Adventures · Inspiration

The power of imperfection

When I grab my camera, I’m on a mission to play while I learn what works and what doesn’t with my camera.

That wasn’t always the case for me.

Early on, I wanted to be like the professionals.  I wanted perfection.

Then I found out that they often used Photoshop or some software like that to make the photos look perfect.  Dang…really…are you sure about that?  Yep.


Well, isn’t that nice?  I don’t have Photoshop.  So I’ll suck as a photographer?  How defeating…I should just give up!

I didn’t, or should I say I haven’t, I keep on playing.

My resistance to quitting created a desire to surprise myself with what might be the perfect good enough shot peeking back at me when I review it on my computer.  More power to the people who can look at the screen on their camera to decide if they should keep a photo or not.  The blessings of trifocals do not extend to cameras…just saying…


The goal last night was to catch a perfect shot of a flower from different angles, views, even the wilted flowers might just do.

By not forcing myself to get a perfect top-down, every petal crisp and gorgeous so any onlooker would say, “Wow!” photo, I released the urge to toss photos out that didn’t meet that criteria.  I looked for worn flowers, ones that have given their all this summer, who helped the bees and the butterflies spread their love around the garden.

I fought and won over the urge to never capture or show a garbage photo.


After hours and hours of playing and having fun, I realized how much I adore the not so perfect photos.  Instead of standing alone in rejection mode, I stand tall with my convictions that being different is okay.

A sideways approach is beautiful, too.


The photos that would normally be discarded, have tiny details of WOW in them to me.


There is beauty in every stage of a flower.  And there is beauty in every stage a human person takes while discovering their passion, purpose, and courage to live the life they love to live while tossing perfection aside.


Whether I use photos or words, there is power in every wish I have to share with the world.  My advice to you is don’t hide what you think might be a garbage post – share!  I dare you to share, you might just surprise yourself and your readers too!

A reflection on the 30-day challenge note – I woke this morning to read Anita’s contribution to yesterday’s challenge word prompt best, and I’m still smiling, check it out!  She is such a trooper with the challenge – I’m loving how she’s taking it on with her own unique voice, that’s what blogging is all about – finding your own voice and sharing it with the world!  The days when I think, ‘man, this challenge is such a bore’, she surprises me and encourages me to carry on…we’ve only got 9 days left!!  Thank you, Anita, you give me hope!

Post inspiration #MyBlogMyWritingStyle 30 Day Blogging Challenge (rules here) today’s word prompt – Garbage, and the question of the day is “What does the day feel like when you think you wrote a garbage post?” & Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – word prompt – flour or flower.

PS – Share your flower post links in the comments below, I’d love to see your photos.  What do you do to overcome the desire for perfection?  Do you ever share photos or words you think aren’t good enough?  Happy 1st day of Autumn…let the changing colors begin!  

25 thoughts on “The power of imperfection

  1. I totally and completely agree! There is beauty in imperfection in flowers, in all of nature, and in ourselves. The “edge” is interesting. And all stages of life are interesting if we allow them to be. Though I’m not a photographer, I love to take candid photos. I love trying to capture the feeling in a moment.

    1. Aw, thanks! You’re right, and this stage that we’re in is one to climb in and out of the edges of each side. We left the edge of youth, but the edge of aging isn’t that bad…is it? I wish I was better at candid photography, maybe I should try that next? Ever since I read your ‘?’ mark post I’ve been a-thinkin’! 🙂

  2. Great photos and words accompanying the process. I think you are a great photographer. I still haven’t master the art of photography and i dont have the patience to upload onto a blog post. But, I really should get over that and do more of my own photos.

    nice response to the socs.
    have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and encouragement! Your post for the prompt is great as well! Hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Oooh! Those flower pictures are PERFECT! Crisp! Clear and vibrant!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is perfection. I didn’t realize there was a 30 day challenge going on. I am going to check out Anita’s post. Thanks for sharing!! What a way to brighten our day 🙂

  4. Life is not perfect. But maybe it is as perfection and beauty are in the eyes of the beholders. I take photos for fun, too, and I love yours with all the interesting angles. The wilted flowers say so much more about life as they retain some of their vibrant colors and keep on doing their thing.

    1. So very true, JoAnna! Thank you for your words of encouragement, I appreciate hearing from you. I love watching the flowers do their own thing. They even made it through the first frost this morning! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  5. Love your flowers. They tell such a story and you pulled it out of them perfectly. Thanks for the vote of confidence. It has been fun and a learning experience. I figured out how to tag – yea me! LOL. Have a great weekend.

  6. Great post Shelley. Imperfection. Interesting how hard it is to accept – and impossible to avoid. I also like the photos of flowers as they “age” – let’s celebrate that as much as we celebrate the buds and beginnings. And then!..with people too. 🙂

  7. I love your photos and great that you don’t use Photoshop. I don’t either as my main aim is to shoot memories. I have lots of fun with my camera – it goes with me everywhere – just in case there’s something interesting to photograph. It’s such a fun hobby.

    1. Thank you! As a fellow hobby photographer, I, of course, agree with your sentiments too! It is a lot of fun to play around with the camera and catch memories!

  8. I see some Wow photos there (and with every one of your posts!). I have trouble with the perfect thing too when I am taking my concert pictures. That’s why I take so many. Sometimes the blurry ones have the best memories!

    1. Thank you, Janet! I’m amazed at the shots you get at your concerts – the crowds would intimidate me into a state of a blur for sure! 😉 Yes – memories are the best of any takeaway!

  9. Just an FYI- I’ve used Corel Paintshop Pro for photo editing for many years. It’s not very expensive and not a subscription. Just looked it up and found the X9 edition for $30 at Wal Mart. Works great, and a lot cheaper than Photoshop. I think those flowers are lovely by the way!

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