As other folks flock to the polls today, I won’t be one of them. What? It’s my right, I should vote, right?
Why won’t I be voting?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know…I should.
This year, though, I won’t be, I did something I’ve never done before. I voted early. Looking at the weather forecast for today, I’m damn glad I did. Standing out in the rain is not my idea of fun.
The perk of voting early was so that I didn’t have to stand in line in the cold. What a chicken, right? But I’m not a fan of the lines.
As new voters gather, their arrival either adds to the silence or the noise of the line.
It’s all awkward standing there, not saying who you’re voting for, or worse, listening to people rant about who to vote for. The line is a buzz just like a bunch of geese announcing their whereabouts. I’ve yet to show up to vote and not know who I was voting for. But maybe there are people who can still be swayed last-minute to follow someone new?
Sometimes the line is so long, a nap may seem appropriate.
I’m trusting that my early voting envelope makes it to the right spot and my vote is counted.
I found comfort in voting early, even if I feel a little sad today, not to be part of the crowd on the big day. But, I’m pleased with my choices. The only thing that would’ve made the experience better, would’ve been my early vote resulted in the ability to sign off on hearing, seeing, or receiving any more political ads. Once I voted, a checkbox to say, LEAVE ME ALONE NOW, would have been a welcome sight. While the rest of the voters were still searching for who to vote for, I was done and ready to move on from the political rants?
But, that doesn’t/didn’t happen, I know, I get it. But still…that would’ve been nice.
I wish all the candidates well today. They’ll fluff their feathers all day waiting to hear which one of them wins.
They’ve been practicing the notice me act for months.
One will stand out.
One will win.
And then, we’ll be onto hearing about the next round of elections coming up in 2 years.
Post Inspiration – Dutch goes the Photo – Comfort and Election Day with plenty of geese who filled their bellies with corn – the photos fit the bill right…LOL!
PS – Do you vote early? Do you enjoy the lines? Are you tired of political ads?
I’ve voted early by mail for years. It’s great!
I’m sold on it too!
Not being part of the mayhem of election day may feel as if you really didn’t vote, but you did. It’s early voting for me.
Mayhem is right – I’m in good company knowing you vote early too!
Yes, I did. Anxious to see the results.
No early voting available here…grumble grumble. Look out drizzle here I come!
Thank you for braving the weather to vote! I’ll be thinking of you!
It actually wasn’t bad at all!!
It wasn’t so bad after all!
(can you tell I am having issues with WordPress? I am repeating myself….unintentionally) sorry about that!
No worries!! I love hearing from you!
Georgia has a big Governors race that has been so nasty. The early voting lines have circled the polling station…hopefully after today we’ll get a break from the robo calls and text messages
Sounds like us here in Wisconsin! I can’t wait to get a break from all the calls, messages, etc.!
I voted the first day of early voting and I would absolutely vote for a “Stop It!” option for political ads once a person votes.
Yay – do you think we could get it added to the ballot before next election?
Wouldn’t that be a dream come true?
Yes, it would!!
Those geese have a nice food source out there. I voted several days ago, just want to get it over with. I’m tired of the political texts sent to me unsolicited. And the garbage in my snail mail mailbox too. Soon it ends!

Yes, they were enjoying all the corn that had fallen to the ground after harvesting. Yes, soon the political stuff will quiet for a while!
Because the State of Georgia recognizes me as a cripple, I can get an absentee ballot and vote at home, and since Georgia makes it possible for anyone to vote via absentee ballot, so does Mary. I tell her who I want and she fills in the circles, then does the same with her ballot, and they’re on their way to the Cobb County Board of Elections by the time the ads demanding that I vote a certain way because the other candidate is a meanie and/or a big poophead who eats children start hitting the airwaves. This allows us to thumb our noses at the ads, or better yet, mute the TV.
Sounds like you’ve made the best of your situation and voting a fun event for you and Mary!
John, being from Ga but no long living there I am always watching what goes on there. I am very fearful for all of you and my family and friends there. I hope things go well this election.
I vote early every chance I get because I don’t like standing in line for long periods of time. For this election, early voting was so busy that I still had to stand in line for 25 minutes. And lordy yes, I’m tired of all the ads, especially the negative and blatantly false ones! Grrrrr!!!
I had never voted early, and am now hooked on it. WOW – you have a lot of interested early voters in your area. I’m SO happy the ads will stop today!!
You’re an optimist. Some of those ads will continue to play on t.v. and radio for a few more days. Double Grrrrr!
I have voted early when I was going to be away from home on polling day. The big difference here is that voting is compulsory. No one can complain that they didn’t get to voice their choice!
You got that right – thank you for sharing your thoughts and for exercising your right to vote!
I did vote today but there are several places to vote that are close so that keep the lines from being crazy long. But yea, weather was gross. Tis the season. As I sit watching the birds I envy them in not having to worry about voting, they already know who won. Plus they know I will keep them fed when it snows.
Lucky you, and lucky birds!
Your Accuweather Minutecast looked just like ours! Good for you voting early and sparing yourself the hassle of dealing with the crowd or the line in the pouring rain. Fellow bloggers who are walkers or runners tell me that it is a heady experience walking/running in the rain and I tell them maybe I’ll soften up someday, but years of taking the bus to work in four seasons of weather leaves me less than enchanted about being outside in bad weather any more than is necessary. I like how you coordinated the geese pictures to your narrative – very clever Shelley.
Yeah, it was gloomy in a lot of locations yesterday. I wear glasses and have for so long, I’ve just adjusted my life to avoid rain or snow when I can’t see. Wipers have never seemed to help. Glad you enjoyed the geese shots – I had to figure out a way to share them :-)!
The older I get, the less inclined I am to have to go out for anything in bad weather and I have loaded up a lot of pantry items for Winter to avoid going out more than necessary. I just loaded up a lot of paper products this past Sunday and can actually manage only needing to go to the grocery store about every three or four weeks – I look for refrigerated items with long expiration dates. The less trips to the grocery store in Winter, the better. I was grateful I did that last Winter with the bad flu epidemic. People drive like crazy here in bad weather – snow doesn’t faze them as they plow right by you in their SUV, spewing salt, snow and slush all over. I did like those geese shots Shelley – that was the perfect way to showcase them.
Way to plan ahead to avoid the crowds and the snow. I’m all too familiar with the SUV drivers who are daredevils in the snow! Thank you, glad you enjoyed the geese shots.
Hmmm – I think my comment might have gone to SPAM – hopefully it descends from cyberspace back where it belongs.