Is there any better way to end a blurry week than by making sugar-free chocolate? Okay, I guess there may be other things to do. . . However, it’s a good time to experiment with chocolate and wine, especially when it’s raining.
And it’s been raining. A LOT.
In fact, as I type this morning, it is raining again. This photo isn’t a filtered photo, it’s real how hard the rain has been falling.

And it represents how blurry I’ve felt this past couple of weeks. We’ve gotten enough rain to knock the flowers down, and to see standing water in the rocks. I look forward to going outside to check on them.

But that’s beside the point. Where was I? Oh, yeah, chocolate.
Before I tell you about chocolate making, I want to share an update on our family pets. They’ve consumed my thoughts this week.
My Monday started with an abrupt sound of a thud as Copper fell off the bed. He appeared stunned but didn’t cry out. So we went on with our routine to kick off the work-week. He fell again in the dark when instead of leaping up the stairs, he went to the left and fell down the stairs. Again, stunned, but not crying out in pain. Ever since, though, his back legs have declined more. And we have to help him up the stairs at times and pick up the food he spills when he steps on his bowl and doesn’t know it. It’s odd though, sometimes he can hop around like a maniac when he’s hungry. Never cries out in pain. Other times he just drags the legs and even steps in his wee-wee in the yard. He used to be so good at missing all of those objects.
If that new stage for Copper’s decline wasn’t sad enough, I checked in with my youngest daughter, worried about her 4-year-old cat. Our family’s beloved Bee had been diagnosed with idiopathic chylothorax. When I called her, she was in tears. She and her husband (yay – we welcomed him as our son-in-law since June 26 when they got married alone together in the Sand Dunes of Colorado – party to follow in 2022…we hope!) had decided to try one more lung tapping (1st one drained 250 mL, 2nd one 300 mL) and then decide if it was time to euthanize her.
Unfortunately, the 3rd lung (drained 400 mL) tapping also revealed escalating pleural fibrosis. So, they contacted an in-home euthanasia team for Thursday 8/5/2021 at 4:00 pm. In the meantime, they treated Bee to a birthday party, played with her, cuddled her, spoiled her, and soaked in every TLC moment they could. Each passing day, her breathing shallower as the fluid accumulated.
I counted the passing hours on the ticking clock with all of them, sending cyber hugs from my home to theirs. Mr. and I felt the heartache as if we were there too. We hadn’t seen little Bee since mid-year of 2019. Thankfully, the vet from the E-team was incredibly kind and supportive and the visit went as smooth and as calm as could be. Bee went in peace and now the healing of our broken hearts will carry on as we learn to revisit all the firsts without sweet little Bee in our lives.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
Winnie the Pooh
So yeah, that’s how my week ended on a desire to make chocolate bars. Somehow, the comfort of silky chocolate seemed appropriate to end the week with. It was time for wine and chocolate. Dark chocolate and dry red wine go very well together. So I’ve heard. And both are heart-healthy?!
Mr. cheered me on as he poured me a glass and pulled out all the ingredients. He had previously purchased them and was thankful I was eager to give ’em all a swirl in the double boiler.

As you scroll through the photos, the only steps I couldn’t capture were when my camera taking hand was busy. Aka, the wine-sipping, stirring of dry ingredients into melted cacao butter, and then spooning of the melted mixture into the molds. But you’re smart readers, you get the gist of things! Oh, and the licking of the spoon/spatula and the taste test after they cooled was too messy to capture on film too. Mr. and I both enjoyed partaking in those steps.
And what was the result? It is tough to compare to our favorite brand. It’s a high bar to compare it to.

The final decision – the chocolate was soft and creamy. And quite tasty. Next time I’ll do the following though. I’ll put a little less stevia in (it is very strong in the powdered format called for in the recipe). I’ll also add some sea salt. And I’ll probably put less vanilla in. I have something to look forward to. Oh, and, by the way – those molds worked great, the chocolate formed properly and came out of the molds easily.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wee.” Use the word “wee” or find a word that contains it and use it in your post. Have fun!
PS – Have you ever made chocolate? What tips should I try next time? I didn’t know about in-home euthanasia services, I wish we had them in our area. Take care all – I hope you had and will have a great week. I’m off to catch up on replying to comments from my previous post. I just didn’t have the heart or energy to blog much last week. Stay well, my friends and hug your pets if you have them! xoxo
I just bought a Keto-flavored mix for making brownies! I’m hoping it will provide a few moments of respite, along with a cup of tea, from the speed at which August seems to be barreling towards September!
Yum! That sounds like a delicious idea. I look forward to reading about how your brownies turn out. Yes, August is flying by. I’m hoping the nice weather holds out well into October, I’m NOT ready for winter yet!
I have never made chocolate, so have no tips for you. I am so very sorry about cute wee Bee. Four is much much too young to have to say goodbye, I feel so bad for your daughter and son-in-law. Bee was a beautiful kitten and I’m sure a stunning adult kitty. Huge hugs to all of you.
Thank you, Dawn. Yes, Bee’s age made all of this extra hard to process. Hearing my baby cry and not being there to hug her was extra hard too. They sure loved their little Bee. We appreciate your hugs. And I so appreciated reviewing your last 3 posts – the virtual walk in nature brought smiles to my face!
I’m glad. Smiles can be good, especially when you’re feeling so sad.
Yes, indeed. xoxo
I am sorry to hear about Bee.
My wife makes a vegan fudge that is truly delightful. Good luck with your project.
Thanks, Dan. Vegan fudge sounds yummy. I have 3 chocolate bars to eat before I resume the project. It’s a good thing I’m not traveling where you went – the food would be too tempting and not leave room for chocolate!
Oh, we had room for chocolate
So sorry for the loss of the little kitty, Bee. She sure was pretty. It’s always sad to see our pets ageing and having difficulties. Hope Copper is feeling okay today.
Your chocolate sounds good. Glad it turned out like you hoped. I’ve tried making candy a few times, but they never worked out.
Thank you so much, Barbara. It is hard to watch our pets go through rough times. Bee is dearly missed, I’m sure Copper will be too when his time comes. Today, he’s doing okay.

Yes, the chocolate is good – I hope the next batch is even better. I am dipping it in salt when I eat it, it is a tad too sweet with the vanilla and stevia. I think candy-making is a craft that I haven’t mastered either!
So sorry about Bee. She was a pretty girl.
Thank you, John, yes she was.
Hi Shelley – congrats on the chocolate bars coming out as good as they did – woo hoo – and we have made chocolate many times – but never with the cocao butter and will ry that next time – – my husband also likes the Lily brand (and a few others) but it saddens me that more companies are not using stevia these days – come on folks – can we offer more no sugar options because it is healthier for everyone –
and on a side note – last month I watched a Tudors episode about Queen Elizabeth I and did not know she had a sugar addiction – she even put it on her salads –
she lost her teeth an her hair was falling out – and likely related to the many negative things can sugar brings to the human body –
I wish more people knew about the dangers of eating daily cane sugar –
anyhow back to this post
sending condolences for the cat loss and congrats on he marriage – the 2022 celebration should be fun
Thank you, Yvette. Yes, I agree, I wish more people knew about the dangers of sugar. And the long list of hidden sugar in products. I didn’t know that about the Queen, but it does make sense. I need to make another batch of the chocolate, this time with less stevia. The powered stuff is potent.
Thanks for the condolences and congrats – it’s been a roller-coaster year. Hopefully what rolls in in 2022 will be wonderful.
Gosh Shelley, that was a rollercoaster ride of emotions in one post! Anxiety for Copper, smiles for your daughter’s marriage, sadness for the loss of the beautiful kitty and desire for the chocolate.
All of these things I’m sure you experienced on a greater scale. I’m happy that you had success with the chocolate & ended the week on a high note.
Yes, it was a roller-coaster of a month. It was extra hard to not be there in person to hug my daughter and pet Bee. The chocolate has helped some…
My daughter and her husband are hanging in there – this early test of their marriage has made the relationship stronger. That’s another high note.
I’m sorry for your loss. You did the right thing, difficult as it was. I’ve never made chocolate, but am sure I’d use cane sugar in it. Sugar-free? Sounds hinky to me.
Thank you, Ally. It was a tough decision, but right.
Stevia is surprisingly good. Have you ever tried it? Too much of the powder form is hinky to me though!
I don’t digest sweeteners and can only tolerate cane sugar or maple sugar or honey or molasses. Fortunately I don’t care much for sweets so it’s not an issue of too many calories.
There are some nasty artificial sweetners to avoid. Honey is good! I’ve heard that it is best if you consume honey made in the local area where you live?
That’s good you’re not a sweet fan. I’m not a sweets fan either – dark chocolate seems to be as sweet as I need lately.
Me too.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your kitty! Very sad! And I hope the pup is having a good day. Tough to see pets age. We’re getting in the puppy cuddles while we can, but our pup is getting big–probably 17 or 18 pounds by now! He’s going to be a big one. As for chocolate, I used to make fudge as a kid, but that doesn’t really count. I did recently make some zucchini bread–I have lots of produce from my husband’s garden this time of year. And today I make pesto with his beautiful basil!
Aw, thank you, Rebecca. It was very sad for Bee. And Copper continues to decline. I don’t know what is easier, a quick passing or a slow one.

Your puppy is growing so fast! Yes, grab all the hugs you can. WOW 17-18 #s already.
Yummmmm … I used to love zucchini bread. One of my coworkers used to put chocolate in it. That’s awesome you’re getting lots of produce from the garden. Pesto with basil – I’ll be by later to scoop some up
Little Bee was such a cutie. So sad they can’t live forever. I’m impressed with your chocolate molds and the final results. The science of paring red wine with dark chocolate can not be ignored. Eat, drink, and be merry!
Thank you, Janis. Yes, I agree, it’s sad our pets can’t live with us forever.
I was really impressed with the chocolate molds too. The chocolate needs some tweaking. We’re plowing through it with red wine, though, so things are merry indeed.
Lots of changes in your life Shelley – some for the good, some not so much and a week like that deserved chocolate for sure. I am sorry to hear about my little buddy Copper’s decline. I’m also sorry to hear about sweet Bee. Happy you are now a mother-in-law and can plan a bigger wedding or a party for 2022.
Speaking of changes, you’ve made some changes to your blog as well. Good for you – I am going to do that too, when retired and have a little more time to play. P.S. – For the cause, I have been eating dark chocolate … yes, it is not the sweetest, but good for your health, so down the hatch. I like it better than green tea, which I despise but drink up to stay healthy. Take care. We’re getting the funky weather that is rolling through Wisconsin today … this rain is a pain, but the severe weather is driving me crazy and I want Fall to come soon, provided it is cool and rain/heat/storm free. We already had one storm at 4:00 p.m. and now brace for the main event.
Thank you, Linda – yes, ups and downs have been happening. We’re looking forward to the good times ahead. Poor Copper is struggling. His blindness, deafness and neuropathy are escalating and we’ll likely have to make a tough decision in the not too distant future.
We do matcha and chocolate every day. I thought I’d never like dark chocolate, but now I miss it.
I hope the storms weren’t too bad. In a day or two you’ll have some beautiful weather coming your way!
Lots of changes as time marches on, for you and your family members, including faithful and loving pal Copper. I know it will be a tough decision. That is why I spared myself any further heartache and won’t have pets, though I know a companion pet would be wonderful to have. I would prefer a lighter chocolate but have been eating some every day “for the cause”. We had a gorgeous weekend Shelley and I hated for it to end as we now have a week of rain and stormy weather, every afternoon.
Yes, lots of changes. We’re trying to prepare ourselves for them. I’m getting as many puppy dog hugs as I can. I spent most of the day sitting on the couch in the tea house with Copper by my side.
Glad you had a gorgeous weekend too – we’re going to have sun everyday this week, so maybe next week you’ll have lots of sunny days in a row?!
Well you have my sympathies Shelley – I know it will be difficult after all these years. I loved reading the stories about Copper and seeing you capture his images, whether it was reluctance to go out in the cold and snow, or just curled up in his bed, (or your bed), sleeping. That will be wishful thinking as to the weather. I think I will stop complaining and be grateful that I’ve remained unscathed by these storms. We still have 40,000 homes without power from last Wednesday/Thursday’s pair of storms. It was considered one of the worst windstorms in Michigan’s history.
Thank you, Linda, your sympathy and support all these years is so appreciated. I read every comment to Copper and in his own way he smiled every time!
The weather was calm, then stormy, then hot, then muggy – I don’t know about you but I don’t recall it being so crazy in 2020, but that was a year of blurry moments for sure.
Wow – historical storms – that’s a lot of homes without power!!! I’m glad you were unscathed. I hope power has been restored by now!
He was a much-loved little soul and the subject of many blog posts … who doesn’t love to be the star of the show?
The weather has been fitful and as I write this reply at 10:15 p.m., it is 79 with a real feel of 95. This afternoon’s real feel got to 101. We are having storms overnight and through the next four days. In the afternoon, so it doesn’t impact walking, but it’s no picnic to go out when the temps are tropical at 7:30-ish either. I’m happy I didn’t lose power, but keep thinking “my time will come sooner or later.” It took them over a week for some people and it was stinkin’ hot. I felt for them. We’ve lost power in the Summer once for five or six days in a very hot week and lost it in Winter for four or so days.
Yes, he did love being the star of the show.
Our weather has been pretty nice (knock on wood). Signs of fall are here. Yikes – 101 doesn’t sound fun. I’m glad you didn’t lose power, that’s not fun at all. I hope you’ll enjoy the cooler weather coming your way in a few days.