Adventures · Cheers

The birds are singing here

They’re here!  They’re here!  The House Finches are back and are busy building their nests.  And the males of their houses are singing their mating calls.  Oh, and the Bluebirds are back, too.

It’s the little things in life that make me smile.

I heard him singing, but couldn’t see him while I was standing on our front doorstep in awe, attempting to capture a photo of the sunrise.  One without the damn neighbor’s huge and obstructive looking shed that blocks my sunrise view.  Sigh…I am getting over that to some extent.

The morning sky was spectacular.


Seeing the sun rays glowing on the clouds,


admiring the fog rolling around the fields,


and hearing the song of the finch singing was just icing on the cake to the beginning of the day where we finally broke 60-degree temps here in Wisconsin.  Yeah, we haven’t seen those temps since October of 2018.  (I sure hope Frank enjoys my take on the Tuesday Photography Challenge ‘Cake’ prompt…!).

I found him – Mr.- Hello, Hear Me Sing – sitting in the tree, looking back at me as I stood in the window with my camera.


He’s such a flirt.  He flew closer to share a look of “Are you ready to hear my best song?”


He prepped himself, looked up and down, and then burst into song.  Doing his best attempt to keep my attention while he glanced back at me often.

It really is a lovely song.  I’ll let someone else take the credit for a video of it…

By the end of the day, the calm of the morning had given into the winds of the pending storm that’s brewing in the west.  And then they appeared on the fence to soak up the sunshine.  The House Finch took off, leaving them to themselves – it was a Hot Date.


The Bluebird couple hung onto the fence for dear life, switching spots, jumping down to the ground and back up to the fence.  I wonder if maybe they picked the wrong week to return?

I’m guessing they’re really gonna be upset when the fluffy white icing of 3-8-12 inches of snow arrives in a couple of days?  Now that’s no way to have your cake and eat it too!?

Post inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge 2019 – H and Dutch Goes the Photo – Tuesday Photography Challenge – Cake (which, by the way, do head on over to his website to check out Frank’s Cake photo, it is delicious looking!).  For the A-Z Challenge, we’re to say “Hello” to a new blogger that we found during the challenge.  I searched the spreadsheet list and found Sarah today – her photos and writings are beautiful.  Hope you click on over to say “Hi” to her too.

PS – Do you enjoy bird-watching too?  What is your favorite songbird?  Isn’t it adorable how the males keep an eye on the females while they hunt for food?  Which photo would you have chosen for the feature photo?  



25 thoughts on “The birds are singing here

    1. Thank you, Winnie! It was very pretty, that’s for sure. I’m tickled they are back too, it means that if we do get snow, it won’t stick around!

  1. I like knowing that birds exist and I like hearing their songs, but I’m not a bird watcher per se. Except for color & size they all look pretty much the same to me. Your photos show me otherwise, but to me they’re all birds, you know?

    1. Thanks for sharing, Ally – up until a few years ago when we started feeding them and putting water out for them, I was the same as you. Now that I’ve been trying to catch photos of them, I notice them more. They can be quite fun to watch. But, yes, they’re all just birds, that’s true too!

  2. So beautiful! I enjoyed this beauty very much this morning. Especially this morning, the beauty of nature has a great impact on me, I was up mos to the night with a very sick little girl. Thank you for sharing !

    1. Aw, I’m glad I brightened your day. Sorry to hear your little one is not feeling well. I remember those nights, they are tough stuff. I hope she feels better today – thank you for sharing your thoughts – YOU brightened my day!

  3. The sky pictures are gorgeous. Like the little blue birds too but I am not really a bird person, I don’t know why.

    1. Thank you! Were you frightened by The Birds movie too? It took me a long time to like birds, now that I can watch them from the window, they’re kind of fun.

      1. Yes, definitely. We live close (about 2 hours away) from where it was filmed and I’ve always wanted to go up and see it. Maybe we’ll take a road trip.

  4. I so love the birds. They bring such hope with their chirping and singing. So ready this year. Headed to Lowes to get plants real soon.

    1. Yes, I love the hope of their singing too. I’m ready too. I’m going to plant some seeds in pots in the house to keep me motivated – we can’t start planting until way into May or early June if we want anything to survive. Happy planting to you – and I’m keeping my fingers crossed so you are free from flooding too!

    1. It’s just a tease – it’ll be in the 30s and 40s tomorrow and Thursday with snow. But THEN we’ll be done with winter!

          1. YAY! That’s great news! Our snow is supposed to start this afternoon and continue through Thursday. Hopefully they are wrong about their predictions.

  5. I will carry on a tweet fest, matching note for note, when working out in the yard, or walking through the neighborhoods or parks … my whistler usually gives up before they do. 🙂

    1. That sounds fun. I can’t whistle very well, if at all. You’re lucky you can communicate with them that way too!

    1. Yes, the bluebirds are some of my favorites – I love the male’s vivid coloring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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