Ah … the silence of a non-begging, content cat, who settled into a cardboard box for her mid-morning nap is pure joy.
It’s best to just walk on by, pretend you didn’t see her and don’t shake the treat bag! But first, you must take a few photos, of course. Dessy’s redundant fluff is just so darn cute on that inquisitive face of hers.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday (the prompt is “animal sounds.” Write about the sounds animals make and how you experience them. Have fun! My take has the appearance of a One-Liner Wednesday instead of streaming of thoughts?!!)
PS – Happy Saturday all – I hope you’re having a great day! The sun is finally shining here in Wisconsin, so I’m out and about walking and soaking up some Vitamin D and cool fresh air. I’ll be back sometime this weekend to reply to your comments! xxooxxooxx!
A new box came in the mail yesterday … it took all of four minutes before a claim was staked and the first nap taken on top of it. Long live the queen. Great post. g
LOL – Kat knows what’s best!!
Tell her and Pumpkin that Dessy and Tizzie say “Meow!”
She seems to know just how pretty she is. Enjoy the sunshine.
Thanks, Dan – yes, Dessy does, and we did get out 3 times to enjoy the sunshine. It was a great weekend!
Cats and toddlers and cardboard boxes. I seem to remember one of my children falling asleep in a box.
Yes, they do. Thanks for the kid reminder, now that you mention it, our kids loved big cardboard boxes too!
Boxes certainly are cat-magnets! Enjoy your sunshine!
Yes, they are! Thank you, Janis – I hope the weather was wonderful where you lived and that you had a great weekend!
Shes sooo cute! I thought were going to say her purring.

Thanks, John! She’s a loud purrer … especially when she thinks that will wake us up. I enjoy her silence more than the purring!
Sometimes silence truly is golden…courtesy of the sun! Nice pics
Lovely post lovely photos
Thank you, Willow!! I enjoyed the song you chose for the prompt too – a new one for me, now I have that beat in my head!!
I do love a cat story. Great photos. Happy weekend to you.
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Ally! Thank you – I hope you had a great weekend too!!!
Dessy’s a cutie patootie for sure! That sun was just grand and it was our third day in a row for sun, more tomorrow. We’ve not had four days of sunshine in a row since July!
Thank you, Linda!! Yes, as I was walking several times this weekend, I was thinking about you! Wondering if you were out walking too!!!
It was gorgeous and today I ran some errands unfortunately (it was still warmish) … our weather this week is abysmal … 4-8 inches of snow predicted from Tuesday afternoon through Thursday afternoon. We had beautiful weather, though we still had snow and ice at the Creek yesterday.
Glad you got out when it was nice. Oh – no – not snow!!!! Yikes. We’re supposed to get cold weather, no snow though. Stay safe!
Yes snow and every time I hear the weather report, they are either adding or subtracting inches of snowfall … and this is the same weather forecasting station, just different forecasters. (Accuweather)!
LOL! That happens here too!
I had two cats at one time. If things were silent it meant they were getting into something they shouldn’t be. And I swear what one didn’t think of to do, the other did. Your beautiful cat seems much smarter than my two knuckleheads!
Hi Dawn, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Oh, yes, silent cats can mean they are into something they shouldn’t be. Our two are litter mates, they play off of each other. When it’s nap time, this cat tends to take her sister’s spot to make her wait. Siblings!
We had sun here, too! Wonderful–even if I mostly looked at it from inside. We had our annual fundraiser for the boys’ school–with a Roaring Twenties theme, so lots of flappers and dapper guys! I’ve got to take a walk today before the rain starts. Hope the rest of your weekend went great!
It’s amazing what sun can do for moods. Your photos on Facebook are delightful – looks like you had a great time!! I hope you got a walk in too before it rained. The rest of my weekend was great – 3 walks outside made it very special.
Your area looks beautiful for walks!
Thanks, Rebecca – we do enjoy the view of the changing seasons.
Hi lovely Shelley, aww Dessy is cat-gorgeousness personified! Love your photos of her. Also, so happy to hear you are finally getting some sun!! I know how much you must have longed for it… Hope you are well lovely, so so grateful for your sweet feedback on my travel e-book! Thanks again! Sending warm hugs from Spain xoxoxo
Thank you, Maria Elena – Dessy loves the praise :-). Yes, the sun has been nice. It’s gone again, but when it’s out we are out and about enjoying it as much as possible. You’re welcome on the feedback – it’s a wonderful travel guide, I wish you wild success with it!! Until we travel together again, I’m sending you hugs from Wisconsin – xoxoxoxo
Shelley, you are so welcome! Your emails really meant a lot, thanks so much for your encouraging feedback and words! Just posted a new adventure, come along whenever it feels right:) Big hugs from Spain my lovely xoxoxoxo