Adventures · Emptying the nest

The new wall color looks lovely with my eyes

Here’s the deal.  Hoomans do loud things as they coast along through life.  They make messes and they simply don’t understand the stress of any type of home remodeling projects.  I’m sure they never thought of the stresses while relaxing and dreaming in a much calmer setting.

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Or at least they don’t get how stressful it is for a cautious and nervous cat.

Like yours truly.


The stage of this project is all stalled out for the moment.  The new counters are currently installed in the wrong spot, aka, my napping spot.


It’s the perfect spot to catch sun rays that come through the new windows in the afternoon.


Those same windows that, by the way, involved two strangers walking about the house, banging, clanging, and causing all sorts of rearranging.  They’re gone now, thank goodness.  Just when I thought things were almost back to normal, the new countertops arrived.

And the loud noises started up again.  I’ve gone into hiding when it’s really loud in the house.  I venture out to see what has changed when the room is quiet.

New studies find that certain noises, such as a metal spoon hitting a tile floor, a hammer striking a nail…
Or even the sound of crushing tin foilcan cause seizures in adult cats.

… Not only are those sounds annoying to your cat…

They can trigger a neurological and physical reaction in your kitty — in the form of a seizure.
This is called a “feline audiogenic reflex seizure.” Cats ages 15 years and up — as well as cats with impaired hearing — are the most at risk.   -Dr. Marty

Mr. was so excited when the counters arrived.  He installed two of the easier to install ones right away.  He’s like a little kid.  He’s enjoying the revival of the important spaces that will help him cook delicious meals.

I’m trying to get used to the countertops, they’re smooth and shiny and kind of slippery for me.


I like to sit on the receipts from all the expenses.  Keeping track of the budget.


I’ve heard, “There’s a budget, dear.”


In honor of the old counters, Mr. whipped up a huge crockpot of chili for a week full of meals for himself and Mrs.


They oohed and aahed as the cheese melted.


If I’m not mistaken, they even drooled a bit while they ate their first meal of it last night.  Both nodded to each other, they know there’s enough to coast along throughout the week-long installation ahead – as the rest of the countertops replace the old ones. Without a stove and a refrigerator in place, it’s going to be interesting to see how the hoomans fend for themselves without the proper cooking tools, that’s for darn sure.

The dream of this kitchen remodeling idea has resulted in one heck of a staycation celebration of their 30-year marriage.  Yep, it must’ve been dreamed up while they looked out on their favorite coast-line in Jamaica.

Where, incidentally, Mrs. gained 2-3 pounds she’s never been able to get rid of since returning from the trip.  I’ve heard, “It has nothing to do with stress eating Tostitos?”

All I’ve got to say at this point in the process is that I wish I had earplugs.

Oh, and, darling dears…my eyes do look lovely with the new wall color.


Don’t you dare to disagree…

Post Inspiration – Check out Frank’s Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge – Coast.

PS – I hope your week is off to a great start.  We had our first snow last night.  Thank goodness it isn’t sticking around.  What’s your favorite comfort food when the weather turns cooler outside?  Are you a noodle in your chili person or do you go noodle free?  

34 thoughts on “The new wall color looks lovely with my eyes

    1. LOL – I remember that you don’t like noodles in your chili. 😉 Tizzie loves the kudos, thanks! I hope your trip is going well. You’re missing out on the cold air that’s hanging in your neck of the woods the last couple of days!

      1. I get the weather for here in Tarpon Springs, Vegas and my Michigan hometown. There was a wind storm yesterday. Will have some yard cleanup when I get back this weekend. Fun. 😎🌴🌵

  1. Snow in October…just seems too soon. Sweet story and photos. Chili was always our go-to trick or treat night dinner when the kids were growing up. Easy and sat on the stove bubbling for our trick or treaters when they came home. No noodles, but sometimes rice. Cheese? of course!

    1. Yeah – too early. I remember 80 degrees on one Halloween and 20’s and inches of snow on others. We live in the wildcard state for weather on Halloween. Chili is a great meal to eat after trick or treating. Cheese -always! Thank you for sharing!!

      1. I’m getting closer to my goal of being at goal by my birthday in March and just tried on some jeans that were size 14 instead of size 20 and that is encouragement to continue.

  2. Oh dear, you used the “B” word. Budget? I know of such things, but try not to get burdened with them! As for noodles in your chili, sure– why not? Although we lean cornbread around here.

    1. LOL – trust me, that ‘B’ word only comes out when questionable additions to the list become ‘handy’ options. Generally if we both can convince ourselves, we budge on the budget. YAY – a fellow okay with noodles fan! Cornbread is nice too.

  3. Snow – ugh. For us, not measurable end of this week. Heck of a way to start out November. I’ve never heard of noodles in chili – but why not – in fact I like Campbell’s Chunky Soup; with the noodles in it … love that soup but only have it occasionally as too much sodium. I grew up eating chili with potatoes in it – that’s how my mom made it.

    1. Yep, snow. At least it didn’t stick around. I’ve never heard of potatoes in chili – I be that would be good though…hmm…

      1. That is the only way she made chili. She boiled the potatoes, then diced them up about an inch, maybe inch and a half square.
        She did not use kidney beans but used pork and beans. So it was not a traditional chili as most people know it, but she always made chili that way and she still used spices in it.

  4. Reminds me of Cincinnati Chili…yum! Yes to noodles. And no to snow. Ha! We have it mixed with rain this AM, and I am the dog walker today. We both needed a towel when we got back. 🙂 Your kitchen will be lovely and worth the effort when you finish. Hang in there!

    1. Yumm…I’ve never heard of Cincinnati Chili – but I looked up the recipe, I think you’ve just found our next recipe to try the next time the snow is about to fly. It’s 22 degrees here, clear skies and frost everywhere. At least it isn’t inches of snow. Bummer for you and the dogs in the rain. Isn’t it funny how dogs don’t seem to mind as much as we do?
      Thank you for the encouragement. We’re loving the changes, we’re just discovering how much ‘creative construction’ was done by the original builders. Yesterday, the song from Rocky was playing on the radio when Mr. began removal of the original counters. I found that funny ;-)!

    1. Yes, pets don’t enjoy their routines being messed with. They’ll be just as happy as we will be when this is done! You do have a healthy appetite from what I can tell from your posts that include mouth-watering foodie shots!

        1. If you don’t have diet restrictions, like some folks do, the world of food choices that provide comfort is a party waiting to happen!

          1. You’re very wise – Cheetos are full of crap Tostitos are better for you if you need that salty-crunchy taste like me – BUT they’re not ‘healthy’ either – go for veggies instead.

  5. That’s kind of like Skyline Chili’s 4 Way, chili with beans and cheese over a bed of pasta (they use spaghetti, but macaroni is good too, and my favorite is shells). They also spice it up with cinnamon, which isn’t as strange as it sounds. It’s a Cincinnati thing…

    Your cat will be happy when all this work is done, I’ll bet…

    1. That chili sounds great – I would never think to use cinnamon in it, I need to try the copycat recipe and give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
      Yes, all the animals will be happy when the project is done!

  6. You coasted through this theme with much aplomb and phantasmagorical feline skill! Of course, when cats write our blog posts, they are always top-notch!

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