Want to get a burger and fries for lunch instead of our healthy meals? We’ve been so good and haven’t cheated since January. Well before the lockdown occurred.
You mean, like take out from Sand Bar? Or eating there?
Take out. I’ll go in and out in a flash so I won’t be exposed too long.
Yep, that does sound good. We’ve been wanting to see if we can tolerate that kind of food for a long time, haven’t we?
But that’s naughty of us, isn’t it?
Hear ye, hear ye, the Supreme Court has deemed the Stay-At-Home order lifted, all restaurants and bars and other businesses can re-open. The word around bar town is that they’re all open and still offering take-out.
Wow – the sudden change is a tad overwhelming. I’m on the fence if that’s a good thing or not? I’m not sure I’m ever up to dealing with a crowd. Even if the barstool seats are properly spaced.
I kind of like a single table and dining with the close company I enjoy being with, it’s not like we really felt that we were prisoners in our own home.
Mr. arrived and set the package on the counter.
Yum … that smells so good.
Let’s dig in! Do we have keto-friendly ketchup?
Wait, I have to take pictures!
Okay … dig in.
Want to share some sweet-potato tots, I’ll trade some of my fries for them …?
Well … if you insist, I’ll look away while you take what you want.
We’ve been wanting to buy local to support the businesses that have been struggling to stay open. Since it was lunch on Friday, we skipped the hoppy beer that we would’ve normally had to wash the burgers down with if it had been a Saturday.
I skipped eating the bun, but … never fear I didn’t go carb-free for the meal. I ate almost all of the starchy fries and definitely most of the sweet potato tots. I was certainly carb-loaded and full until the next day at noon! I haven’t seen my blood sugars spike that much in months!
Was the meal worth the wait? Was it worth the unhealthy cheat on our new life-style of eating? Yes, and no.
It definitely didn’t taste as good as the burgers we’ve been eating on our diet. But it was nice to feel like we went out of the house to live momentarily on the wild side of eating for a day.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Want
PS – The orange bird is a Baltimore Oriole, he is a skittish guy, but he sure liked the sweet orange we used to draw him in. The hummingbirds are back! Spring is here in Wisconsin, and the little sparrow sure has lots to say too. What is the first thing you’ll want to do when your state or country opens up from its lockdown? Are you a fries or tots kind of person?
Fabulous bird…..so orange
glad you cheated…..no not really. I treat myself to “naughty” stuff every now and then because it tastes so amazing when you haven’t eaten that for ages. Was the sweet potato really deep fried? I make things like that often but oven baked. Was thinking of you the other day and wondered if you were doing OK Shelley x
Thank you, Brian! Yes, the male color is so vibrant.
We felt that after almost 4 months, we could cheat once. It did feel a tad naughty, and we didn’t feel like running out to do it again any time fast. I think the tots are deep fried, they tasted like it. I do prefer them baked too.
I’m touched that you were thinking of me the other day. We’re okay, just super busy, so I’ve become a slacker when it comes to my blogging efforts! I’m so happy you stopped by to remind me of why I do enjoy blogging! xxxxxx
Try to drop in at least once a week so we know you are doing OK……OK? xxx
Thank you kindly for the encouragement, I appreciate it. I’m slowly working my way back to doing so. I do miss seeing what you’ve been up to! xxxxxx
I am trying not to be naughty

LOL – you be naughty, thanks for the smiles!
I can be….once I put a spoon in the fork section of the cutlery drawer
Those are lovely photos, Shelley. We’re taking the first shaker steps out of lockdown starting Wednesday. I’m in no hurry to test the crowded waters. I’m supporting our favorite restaurants with takeout orders, but I am adding my own beer.
Take care – stay safe – hover gracefully
Thank you, Dan! We were supposed to be taking steps slowly. And I do feel that the majority of places are taking it seriously and safely – they don’t want to get shut down again.
Cheers to supporting the takeout services.
Take care and stay safe as your state opens up!
Lovely delightful photographs. Thanks for sharing. Nice post too. It seems ages we haven’t’ eat outside food.
Thank you, Indira!! You’re welcome. Yes, it does seem like a long time has passed by. I hope you’re able to go out soon?!
We allowed to go out daily from7am to 10am for daily needs. I am 72 not missing much. I like being at home with my books and reading blogs. Out side food is also not allowed to me. But feel for younger ones. They are getting fed up. It’s hard time for everyone. Wish you all the best.
Wow, that’s more strict than our country. I’m like you, I haven’t missed much. And have been content at home. You’re right there are plenty of people fed up with this whole ordeal. I wish you the best too! Take care and stay safe. And thank you for stopping by here to take a peek into my little spot in the world!
My pleasure. It’s a great relief though.
Hello Shelley
Great post, and beautiful pictures… It’s funny because I didn’t know Baltimore orioles, and this morning, I have two different posts in my reader, about them… I thought I’d share Anne’s post with you 
Hi! Aw, thank you, I appreciate your feedback and for sharing Anne’s link. I’ll check it out!!!
PS – thanks for sharing a post that connects others who shared Oriole photos today! https://cyranny.com/2020/05/17/baltimore-orioles-anyone/
My pleasure, Shelley
It really caught my attention that you three posted these orioles’ pictures within an hour or so… Almost as if there was a Baltimore orioles prompt today
Great minds think alike, they say
I think we’re all looking for bright colored objects to cheer our days. The Orioles are fun to see and watch in action! Yes, great minds think alike!!
We do, indeed. Anything bright and shiny brings a little joy to our otherwise grey-ish days
I’ll still be on the lookout for these beautiful orioles
Happy bird-watching to you!!!
Love that bird! And we’re all getting a little housebound, aren’t we? Spring helps a lot!
There are a fair number of things I no longer eat, but occasionally crave. Once I’ve eaten them, I often feel yucky (a technical medical term…lol) and remember why I quit eating them. But old memories have power.
Thank you, the male Oriole is hard not to love – he’s so handsome and vivid. Yes, we’re getting a tad housebound. I’m enjoying the warmer weather and now that we got some rain I may even attempt to pull some weeds before they take over all the garden beds.
I had been craving the tots and the fries, and you’re right, I didn’t feel wonderful after eating them. I do have fond memories of times we did eat them sitting in the crowded bar. It was nice to feel just a bit of the ol’ normal memories. Time to make new ones of a different kind I guess!
Good morning, Shelley, Beautiful photos! They depict well the commentary. Your meal looks decadent and tasty. A little bit on the wild side does add spice to the week. A fun post! Thank you. Take care.
Thank you Erica! Talk about beautiful photos and words – your post is so wonderful, I just have to share it here! behindthesceneryphoto.com/2020/05/14/i-give-credit-to-the-tulips-the-woods-the-words/
We did the same last night. Ordered pizzas from a place we used to frequent fairly often before lockdown. So much nicer than the shop bought pizza slices that I keep in the freezer! I made a simple but very tasty minestrone soup to go with it. All round deliciousness (and Italian-ness!)
I agree with you, it was fun to just do something like enjoying an ol’ normal night out. Glad to hear you enjoyed yours and made it a special treat. Cheers to mouth-watering tasty food!
Hello! Cyranny sent me the link to this post as I had just put one up with photos of the Orioles as well. I enjoyed your post and your sense of humor. We have been getting fish and chips from a local small restaurant each week. We are still in a modified lockdown here in Ontario but I like to support this place as it is a family business and their fish is really good.
Hi Anne!! Yes, Cyranny sent me your link too. I love the photos you captured of your Orioles. I enjoyed your post and sense of humor too. Thank you for supporting your local businesses, I’m sure they appreciate it just like ours do here. What does a modified lockdown mean to your area?
We are still supposed to stay home but now garden centers , golf courses and some stores can be open but only for a limited number of people . After two months of lockdown the barn my horse is at can now have horse owners come in to ride. But only 5 people total can be in the barn and riders must ride outdoors not in the indoor arena.So at my barn we have been given scheduled times to come and ride. Also we will have one washroom designated for the riders and we have to sanitize everything after we use it. We will also have one grooming stall assigned to us but I am going to groom and tack up my horse in his stall as he is good with that. I will take my saddle and bridle home with me to clean instead of leaving it in my locker and cleaning it in the tack room which is a small room and there could be staff there as it is their coffee room and my coach and her assistant are riding horses that are in training so they will be in an out of the tack room as well. So that is about it.
Thank you for sharing what you’re going through. I’m glad to read that you’ll be able to visit your horse and get to ride it. I bet you’ve been missing that. Did the owners ride all the horses during lock down? I’m assuming so. Enjoy the moment you get to reconnect with your horse. I’ve heard that they recognize their owners by smell? Am I right in that memory?
Take care and stay safe!
Yes the owner and her assistant trainer rode the horses.So my horse was kept in good shape. Horses do remember their owners. It has now been proven that they can recognize faces and expressions on those faces. The do have a very acute sense of smell as well.
Aw, that’s wonderful news. Thank you for clarifying. For such large animals, they sure have tender and loving hearts for their owners.
A fun read, Shelley! If possible, I’m in an aircraft for Michigan to see everyone!
Thanks, John! Safe travels, it’s a nice time of the year to visit Michigan! Are they really letting travelers into the state??!
Gorgeous bird. We had Red Robin burgers and fries for Mother’s Day and I did the same, no bun but ate the fries. They were delicious and totally worth it. The dessert we had was even better. Back on Keto the next day and though a pound or two showed up on the scale, I’m not worried. Thanks for sharing so I know I’m not alone! Happy Sunday.
Thank you, Janet. Ooo … I’ve never eaten at Red Robin, even though we have one in the town next to ours. The bun just doesn’t do it for me, I’d rather get my carbs from the fries LOL! We didn’t have any dessert, but I did kind of crave something sweet afterward. Hmm … I’ll have to keep that in mind next time. Yeah, it’s crazy how quickly carbs add on the pounds. A long fast helps kick things back in gear. My friend who’s a coach for Keto says that cheats are okay once and awhile! So yes, you’re not alone, and it’s okay. You’re doing great and all your efforts show!! Happy Sunday to you too!
Such a beautiful and fun post, Shelley! Lovely birds, that is a clever way to feed them.
Thank you, Amy, I’m tickled that you enjoyed it. Talking about being tickled, I so enjoyed your post about Pastimes! You’re very clever – I’m sharing it for others to find too! https://shareandconnect.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/pastimes/
Thank you!
Tots, definitely! But I’ll eat either one, regular or sweet potato variety.
I thought that was a Baltimore Oriole: the baseball team of the same name uses that color scheme and has for years (since they moved from St. Louis, in fact, where they were the Browns).
Yay, a fellow tot lover! Now, do you use ketchup or mayo to dip them in? Or eat them plain?
Yes, you’re right about the bird and the baseball team!
I eat them plain. I can’t stomach either ketchup or mayonnaise.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. If they’re nice and crunchy outside and soft inside, there’s no reason for a dipping sauce, right?!
Just a little salt is all they need….
Gorgeous bird shots! As always. Nothing like a fast food feast to break the monotony and “live on the wild side” as you say. :). I haven’t had potato tots in forever – they do look tasty.
Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, the wild side food was fun to taste again, but frankly, I haven’t missed it as much as I thought we might. It was reassuring that our taste buds have outgrown the wild carb-loaded desires
Well that’s good…although I’ll bet Tostitos appear in your dreams LOL.
LOL – busted
Wow–that oriole. Way to catch that handsome little guy, Shelley! How is it that everybody far from Maryland sees those Baltimore birds before we do? We’ve had a glorious weekend. Restaurants are still only doing take-out, but you won’t catch me in a restaurant anytime soon, anyway. My boys went over to my mother-in-law’s house and she treated them to carry-out burgers, while my husband and I enjoyed a carry-out seafood dinner on our patio, complete with the yummiest crab soup! The boys had a sleepover, so we didn’t have to worry about them until this afternoon. We all had fun. I do feel like people are getting very antsy for summer to begin, as usual–and I’m hoping that’ll be safe.
Thanks, Rebecca. I’m not sure how the Orioles decided where to land first? I saw they are in Canada already too!!
Your weekend sounds glorious! I bet it was nice to relax with just the hubby on the patio, knowing the kids got to share in special one-one grandparent time. Yes, we’re all getting antsy for summer. I do hope we’ll all be safe! Take care dear blogging friend!
I have never had sweet tater tots. I bet they are good. Love your pictures. I tried the orange last year and all I got was ants…
They are quite tasty. We have another favorite restaurant that serves them with a secret dipping sauce that we have yet to figure out how it is made. I’m sure that isn’t good for us either, but will likely be the next treat we’ll try if we go all wild again!
Yes, the oranges do attract ants too. Usually after the Orioles have moved on from them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – I always love hearing from you!
Fun to eat something that you believe is bad for you, but maybe it isn’t really? Maybe it’s good for you in a different way, as in adding some joy and spice to your life. At this point anything different is good, right?
You’re right, Ally, at this point anything different isn’t all that bad. Plus a little bad (as in carbs which we’ve mostly given up, veg oil that the items were fried in which we’ve also given up) is fine for an occasional cheat. We did find joy in reminiscing about our old food lifestyle and how we’ll move forward with planning for another type of treat once the weather warms up. Our local ice cream shop and our local breweries (more of the stuff we gave up) may be missing us?!
The photos of the birds are wonderful! Makes me miss my backyard- we had hummingbirds and bluebirds and mourning doves. Here we have nothing (although I swear I heard a cardinal chirping the other morning).
Thank you, Lisa, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. We have all of those birds in our yard now.
Sorry you don’t get to see them where you live now. It’s funny how our minds work – maybe you did hear one, their call is very distinct.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Take care and stay safe.
I’ve never had sweet potato tots – they looked good,but so did the fries. I’d have to try both. I don’t know what I’ll do – I have enough consternation deciding whether to go grocery shopping but we have flattened the curve immensely – only 18 deaths in 24 hours and the norm had been at least 100 for the longest time. So that gives me hope and maybe confidence. I’ve not gone out to a store, gasoline, etc. in two months.
I think you’d like the sweet potato tots – if nice and crunchy, they can remind me of Goldfish crackers!
Eventually you’ll have to go shopping, I guess. Can you do online ordering and pick up curbside? My kids have been doing that.
That’s nice the curve is flattening for MI. I’m betting a few folks have traveled to WI to feel freedom?
Stay safe, Linda!!
They traveled to Ohio last weekend when Ohio opened up for nail and hair appointments. I think I am going to go this Thursday. While I don’t have allergy symptoms, I don’t want to wait too long or I’ll have to go back too many weeks in a row to return to my maintenance phase. I got an appointment for this Thursday – I wanted to wait until they had “walk-in” hours as they used to, but now they are doing every five minutes, as opposed to once an hour like a month ago. Because I mask up it’s kept me from sneezing and I’m on Alavert OTC allergy pills. I will stop and do a few things on Thursday – first time in a store, gas station, allergist since March 16th – will I know how to act?
Interesting! I wish you well on your outing. I’m going to try to do so today. Wish me luck too!
Forgot to mention the beautiful Oriole – just gorgeous with those colors. They sure enjoy their oranges. Our Orioles are here, but not the hummers yet as far as I know (I follow the local Detroit Audubon site on Facebook).
Thank you! Yes, the hummers have arrived as well.
I’m envious – when I am retired and have more time for out in the yard again, I’m going to start with a few feeders for Orioles and hummers. I’m reluctant re: the seed as I still see rat tracks in the snow – there is something else happening. The Cooper’s Hawk is in the neighborhood – I am missing some of my cute squirrels who have been MIA since Easter. Believe me, they begged twice a day – in the morning when I went out and when I returned from walking. I feel sick about it. So, I won’t attempt to feed birds while these hawks are around – they are at the Park too the last few years.
I’ve seen a few hawks and eagles, and the rabbits seem to have thinned out … with less people leaving garbage and food scraps, I guess nature is taking its course and predators are doing what they do.
Yes, that is sad – I wish they’d go elsewhere to be honest. Since I don’t have my garden anymore out back, it does not matter what the bunnies munch on.
The forced timeout has helped our family food choices. I was hardcore about only home cooking for about six weeks but then got okay with once in a while splurging on takeout. Also finally broke down and got an air fryer and I’ll tell you what, fries and tater tots in that thing are JUST as yummy as takeout!
I was thinking the other night about how we would’ve been doing had we had kids in the house during this lockdown. Cheers to you for making it this far!
We’ve also been pondering getting an air fryer. Which model did you get?