
The exploding mushroom

We’ve all been there, we can’t deny it.  Well, unless you’re perfect, in which case, do share your tips on how to avoid this common problem.

What problem?

I’m talking about when we let our procrastination mushroom to the point of almost exploding before we finally take action.

When we avoid doing what we know we need to do, we are walking along in life, not really noticing how slowly it is growing.  Like a fungal species, just waiting to pop and spread more and more into our lives.  Ewe!

At first, the thing, whatever it is, is out there on a to-do list.  It is all peaceful and obscure especially when we skip paying attention to the details of what’s slowly growing.


Sure, we occasionally stop to take a whiff.  To remind us that, “Oh yeah, I still have that thing to do.”   But early on, before our self-imposed deadline nears, we tell ourselves it’s still too messy to even bother with, or at least not yet.

“I’ll get to it someday.  Today isn’t a good day to weed through the details.”


But it is growing…

What procrastinating mushroom do you have waiting to burst free from your to-do list?

Time to break free from the roots of procrastination.

Start somewhere in the midst of making different choices.  Just go, get it done before the mushrooming spores spread…!

 Daily Post Prompt:  Mushroom