Go vote now!
(Pretty please with sugar on top!)
This morning, I decided today is the day to figure out something new on my blog. I’ve seen all sorts of fun had by others who create polls. Why not me? Right?
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I self-host my website, and I have a terrible time connecting my .org account with my .com account. The poll was created in my .com account, and so it may not work properly.
While I love the perfectionist in me, I also know that it’ll hold me back from trying new things unless I know how to do them perfectly first. I’m throwing all caution to the wind and trying it without testing it.
I’d rather live a life of ‘oh wells’ than a life of ‘what ifs’. – Unknown
I have no idea if it’ll work, so that’s where you come in. Please vote. And when you’re done, please comment about the experience – did it work? Did it look like I knew what I was doing?
Wait…sorry, that does sound like another poll. For another time. Anyhoo…thanks for playing along!
It worked ezpz. Polls are fun to write and the answers often surprise. Carry on, my dear. You’ve got this poll thing under control.
YAY! Thank you, Ally – I should’ve mentioned that you were my inspiration for trying to do a poll. It’s fun when things actually work.
And so is the way of the blogosphere. I got the poll idea from another blogger…
I like how your polls look and work – and you don’t use Gutenberg. That’s the only way I was able to get it to work. Thank goodness I can go back and forth between G and Classic Editor.
I stick with the Classic Editor and whatever poll options it gives me. No need for me to flirt with Guttenberg, who I hear is not the most reliable fellow around.
I’ll need to do more research on how to get that version of the poll generator. You’re right ‘G’ is unreliable and unruly. IMHO.
Good job as always Shelley! Love reading your posts every day.
Thank you, Priscilla!!! I’m so tickled that you commented and that you take time to read my silly ramblings. I hope you and your family are well and that it isn’t too cold in Texas! I love seeing your photos on Facebook. My how all the kiddos have grown!! Hugs to you – Happy Thanksgiving too!
Fun idea! However, it wouldn’t let me check any of the items on the list! I was going to put I found your blog on another person’s blog. It was probably from some challenge or other (like Linda’s?) I can’t really remember. I just am glad we had a chance to make contact.
Thank you, Barbara. The list does look like there isn’t a way to choose an option. All you have to do is click on the teenie, tiny, dot infront of the words, and then the Vote button and your vote is cast. Next time, I’ll use an easier to see style. Thank you for sharing how we met. I, too, am glad we had a chance meeting!!
I don’t know if it worked. I tried to choose “Other” but there was no visible indication that I had selected it. I was able to push “Vote” – but…
I found you after you found me. It took all manner of WordPress wizardry to connect to you, but that’s a different story (and one that you know).
It worked if you were able to push Vote. Yes, I remember your dedication to figuring out how we could follow each other. I’ve finally resorted to just going directly to your blog to read – your email reminders end up in my Spam folder. I don’t pay attention to that sorting, I go right to the source!
The effort is appreciated. It seems WP didn’t want us to be connected.
I love it when we beat the odds against us!
It worked well lovely! It´s fun to try out new things. I love that quote by the way! That´s a good way to live I find. Imperfect action beats no action, especially in creative endeavors! Hugs xxx
Thank you – yes, that quote fits your philosophy too! Hugs to you – thank you for the Thailand trip and the elephant stories!! xxxxxx
So welcome. Always so grateful and happy to have you along for the travel ride:) And yes, that quote really resonates with me, thanks for sharing it! Hugs xxxx
Hugs to you too! xxxxxx
It worked fine and is fun. I can see you using it for all sorts of things: what did you have for breakfast (oatmeal, eggs, miso soup…) did you ever want your own (pony? giraffe? accordion? …) do you like kale (a lot, a little, not at all…) But it will suit you, I think, because you often end your blog with poll-like questions. I’m ready — ask away.
Yay – thank you, El, I’m glad it worked for you. I’m pondering now what to ask next. I’m always asking questions – just like you, we love to learn new things! I do like the questions you suggested, very creative!
The poll works great and I found you on wordpress. Read all your posts now as they are interesting and fun xx
Thank you!! I appreciate your feedback and the follow. I find your posts interesting and full of helpful information!!! xxxxxx
Thank you very much xxxxx
You’re welcome! xxxxxx
It worked very well. Congrats! I checked “from another blog” because I think I noticed a comment you put on someone else’s post but I could easily have checked “other” since I don’t really remember. However we found each other, I’m glad.
Yay – thank you, Janet. I remember us chatting early on about challenges and us both wanting to find something fun to do. Your smile hooked me on following your blog. I’m glad we’ve found each other too!
It worked fine! Good for you for trying it out for a practice run. I assume you can make up your own questions, so the possibilities are endless!
Yay! I’m happy I succeeded with the trial run. Yes, you can make up your own questions. I wonder what I’ll come up with next?
Yes it’s fun to try different things but it didn’t let me ‘tick’ a box but opened when I got curious and pushed vote
I found you recently via another blogger (Esme) and certainly like your fresh humourous style. Hope you’re enjoying Still Waters also
Sorry Shelley, I couldn’t see the poll or even know what one looks like. So frustrating seeing the comments!!!! Makes me feel a bit stupid
What the heck? How were you viewing it, what browser? You’re definitely not stupid, so there must be something we need to figure out – you can’t miss the next poll!!!
Did others from overseas find it? maybe its a internet zone thing or maybe I was late getting there.
I dunno. I can’t believe it’s you that’s the problem ;-).
I think it worked.
I clicked one of the options (a very tiny blue dot appeared next to it) and when I submitted my option it showed me how many votes each option had.
Yes! You did it right, thank you!!!
Yup, it worked Shelley – I discovered your blog through Laurie (Meditations in Motion) who recommended your blog in one of her posts.
Yay! Thank you – aw, that’s right, now I remember that. I’m glad you found your way here – I adore your comments and your blog – which by the way I’ll get caught up reading this weekend!!!! xxxxxxx
Giving it a try, Shelley. Good for you for trying something new. Great quote! Seems to have worked
Thank you, Erica/Ericka – your comment went to my spam folder for some silly reason! Thank you for voting :-)!
Giving it a try, Shelley. Good for you for trying something new. Great quote! Seems to have worked.
Thank you, Erica/Ericka (I still smile now everytime I type both names now that I know the story behind it!). I appreciate you taking the time to play along!
I’m not technically advanced, and new stuff scares me, so I applaud your bravery! I think I voted, I don’t know. I pushed the “from another person’s blog” and didn’t see any change, then pressed the ‘vote’ button and it sent me to results but I don’t know if my vote was included.
You were technically advanced enough to successfully cast your vote. The vote button was enabled after you clicked that line. I’ve learned that the style I chose wasn’t easy to ‘figure’ out. I’ll choose a different one the next time I get brave to try it.
Thanks for voting!!!
It worked great Shelley!
Thank you for voting!!!
Hi – the poll
Did not seem to work
For me today- I clicked a few times
And it would not make the circle dark –
Anyhow – I hit submit and it said 23 votes were in?
And just FYI – I heard of your blog
From another blogger’s site (and glad I did because I have enjoyed following you for a while now – and I am especially excited about your DIY shares –
So inspiring )
Hi – then the poll worked if it gave you results. I’ve learned that the appearance of that poll’s theme style isn’t easy to navigate. I’ll use a different one next time. I’m so happy our paths have crossed here and that you stop by to share your thoughts. I enjoy visiting your blog too – I sometimes need reminders to get around and check on blogs I love reading. My PT status here in Blogosphere limits what I do! Thank you for your encouragement – I so appreciate it!
Well keep
Doing what you do so
You stay in it for the long haul!
I have seen bloggers burn out and sometimes you can see it coming – they are deeper and deeper in the vortex
And in my opinion – you seem to visit me enough – and not sure if you do this – but I learned that some bloggers visit you if you visit them- well I know one photo blogger who was like that for years – but then once we really connected she would drop by even if I did not visit her for a while
And I am starting to feel that you might have another blog post idea Coming later – about visiting and all that! Ha
And for me – I might have shared it before – but about twice a year I like to only visit other blogs –
This happened on accident when I used to take summers off – like one day I was driving back from Williamsburg with family and was in back seat – scrolling reader and suggestions – and met the artist inese and we bonded – I still think of the drive and mood that day when I visit her
Anyhow – I think some people leave blogging because they overdo the visiting or don’t find what works for them –
It is important but has to have balance – eh?
Aw, Yvette, you’re so intuitive, I appreciate your keen ability to tune into trends in blogging.
In an effort to keep true to my time commitment, I often end up being just that – visit when they visit me type of blogger. Frankly, I didn’t know that was going to happen and am not sure it is right or wrong. I have been researching a bit on that, so yes, maybe more to come.
Do you find your hiatus by only visiting instead of writing helps you keep going?
I agree it is important to find balance – have you posted about that balance, or what have you found works best?
Thank you again – I appreciate your insights!
HI – well thanks for asking – and first off – I love your reply about being a “PT” blogger – it is similar to when Joey (who I just adore) said “I cannot keep up right now” – and that was ’nuff said.
and so when you said PT blogger – that to me signaled “healthy balance – healthy time constraints and good answer”
no – I have not blogged much about my blogging insights. Maybe I should – I like when Hugh does it from Hugh’s news….
but it never made it my list – when I blog – it is my time to share my art – if that makes sense – whether that is a photo to a challenge – flash fiction for 2 and 1/2 years – or sharing about a book I read or some food photos or a gadget –
writing about the blogging experiences and lessons learned just seemed to stay on the b list and then comes out when you (and other bloggers) tackle the issue in a post! Janet Webb has a couple good posts about blogging – so that is my long answer to “no – I have not posted about it.”
and I never meant to blog – so my story is a bit unique – details for another time – but I am so glad my blog unfolded the way it has – and at first – I took off the whole summer – like I knew a break was important and I have been teaching on and off for years and so the summer seemed ideal. It was good – but then way too long. I think it pulled from me. Then I came back super crabby actually and it was SO hard to find momentum. Really – I was so rude to this one guy – Zack from “lil pick me ups” to where I never heard from him again. It was like I was not ready to socialize and came back to comments and interaction that I was not ready for – so then I learned I did need to take the summers off.
I had to examine who I was a s a blogger. Who I started as – what I became – and what direction it was headed in.
So all of 2016 – I came back with a new mode – no more summers off – but breaks when needed –
that changed in January 2017 when I added flash fiction to my list – the blog now served a writing goal – and the fun fo sharing and interacting – ya know?
and then in 2019 – changed again -worked away from flash fiction – got a little more personal – did more blog photo challenges –
and now I am in the phase of pulling back to get some important shit done! hahahah
but the flash fiction has waned and so have the “many little” photo challenges.
I see 2020 as very different for me.
okay – your turn.
have you pretty much stayed the same over your years as blogging? what were your goals when you started? what are they now?
and by the way – I read the unicorn story and wanted to email you about that – like I was wondering if you had any health issues with your gut.
Hi Yvette – I rescued your comment from the WP trash bin. Sigh. That rascal takes things when I least expect it to. Yes, I’m working on healthy boundaries. This time of year gets extra busy for me at work too. I’m like you, if I can’t be nice, I stay quiet.
Thank you for sharing your blogging history – I think we all end up changing things up a bit as time goes on. I’ve always been random in my methods, it’s who I am. I do believe my understanding, as well as desires for blogging, have changed over time. More to come on that soon. Do tell…what do you know about gut health and unicorns? You can email me if you’d like at shelley@quaintrevival.com.
Well I look forward to emailing you because I had a question (few) about how you used the essential oils!
And you might want to take that email out of the comments so the bots don’t get it-
And will connect more via email – I know nothing about the unicorn connection – but I do know all things skin and scalp reflect what is going on inside intestines – the skin is a big dumping ground and reflects gut health –
Okay – touch base later
Sounds like a plan! I look forward to hearing from you!