe jump if I had the right motivation perhaps. Great storm photos. I cannot get lightning photos, could be my holy grail. I thought my Wallabies were too big for my garden but whoa deer!!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 😉 I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t capture lightning. I’m sure there’s a trick to it, and a proper lens. Whatever. I can still catch the before shots! Yes, our deer are darlings aren’t they. I’d love to see Wallabies – I’ll add them to my ‘must see bucket list’ via a plane that doesn’t encourage people to jump from it.

          1. Early morning and late afternoon mainly. Sometimes find one or two resting in a shady spot or under the house during the day

  10. Beautiful sky shots – and you have a big space to catch a huge slice of sky!

    My DH jumped out of a plane when he turned 60 as a gift from his son. He had always wanted to do it and it was quite the experience, I guess. He has a video of it that he watches from time to time. I’m not sure he would call the experience serene, but I imagine those who do it a lot feel that way. He says that got that wish out of his system and he has no desire to repeat it. For me, I never had that desire and never will.. 🙂

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos. At 60, jumped out of a plane! Way to go, DH! My hands would be sweating and I don’t know if I could relive it by watching it. I’m like you, no desire, no need, never will! 😉

  11. The stormy sky capture is incredible, Shelley! Can’t imagine it’s 90 degrees in Wisconsin already.

  12. Beautiful stormy skies! My son loves photographing thunder and lightning – I hide indoors…Love your beautiful tree as well. And, I would never jump from a plane alone – but I have considered pair jumping.

    1. Thank you, Anne Christine. I bet your son gets some great shots – and is a gifted photographer like his mom. Pair jumping…that’s a new one for me, I might be afraid I’d end up being on the bottom of the pile. 😉

  13. These are some great shots of the great outdoors! Living in the south I can relate to your caption of enduring the heat and humidity of these summer days! Visiting from #Sunday Stills.

    1. Thank you! Thank you, too, for stopping by via the Sunday Stills – I’ll be by to visit your site too!

  14. Nice pictures. Your tea house looks so nice. On a rainy day, I like to stay in and watch movies. =D

  15. Amazing looking sky pictures Shelley – it amazes me to just stand and watch clouds move sometimes, especially when they are going by fast or when dark clouds suddenly pass over you like someone is shutting a blind and everything suddenly goes dark. The deer thought it was pulling a fast one shaking the bird feeder while you were sleeping. Pretty smart thinking!

    1. Thank you, Linda – you’re so kind to keep up with reading blogs – even with a week like you’ve had and a sore finger, oh, my, I so appreciate you! xx

      1. Thank you, that made my day Shelley- I wanted to catch up before doing one of my own posts. I’m hoping I can get thru some more of Reader before the storms which are on the way – I usually shut down in a storm.

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