
The benefits of loneliness in blogging

To be a newbie blogger in the world, with 440 million other bloggers, (yeah…a lot of other bloggers) you have to be willing to accept the fact that when you’re starting out you’ll feel lonely.

But, is that such a bad thing when you’re starting out?

Don’t you agree there are some advantages of loneliness in the early stages?

I think so, loneliness helps us reflect on what is important to us.


It helps us fine tune our goals about our blog.  It helps us test our grammar and writing skills.  We learn how to test out techniques and formats.  And it allows us time to mess around with all the damn settings in WordPress or whatever platform you use.

And eventually, we feel brave enough to venture out on the road to say ‘hi’ to others and hope to be there to greet them when they fly by our blog to check us out.


Loneliness in blogging isn’t necessarily a bad thing when you embrace the good parts of it.  Some days I’m envious of those who have more time to devote to the friend making aspects of blogging.  But, I do what I can, when I’m able, so I embrace my loneliness and those who do stop by to say ‘Hi’.  THANK YOU, readers!  I adore hearing from you!  I consider you a friend in this world.

One of my favorite lonely bloggers did just that, he embraced his loneliness, and built a tribe of followers.  He even stopped by my blog to say ‘hi’ and comment a few times.  Being a friend, even if you’re lonely, is the best way to grow as a blogger.  Congrats to Andrew at The Lonely Author – three cheers to reaching out and finding followers, and I’m hoping someday he’ll find his true love!

Another blogger friend is Winnie – she has grown so much as a blogger by embracing all the fun challenges, and awards available to bloggers on WordPress.  I admire her devotion to doing so.  As a part-time blogger, I simply chose a different route, the slower to grow route by being an award-free blog.  Neither route is better, it is a personal preference.  Plus, I’m incredibly shy…dang it…(but it helps me embrace lonely moments!).  What I love about Winnie, is she is so friendly and supportive, and I treasure our cyberfriendship!  Hope you stop by to check out both Andrew and Winnie’s blogs – you’ll learn a lot from both of them!

My advice so far is, if you’re starting out as a blogger, and you feel lonely, I’d say, go ahead, embrace the lonely moments – they are a perfect time to learn more about yourself and your purpose for your blog.

The road had the lonely times, but I kept myself busy. – Buck Owens


The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself.  – Douglas Coupland


The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.  If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.  But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday 043c

When everything is lonely I can be my best friend.  – Conor Oberst


Dreams have only one owner at a time.  That’s why dreamers are lonely. – Erma Bombeck

You will grow – and you will bloom, too!

Post inspiration #MyBlogMyWritingStyle – 30-day blogging challenge (rules here) word prompt – Lonely; the question of the day “How do you deal with the lonely feelings while blogging?”  

PS – Do you embrace moments of loneliness?  What benefits do you find in it?  What is your favorite loneliness quote?   


24 thoughts on “The benefits of loneliness in blogging

  1. Have you seen the fresh hell that WordPress plans on unleashing, Gutenberg? Just curious.

    My favorite quote on loneliness comes from a “Li’l Abner” cartoon from over 40 years ago: “Takes a heap o’ livin’ to learn thet bein’ ALONE ain’t necessarily the same thing as bein’ LONESOME.” Appeals to the introvert in me.

    1. John…no…what’s the new hell of WordPress??? I love that old quote from “Li’l Abner!” Fits me too! I love how you are in the know, your research abilities are a true gift!

      1. If you use the visual editor to write your posts, they’ve changed it. I don’t know, you might like it better. My SoCS describes it. I didn’t realize they were keeping HTML mode around; that’s what I always use, because angle brackets don’t scare me.

        1. LOL – I guess I don’t know enough about what editor I’m using to know any difference (but I don’t have a Mac either)…from the looks of it, there’s no change for me YET! But, I’m always on the lookout for it to do so because it has happened before! Thank you for sharing your insight – for those who are inquiring like me, here’s John’s link

  2. Love it. In line with my wavelength. I have zero true friends in real life. It’s ok. But have lovely, helpful, encouraging WordPress blogger friends .I enjoy my friendship with you guys regularly by interacting .Now a days I forget my all my worries.Thinking of living in company is an illusion as the following quote says

    “We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone”. – Orson Welles
    Thank you for this thought provoking post.

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m glad you shared that quote, it is one that I forgot about and do adore the sentiments of it! Thank you for crossing paths here in the blogosphere, I wish you great joy in the journey!!

  3. Great advice! I don’t do awards on my blog either. I don’t have a great reason other than it’s just not how I want my blog to look. Just a personal choice, nothing against bloggers who do them.

    I have done quote challenges, and loved them, but feel weird putting someone on the spot if I nominate them for a challenge they may not want to do.

    When I look at my blog before I became more social, I am glad I had some time to get some of the kinks worked out and most of all to find my voice a little bet better before I had a lot of readers (not that I have a ton now!)

    1. Thank you, Laurie – I appreciate hearing your perspective. You are well on your way to ensuring your blog fits you, I admire that about you, especially being that you’re starting out fairly recently! You will have TONS of readers – your confidence and gusto for doing this will take you far – it may feel like marathon training, but you’ve got enough experience with that to make anything happen!!

  4. 440 million of us. Wow. And, yes, we can feel so alone. So where is everybody?
    Blogging also reminds me of going to school — for the first time. But older. Nice post and photos, Shelley. They complement each other very well 🙂
    (I am also now curious about this new WordPress, ahem, change…that is similar to hell…?)

    1. Yes, I wonder too! It has often reminded me of going to school too. Thank you for your compliments! ME TOO…hopefully John will answer and fill us in on the WP change!!

      1. Thanks Shelley. My hands were shaking at the wonder of it all. Def best thing I have done in my life so far! We already booked for next year. Can’t wait!

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