Adventures · Emptying the nest

The new place must have windows

As an empty nest parent, I’m finding out about how much I really don’t know about life and the adventures of moving in and out of homes.  It wasn’t modeled for me as I was growing up.  We didn’t move a lot once we settled into our home when I was 5 years old.  The next move for me was out of my parent’s house.

My kids on the other hand, man, they’ve done the moving and the shaking enough for me.  Our oldest was out of the house the moment she turned 18, and came back only once, long enough to say, “Nope, I’m gonna make it on my own, no matter what, I’m not coming back.”  She was like that when she was little, couldn’t keep her in the crib either.  I admire her feisty and determined nature, it serves her well.  That spirit no doubt rubbed off on her little sister.

Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren’t even there before. – Mignon McLaughlin

Her little sister, well, she’s been a mover, too, only she took off from the nest to land in big scary places, like far away from us, to Chicago.  At that point in my life, the first child’s blurry move-away-from-home memories meant it was a good idea to take photos to remember the events.  I could also stay out-of-the-way and let the moving and set up crew do the work.  To the dorms and back, and back to an apartment living off campus made this momma’s heart flip over.

She was settled in and ready to start a new journey.  I captured the moment the day we left her there, and 3 years later the day we picked her up to move her back home.

Honey, just pose for me one more time so I can recreate the first picture.

Okay, how’s this?


Um…I think you were just looking out the window, try that, please?

After graduation, she moved home for a few months, then they all moved into our stained glass window apartment for 7 months.


And then she announced we’re moving to Middleton.

Okay…what criteria do you have when looking for apartments?

Windows, of course, my plants and Bee (we) need windows!


Of course, you do.  I’ll tell dad to pack the drill and toolbox.

The plants survived the move, and these two are making the new place their own.


A girl, her plants, and a new office space to start her own business.

An office companion that loves windows as much as my daughter.  Maybe next trip she’ll even look at me and pose…

We moved this girl to Chicago and back and somewhere in between she picked up the growing plants habit well.


These kind of planted pots and the smiles they make on her face are a-okay with us!  All the moments I rocked her as a baby in that rocking chair make me smile to see her so happy in her new place with a window view.  It’s just a plus to me that she’s found recycling old furniture a thrill as well.


Post Inspiration – Lens Artist #14 – Windows.

PS – Do you have a green thumb and enjoy houseplants too?  Do your kids buy new or reuse your old furniture?  What’s your favorite move your kids out of the house story?  




22 thoughts on “The new place must have windows

  1. Shelley, thank you for a wonderful and heartwarming post! Love your thoughts of windows and your girl’s answer about the criteria for an apartment. It could have been my girl saying that! She also loves plants and flowers, and in her little student apartment I guess she has got as many plants as books.
    Lovely take on this – windows letting in light through every picture – and into my heart.

    1. Thank you, Leya, I appreciate your feedback and you sharing insights into your daughter’s life as well. My daughter has books too…! I appreciate the opportunity to join in the challenge.

  2. I’ve GOTTA have plants —- in the winter, my front window is crammed full of spider plants etc. that normally spend the nice-weather months outside. it’s just not my home without them 😉

    1. Plants are awesome! I wish I had more of a green thumb, maybe with more practice? Thank you for sharing your love of plants with me!

  3. Your daughter looks a lot like you. Congrats to her! We have a similar move to college story but fortunately ours was only 1-1/2 hours away so we got to see her often. I am not good with plants and rarely had them around once the kids were born so they don’t really have an interest in that but they are most happy to use recycled furniture! Very lovely post, Shelley.

    1. Thank you, Janet. These kids, they put us through the experiences, don’t they? I appreciate hearing your child off to college and plant story, thank you for sharing it!

  4. Empty nest here too! moved out of house we raised family, decided to do something temporary and has now been almost 3 years, just the thought of moving again is exhausting

  5. Wonderful post, Shelley! Such sweet photos too. Brings back memories – of moving our 2 kids in and out of (long distance) college dorms and apartments. Moving every few years. Whew. No, for the most part they did not want any furniture from us. I also have pix of my husband – tools in hand – helping them assemble various bookshelves and ikea type furniture. My favorite story? Probably getting ready to pack the rented minivan to move our firstborn and her mountain of stuff to her first college dorm. Her dad marked off the matching space on the dining room floor with masking tape. If it fit in there, it would fit in the van. And it did!

    1. Yes, the moving was crazy – I’m ready for them to stay put for a bit! My husband is always helping them build something. LOL – the first move my husband did something like that, he marked out the area in the garage and spent hours mentally packing the Uhaul! Our hubbies would get along great! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I enjoy your stories.

  6. Isn’t it fun watching them grow. Scary as well. But it is a reflection on ‘we did Ok’ with this parenting thing – the thing with no manual. And yes I too love plants. Thumb is more of the light green variety as I have been know to kill things. So this is a web page linked to your wordpress blog? Guess it something more for me to learn. Have a great week.

    1. Yes, it is fun and I agree, (or at least we keep telling ourselves) that we did okay with the parenting thing knowing they can survive on their own. I’m a light green thumb too, I tend to be ruthless if the plant can’t survive or if it shows signs of pests – out it goes. I have a purchased theme and domain so it is through .org, and then I can use the .com account to create posts or use the .org to create them. Hope you have a great week too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and stories, as always, I enjoy reading them!

  7. I love your interpretation of windows, your girls and gosh those plants.
    I am going to to try my luck with indoor plants now 🙂

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