Oh, my fur and whiskers! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date! No time to say ‘hello, goodbye,
‘ I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! – The White Rabbit
The Mrs. is in apparent take her time vacation mode (still…even after a week and a half). She woke up late this morning and is feeling suddenly unprepared to leave the house for a mid-week early morning meeting! Sigh…here’s to her hopping her way it into high gear and getting outta here on time!
Happy Wednesday, y’all!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday
PS – Do you work from home? If you do, do you find it hard to head out for early morning meetings, mid-week, especially when you’ve settled into the groove of staying home? What’s your trick to being on time? Does it involve forced brevity on your blog, too?! LOL!
That’s a great picture – we love bunnies.
Tell Maddie that Copper appreciates her tastes in the view of wildlife!
My trick about early morning meetings is not schedule early morning meetings! Good luck with yours.
You’re brilliant, Ally – I so need to follow that advice!
It’s tough coming back from vacation mode! So sorry!
Thank you, Laurie. I survived, it was rough, but I did it!
Yes, its hump day…middle of the week…weeks half over, only half left to need hopping to. Hope meeting was good, have a good rest of the week.
Thank you, Anita. I’m sure you can remember those meeting days. You’re right, we’re on the tail end of the week now, and that’s something to smile about.
LOL. Too funny.
I don’t work from home but I do hate early morning meetings with a passion!
Especially when those meetings cut into my morning time which I adore!
hello bunny!
Hello, Jim!
Perfect photos. I’m not a fan of early anything — I’m even rather crabby just getting the kids off to school!
Thank you, Laura. But then…after they’re out the door…isn’t that time when they’re off to school and the house is quiet the perfect solitude moment? Ah……………….bliss…!
I used to up and at ’em … out the door early every morning. In the Winter I shoveled snow before I went to work and in the Summer, I watered and weeded before I went to work … I took the 7:30 a.m. bus on top of it. It seems I piddle around and cannot get going anymore. I don’t know if my get-up-and-go has got up and went or I have just slid so far out of a regular regimen since working from home.
I’m up at 4 or 5, but I like to take my time with my blog writing and creativity before I hit the treadmill and then get ready for work. Working from home takes a little less effort to look presentable for the office. When I have to go out in public, and drive 45 minutes to the meeting, that throws everything off! Sigh. I’m glad I went, I’m an official Dementia Friends Champion now, so it was a good thing for me to go. I agree with you, though, as we get into the groove of working from home, the rituals adjust. You seem to me to get a lot done, plus a lot of walking in. You’ve not lost the ability to get stuff done! I’m impressed.
Thanks – I really ran a tight ship when I worked, and took the bus. Things had to go like clockwork or it would throw me off. I always took an earlier bus than I would need to, simply because we had to go over a portion of the Detroit River where the freighters had to go through and depending on who was manning the bridge – sometimes they put the bridge up 20 minutes before the freighter arrive. So I sometimes did two buses ahead to be on the safe side, during freighter season (they just opened up this week and go thru November). If I have an appointment of any kind, I definitely have to get up earlier to have my ducks in a row!
If I had a commute like that, you bet I’d be just like you. I hate being late. Even though I’ve gotten better at being close to late in my work at home years. I prefer to be like you and have all my ducks in a row.
We are cut from the same cloth Shelley. I left really late this morning on my walk. Pouring when the alarm went off, so I knew I wasn’t going out – looked out at 8:30 to feed the porch pals – dry and no sun, but I could walk. I left late, got home later than usual and came flying here to start work, very untogether – I hate that but I got 4 miles in and here by the skin of my teeth.
Excellent!! I’m so proud of you for going with the flow and taking the opportunity to get 4 miles in!!! YAY!!!!!!!!