Each day we leave behind the old and embrace the new.
That’s a good thing, right? Plants seem to have the procedure down well. Flowers bloom where planted, and so does the corn. The farmers just plant seeds in new grooves and with a bit of sun, rain, and warmer temps they take off growing. Should be knee-high by the 4th of July.
In the world, as we continue grieving so many losses, we’re leaving behind memories of things we’re not sure we were ready to let go of just yet. I try not to focus on that anymore. Instead, I’m focusing on the new things we’ve tried.
Like watching Mr. cook in an air fryer.
The old method of cooking fries in a deep fryer with nasty vegetable oil (which by the way isn’t made of veggies, where the heck did they think it ever was I’ll never understand?). Anyhoo, the magic of air fries – OMG – Jicama fries in an air fryer.
Yeah, okay, I’ll admit it, they’re not the same as the old fries. But a damn tasty representation of the old fries we liked to eat on occasion.
Meanwhile, back in the apartment remodeling project, my portion of the project has taken a standstill. My task is to wash every surface. And that requires water.
What happened to the water, you ask?
Well … it all started in the bathroom. Remember the bathroom, with the lovely wallpaper. I finally got off the last bit of the old paper while I watched Mr. attempt his best attempts to fix the tub faucet.

While Mr. worked on that, I gave it my best shot at removing the final layer (of 3) of vinyl flooring. A challenging physical workout that was!
After the flooring was up, Mr. began the process of removing the countertop and pulling out the cabinet.
Meanwhile, I worked on the last bit of flooring in the entryway.
It was a good and productive day. We’re both sore today. We’ve got a long way to go before it’ll be ready for new renters. Maybe by then, the COVID virus will have run its course, and the person who moves in will be gainfully employed and won’t be a smoker.
I’m a dreamer, yes, I am.

And this is my post in honor of the Classic Editor in WordPress being replaced with the new editor effective 6/1/2020. I love the Classic Editor, and I am sad it will be going away tomorrow. I really like the slideshow function. Who knows if this post will be viewable tomorrow or not? I guess we’ll see. I did notice that I have a duplicate slideshow above. I can only see it in the preview, not as I write it.
Just another example of out with the Old and in with the New, and the bugs to come.
As I was creating this post, I could tell the issues were starting to happen. Sigh … saying goodbye to the things we love is so hard! xx
Post Inspiration – Amy for Lens-Artist #99 Old and New
PS – Have you ever removed vinyl flooring? How about replaced piping? How about washing every surface in your house? What have you given up lately that has helped you grow? I’m also sending prayers to our neighbors in Minnesota, this has been a very challenging week for them. xx
Well Shelley, you are being MUCH more productive during the pandemic than most of us! I do not envy you the work but know it will all be worth it in the end and I envision your smiles of satisfaction when that happens! Hoping we see your end result!
LOL – thanks, Tina. Trust me there have been lots of downtime moments that I haven’t captured in photos ;-).
Oh yeah, I’m sure I’ll share the end results! I hope sooner rather than later that happens.
Great topic, Shelley, and well put together. I bet you’ll get along fine with the new editing system. Haven’t done anything close to the work you’re doing, but I do watch such miracles on HGTV, and they’re accomplished by teams of 3 or 4 hombres or two hefty women plus 2 hearty-looking fellows, all of whom do it for a living day in and day out. Like linoleum, it looks like you and Mr. have your work cut out for you!
Thank you, Ellen, I appreciate your feedback. I’ll get brave soon to do a post in the new editor.
I’m like you, I love HGTV home makeover shows. The end product of the show provides me with inspiration, and then I get a dose of reality when the work to get there wears me down. This is an extra big job because we have to remove smoke smell from every surface.
We will have the option to continue with the legacy editor to the best of my understanding. An opt-out option was mentioned in my reading about that awful block thing. Shame on WP for forcing this on it’s users. And more! That’s a seriously big project you’ve got going, wow. The decor looks very 1970’s.
I think I read that you can choose the classic editor for individual posts? I better read up on it again before I try. They’ve been trying to get people to voluntarily convert, when that doesn’t work I guess a forced approach happens?
Yes, it’s a big project and yes, the place was built in the late ’70s. It’ll look like a morphed ’70s/’20s when we get done with it. LOL!
Oh, man. You guys have a project there! I bet it will give you great satisfaction to look at it finished though. We are packing to move in the next three weeks. We close on the sale of our house Friday and on our new condo mid-June. So we have our work cut out for us, and we are having to let go of a LOT of the old and embrace the new. It’s a good change (we think) and over time will be a good move to get on one floor as we age. But man, I haven’t moved in 15 years and it’s not fun. LOL.
I love that color of iris…my irises are blooming, too. And I have my fingers crossed that I will get to cut my peonies before I have to move. I have a love/hate relationship with my garden. So much work, but also so beautiful. I’m taking a lot of pictures but also looking forward to letting someone else take over this huge task.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Laurel! Yes, our project is a big one. The finish line is what I keep hoping to get to – it is my favorite part. We’ve had other big renovations over the years, this one ranks right up there with the OVERWHELMING factor.
Wow – you’ve got a big project going too. So that’s why your gardens and landscaping look extra awesome? You’re fortunate that you were able to sell it and move during all of the pandemic stuff. Was that hard to coordinate?
I often think of a place that is all on one floor as we age too. I can’t imagine moving though. We’ve got 30+ years of stuff. I should start parting with stuff now so that if/when we move it’s easier on us. If only I didn’t have the ‘other’ project going on? LOL.
I wish I had more colors of irises, yours are bright – the ones I have are pretty though. I hope you get to cut your peonies before you move. Yes, take lots of pictures, you’ll treasure them when you think back to the years you enjoyed in that beautiful home of yours! I hope where your condo is that you get to see nice surroundings! Enjoy your packing project and future trips to the Goodwill lines.
We did all that garden work prior to selling, yes, but we do that pretty much every year anyway. It’s a lot.
And yes, selling during the pandemic has been nutty. We had a ton of foot traffic, then nothing. Then a ton of foot traffic and two offers. Which is great. And now we’re trying to get it all over the finish line. It’s mega stressful and I will be glad when it’s all settled.
I haven’t had the heart to do much yard work ontop of all the other projects we’ve got going on. I don’t need more stuff to maintain. It may be a garden of the survival of the fittest for flowers this year.
Thanks for sharing how the process has been going for you. My daughter’s significant other is a realtor in another state and it’s been challenging to sell homes with the shut-down mode. Glad you got offers and that you’re on the home-stretch soon. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
I would rather repair a mile of pipe than remove flooring. You guys get bonus points.
Thanks, Dan. We’ve got miles of piping and miles of flooring. Glad bonus points are being earned. I hope when we cash in on them they bring us rewards.
I think you have enough for a cold beer or a glass of wine.
LOL – yeah, there’s that involved for sure!
Looks like the apt is coming along. Removing vinyl flooring (3 layers!) does look like quite the task. I bet your arms are sore! I too am mourning the loss of the classic editor in WP! I use the block editor plenty, but for some post titles, like those that contain a book title–which needs to be italicized–I prefer the classic. We’ll see how it all shakes out!
Yes, the project is slowly coming together. Mr. injured his leg, so we’re crawling now. But we’ll get there eventually.
I thought maybe you had used the block editor a lot. I hope we can pick and choose which editor we want to use? I’m working my way to try writing a post soon …
Oh no, I hope your husband’s leg is on the mend! I usually use the block editor these days, but I do sometimes go back and forth. We’ll see what happens with my next post–fingers crossed for us all!
Thanks, yeah, his leg is slowly healing.
I’m impressed that you can go back and forth with Editors. I do hope they keep that option, for all of us!!
Wow. I am tired just looking at those slideshows. LOL. Home projects like that are exhausting – I remember! (although we didn’t rip up floors…) I also am not happy about the editor change. Apparently you can keep the old style classic editor or use a “classic block” whatever that is. But not the newer version of the classic, which is what I’ve been using. But perhaps it’s just putting off the inevitable. The Happiness WP people told me they will be phasing out all forms of the classic eventually (or “won’t be supporting it”). Good luck!
Yes, I’m tired too. And flooring removal is something new for us too. We didn’t realize there were three layers until we got started writing it up!
The HE’s from WP’s are telling the truth. We’ll see how long they let the classic option go. You’ve been posting since the 1st – how is it going? Is it working for you?
I’m working my way to write a post soon … we’ll see how it goes! Good luck to you too!
The work involved with removing 3 layers may have contributed to why one layer kept getting added on the the next. The editing status remains unchanged so far. WP must be running late…
Oh, yes, most definitely! It’s much easier to add a layer than to remove and replace. Our new flooring wouldn’t have allowed for it.
WP slow again? Hmm …
Hi Shelley your doing well with the cleaning and renovation. It will take time but it will look better in the end
Thank you – we’re plugging along!
I’ve done all that and more… and I never want to do it again! Even just looking at your pictures of the renovation wears me out. Best of luck to get it done and rented (to good people who will take care of your property) soon. It’s time to relax and enjoy that pretty yard of yours.
Janis, I hope to get to the been there, never again stage someday. It is tiring, that’s for sure. And daunting. We’ve gotten to the point where each time we go there we say, “Just do anything, it all needs to be done!” Thanks for the well wishes, your feedback gives me energy to carry on!
Oh gosh you are very productive! Nice variety about the prompt.
Regards, Teresa
Thank you, Teresa, I appreciate your feedback!
You’re making headway on a project that seems to me to be insurmountable. I like your beautiful flowers and yard. A good place to rest after you get home from the apartment renovation.
Insurmountable is a frequent feeling. Then I focus on one of the million things on the list and feel productive for a spurt. Thanks for the kudos on the flowers. My garden beds are feeling the neglect mode of late. The strong flowers will survive. I take that there’s a lesson in there somewhere for me to pay attention to.
When I read this on my phone, I missed some of the photos – those fries look soooo good.
Interesting … what kind of phone do you use? The fries are tasty, feels like we’re cheating but we’re not when we eat them.
It’s an iPhone 7 – I’m reading in the WordPress app, which doesn’t do slideshows and sometimes just doesn’t show all the images. I’d say it’s surprising, but…
Ah, thanks for sharing. That’s the difference. I have the same phone model and I just use Google to find websites and then the photos do show up. I haven’t put the WP app on my phone. It’s hard enough for me to get it to work properly on my desktop computer! LOL
That is a big project! A wonderful series you put together for this theme. Thank you, Shelley for sharing!
Yes, it is. I appreciate your feedback and encouragement and the opportunity to join in on the fun!
Thank you for your support! Have a nice day.
You’re welcome! You too!
You two are industrious Shelley. The slideshow is still visible but likely as it was done in the old Editor – now if you were to go and try to update it, even one word of photo, you will be encouraged to make into the Block Editor. Fell in love with the fries.
Thanks, Linda! I’m sure that will be the case, I’ll adjust to the new editor when I give it a try again. I’m trusting that they’ve worked out the bugs that were there when I tried it before?
The fries are delicious!
They’ve really been tweaking the Block Editor a lot lately Shelley, like moving the commonly used icons such as paragraphs, images, headlines around, adding new ones, making those icons bigger. Sometimes I go to “preview” – nothing happens and I must exit and go back in to WP to make it work. Hopefully the more bloggers that are on it, it will become flawless. Fingers crossed.
Yuck – I don’t like it when the users become the debuggers until they get a ‘product’ they say is the be-all-do-all. Hmm … my fingers are crossed too.
They have tweaked it mightily, especially the last month or so. One day I went to do a post, and instead of the basic blocks (paragraph, image, headline and hyperlink insert) being handy on the left-hand side, I had to scroll down to find “the common blocks” and go past some more – I had no idea what the beginning blocks were used for.
I tested the waters today, just to see, and the Classic Editor was my default. Hmm …
Ah, you lucked out then Shelley. This last tweak made things look much different and I started using Firefox strictly for posting blogs, nothing else. So, sometimes I finish the post and want to preview it to ensure I’ve got all the right justification on (you used to be able to see it – no you can’t) and can’t preview it. So have to go to a different browser to view what I’ve drafted … exasperating sometimes. Sorry I’m late responding back – I’ve logged many more hours out in the yard this past weekend. Now done and ready for “me time” (though the inside looks a bit bad).
So far, WP hasn’t changed for me. I guess it wasn’t forced upon us yet? I do like the preview function, so I hope they get that figured out.
Oh, dear, Linda, never worry about getting back to reply or to comment – as you know I’m slow and sometimes even miss things. Trust me, I’ll never hold it against you – I treasure hearing from you no matter what!
Thanks for saying that Shelley … I have not been on here since Friday night. I did a very long walk yesterday (6 1/2 miles) in all that great weather we had all weekend – it was gorgeous. I was in bed at 9:15 p.m. on Saturday night. I worked so hard in the yard two weekends in a row, I decided to take this entire weekend off. You lucked out Shelley and I wonder if it is because you self-host? Maybe that’s why they didn’t mess with you?
You’re welcome. Glad you rested and took the weekend off.
Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on, but I still have the Classic Editor. We’ll see what happens when I renew my URL?
They had something in Reader by one of the Happiness Editors last week. Someone said they hated the Block Editor and asked if they could go back and stay back and he responded “certainly!” So maybe you can stay there?
Hmm … interesting, thanks for sharing.
Great post. I LOVE crunchy fries. If you need help on remodeling, I’ll be looking at iris and can’t be spared right now.
P.S. I think the Classic Editor will still be available. Click My Sites, scroll to the bottom and click WP Admin, and you should be in Classic mode for doing posts. If My Sites only presents a few options, close and re-open your WP site. I loathe the Block Editor.
Thank you for the tips. When I get ready to try and post again, I’ll check that out. When I tried the Block Editor it wasn’t as ‘easy’ to use as they claimed. Time will tell.
Thanks John. Yes, crunchy fries are a delightful thing. Are you sure you’ll be looking at irises or will you be doing puzzles? Either way it sure is helping you be an overachiever on the prompt! 3 posts, nice job!!
What great series of your ongoing project! Hope your husband’s leg is healing! We are not good at renovating, but sometimes have to. Small project like doing one room is enough…You are very industrious. A clever take on the challenge as well.
The new Editor? I tried it – but went back to the classic one after a couple of hours trying to get a post together…
Thank you, Ann-Christine! Yes, his leg is slowly healing.
Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about with the new editor – it takes a long time to get the post to work, especially when it comes to photo sharing.
PS – I enjoyed seeing your take on the prompt! Great shots!
Thank you!
I agree, Shelley. During these times, it’s wiser and healthier to think of the new life that is appearing around us. I love your first shot of the yard and field. Beautiful light. And good luck with your reno project!
Thank you for your feedback, Patti! I loved your take on the prompt. Your juxtaposition photos are great examples!
Thanks, Shelley! I thought they worked. I’m glad you agree!
You’re welcome, YES I do!!