Adventures · Emptying the nest

The empty nest mom behind the camera

I don’t know what it is about the month of May that gets me right in the heartstrings?  I love spring, but I also have many mixed memories to contend with that are like ink etched in my brain, in photos on my phone or on an SD card in my camera, or in lease papers signed by them in towns far from where they were born.


The voices in my head are singing new songs these days, in anticipation of another move.  While we’re at home moving and shaking up the yard, our youngest is busy packing her boxes preparing for the move.


We’re grabbing every moment of laughter together before she leaves.  It hasn’t even been a full week since we planted these seeds together.  It was fun to watch her grab the camera and take photos of me.  I loved seeing what she saw in this mini-adventure in gardening.


It felt a bit upside down to not be the one taking photos.  No worries, I recovered and straightened them out.  A little chuckle we got to share, warmed my heart.

Sarah – “They sound like Rice Crispies popping as they expand.”  I smiled while we all watched the mini-beds expand in preparation for the planting.

Sarah – “Mom, it’ll be a fun adventure, with new places for you to come to visit…”

Me:  “Yes, I know.  You’re ready.  I’ll be okay.”

Sarah – “You’re gonna have some weird hand shots to sort through.”

Thankfully, I captured her hands in one.  They look so young compared to mine.


There go those voices in my head…still speaking…

Me:  “Oh, those kids, you know, they gotta do what they gotta do.”

Every May, for the past 8 years, our kids have made a move or planned for a move of some sorts.  Generally, it happens around Mother’s Day.  Mid-month seems like a great time to spring into action and move out, around, up, down, and usually to a new town.

But…that’s okay they say, “We’re growing, Mom, be happy for us.  We’re excited to start a new stage.”

They’re growing.


They’re growing at a rapid pace.


They’re growing and breaking free from home base.


The fastest way to get me to go out and do something is to tell me no way I can do it. – Evelyn Ashford

I’ll catch up and bloom, too.

Until then, here I am, behind the camera, inking down the stories of our adventures, and capturing every moment I can.  To remember what life looked like.  Where they (we) started off from.  And mostly to remind myself how much they are growing and how proud I am of their desire to keep growing.

They’re growing and it’s stretching my heartstrings yet again.  Find the laughter, not the tears.  Will I survive?  Will I thrive in this new stage of empty nesting?  Will I grow too?

The seeds planted are saying – Yes, it’s time to grow.  Yes!  It’s to be…Growth is the right way to look at it.  Yes! – embracing this stage will help me grow, too.

Post Inspiration:  Linda Lee’s One-Liner Wednesday:  Ink and Cee’s FunFoto Challenge: Any kind of camera or photographer



24 thoughts on “The empty nest mom behind the camera

  1. Yes life does not stand still and cannot be denied … Your empty nest will bring new challenges and discoveries. And your young plants are impressive. Mine are late and this years gardening success is dubious at best. Thanks for a grand read. Remembering the empty nest feelings and memories …. yep …. just like yesterday. g

    1. Thank you, G – your words of wisdom are appreciated. PS – comments from fellow dubious friends always brighten my empty nest – thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts!

  2. I have a raised garden bed, very small, and looks like a table, with a few herbs and some kale in it. A couple of big pots that will house maybe some swiss chard. The actual garden I used to have became a buffet for the groundhog and her babies, and since the fence needs repairing and we’re waiting for the insurance to come assess bla bla blah I will have to make do with the few little garden bed thingies. But, your post makes me itch to plant lots of seedlings! Maybe one day it will all come back. 🙂

    1. I’ve toyed with the idea of herbs gardens. I’m mostly a minimalist when it comes to gardening. The less work the better…and if the plants pass the test of the survival of the fittest, they get my accolades. This year, with an empty nest, I’m venturing into the unknown, and hopefully the weed-free world of lush gardens. I’m a dubious dreamer, too! It will all come back, it will, I have faith it will for you too! PS – love your balancing of thoughts you’ve got going on :-)!!

  3. I hope Sarah has a wonderful adventure as all young people should…take opportunities to go places and experience new things.

    Isn’t it great that spring is finally here and we can think about flowers and planting gardens? Now, if they rain would just stop…

    1. I’m positive Sarah will do just that. Both of our kids are adventuresome, we’re lucky they invite us to join them to see where they go and what they’ve discovered. Yes, I’m so HAPPY spring is here. We’ve been in more of a draught, rained last night, but the sun is shining today. I’ll send you sun, you send me rain and we’ll balance the state out, right? 😉

  4. It is hard to watch them go, but now I have time to travel and enjoy the things I put off for them, They encouraged me to go. It gets better, but the sad comes first.

    1. So true, and so nice you’re able to share encouragement with words of wisdom for the time to travel and have fun stages!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Yes you will survive, and go from strength to strength…just look at your daughters – they didn’t get their sense of adventure from nowhere after all!!

    1. Aw, thank you, Marie! Yes, we will survive – and we’re going to focus on laughter like you’ve suggested on your post today!! xx

      1. Laughter and the more of it the better…life is too short for anything else! We just need to practice it, like positive thinking!!

  6. Oh, Shelley! I can’t really imagine what will be my feelings when I will have an empty nest. Anyway, you’ll have plenty quality time with your husband now 😉 I can’t wait for the flowers to bloom!

    1. Thank you, Winnie. Before this stage, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel either. Yes, there will be plenty of quality time with the Mr. You and me, both! I’ve kicked into high gear waiting for the flowers to bloom!

  7. It is a difficult time for mums. And yes, I think there is a little grieving. My eldest left, but then returned. Something about missing the dog…. When he moved back in, we had to adjust to one another again. 🙂

    1. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I love to read that you’ve been a parent with a revolving door, too. We adjust, and that’s what makes it all work out! :-)!

    1. Aw, Laura, thank you, that is so sweet of you! Your blog is so inspirational, I can see why you’ve been nominated so many times!!!

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