
Things do degrade right before our eyes

Seriously…I thought I had everything covered and look what happened?  I tried to comment back to a few followers on a post I wrote yesterday, and my login didn’t work.  I (aka, my blog) become non-existent again.

I did the same stupid thing last year.


I got this message.  And I had to contact tech support.  Apparently, I had missed the email reminder telling me to renew my domain name.


While I waited for tech support and my credit card payment to run through the ‘system’, I looked at the photos from yesterday.

It had rained all week, and the marigold buckets were full of water.  Their buds are decaying, and almost ready for the harvesting of the seeds for next year.   Where did summer go?

Once I was back in business with my blog, thank goodness I had only missed renewing by one day, I reviewed the photos I took yesterday.  Two window sills looked just like this.  This window’s sill plate will be fixed today, and the moldy rotten sheathing will be replaced, and hopefully, it will not rot out again.  It’s on the north side of our house, so moisture is prevalent.


Installer:  “It’s the weirdest thing, but we see this a lot in houses built in the 80s-90s – they put the Tyvek under the sheathing.  And they also installed the vinyl siding incorrectly so the water just pooled around the windows and didn’t drain away from them.  Don’t worry, we’ll install it all right this time.”

Two windows, actually 3 were close to this bad.  We chose the right time to replace them.

Hopefully today, the rest of the house will be buckled up and back to normal.  The black stuff above the window was taped to the sheathing, but the wind and rain made it fall off.  Thankfully it was bright and sunny and windy yesterday to dry out the wood.


Yep, right before our eyes, things had decayed and changed.  But this whole experience, including my blog updates and all, gave me (us) plenty of opportunities to renew our outlook.  And to realize, we can persevere after all.

I’m looking forward to a few more sunny days months so I can get outside and take fun photos again.  Before the snow flies and I’m stuck inside looking out the new windows at it.

Post Inspiration – Blogging challenges and new windows

PS – Have you heard of Tyvek being installed under the sheathing?  Do you harvest the seeds from your annual plants?  What winter project do you have planned?  




29 thoughts on “Things do degrade right before our eyes

  1. Wow. Good thing they found that moldy area. Tyvek can prevent a lot of issues, but not if installed incorrectly. Especially in roof valleys (as we discovered years ago with the 3rd repair)…and around windows. What worked for us was Tyvek between the siding and the plywood – along with something extra around each window.
    We do have a love/hate relationship with water, don’t we? LOL

    1. Yeah, he said, if you would’ve waited longer, you would’ve had damage inside the house, behind the wall, until it finally seeped into the carpeting. Yikes — we’re super glad it is all fixed now and hopefully won’t happen again! We definitely have been blessed from day one with water issues. It didn’t rain on our wedding day, so we’re not rich, but we’ve had plenty of water to deal with over the years!

  2. So glad for you that these updates are happening. Sounds like they know what they’re doing. Sorry about the computer!! Mine is slowly letting me know it’s time to replace it. It’s like when my smoke alarm starts to beep … once/day, then twice/day … etc.

    BTW, I’d like to suggest checking the locations of the new mosquito-borne virus — if it’s still far away, great … if not, you may want to think about standing water. I love how it looks, though!

    1. Thank you, Ellen. Yep, a slow computer is telling you it’s time. I like how you described it like a smoke alarm. All of those needed replacement this week too, not just the batteries!
      Now that you mention it, we’ve seen a lot of little mosquitos this week…
      Hopefully for the next two days it will dry out a bit and they’ll move on. Or it’ll freeze and kill them off. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Wow it’s so good the mold was discovered and remediated! Really bad stuff. I don’t know much about Tyvek other than it keeps homes dry… I hope your home is all buttoned up today. 😎

    1. Yes, we’re happy it is fixed and gone now too! Yep, we’re all buttoned up and just waiting for the replacement glass to be delivered and installed. The installation crew, which was just two awesome and dedicated guys, finished up their tasks yesterday and have moved on to their next project. Now we just have to finish up putting things back together in the house.
      One project moves into the next!

      1. That’s really good news Shelley considering the weather to come. I hope you guys see a difference in your heating costs!

        1. Thanks, John. We hope so too. We already notice a difference in the noise, and not feeling a breeze when we stand next to them!

  4. Sorry to hear about your account. I did harvest the seeds of marigolds. I am still trying to grow them. Try and try until I succeed. 😉

    1. That’s okay – I survived yet again. I’m less stressed about these kind of things the longer I blog. You’ll eventually get some marigolds, keep trying!!

      1. That’s good to hear, Shelley. I will keep on trying. My onion seeds sprouted already so I’m hopeful for the marigolds. 😉

        1. YAY – It is so fun that your crops are just starting to grow as mine are just starting to shut down for the winter. I hope the marigolds survive and bloom!

          1. I’ll share soon why I’m trying to grow marigolds. 😉 If my newly purchase seedlings will survive. I have a story to tell but if they die I’ll just share it with you. It’s so hot here, Shelley. The weatherman predicted cool weather soon.

    1. I wonder if it’s a mid-west technique? We have two layers of sheathing. We’re thinking that the problem was due to the inside construction crew being assigned to do siding and windows as pinch hitters. We’re happy to have found the problems now.

      1. Right, after you’ve lived in the house how many years? Your homeowner’s insurance might cover some of the repairs. Check with your agent.

  5. I wondered about your account as I tried to reply and got the same message. Figured it was just a glitch – glad all is well. Don’t the update make you feel good. I know the outside landscaping project sure make my yard look better. Got the front sidewalk already scheduled for spring or if winter gets delayed – that probably wont happen. It looking good though.
    Had some hail damage this past spring so we are getting a new roof. Its always something.
    Enjoy your new windows.

    1. Thank you for sticking with me when my site wasn’t working!
      The updated windows have inspired us to see what else we can do on our own to keep sprucing up the place.
      We did our roof 5 years ago, it takes a long time to save for those kind of expenses. We’re enjoying the new windows so far. It’s amazing how quiet it is in the house with them!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that your spring projects go well.

      1. Spring…what a lovely time of year…wish we didn’t have to endure winter to get there. Makes us love it all the more I guess

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