This time of year is challenging for me. I’m taking lots of deep breaths to avoid extra stress.
My blog’s hosting site, as well as my purchased theme, all require renewing within a week-long span of time. Navigating that is always stressful for me.
It seems to take me about as long as it takes to install new windows in a 29-year-old house. It’ll go fast once they get started again. It’s raining on the exposed house right now, but so far the 3 windows they set are still intact.
It’ll fly by, I know.
Maybe not as quickly as it takes to chow down a mouth-watering construction of a Chicago style hot-dog, or tear into a brand-new bag of Tostitos. Comfort food was a welcome treat for our anniversary dinner!
Stay tuned…I hope to be in 100% functioning shape real soon!!
Post inspiration – Staycation for our anniversary!
PS – Do you ever have a craving for hot-dogs? What do you have planned for the week? Send nice weather please…it’s raining here today!
I actually was craving a hotdog a few days ago, hit a dog joint! Self-hosting is great fun isn’t it? So many advantages though compared to having host your site. The Weather Channel says your state has a whole lotta rain incoming…
We made enough for 3 meals, so, we’ll be good for the hotdogs for awhile!
Yeah, self-hosting has advantages and disadvantages. I’m too afraid to change now, just have to get over this phase once again.
Yep – it rained a lot, hopefully today it will dry out!
I was getting severe T Storm warnings and flood warnings/watches from my hometown in Michigan. Wow.
It’s crazy weather for sure!!
Sunny skies here today, but way too hot for October. Temps in the 90s predicted. I know how you feel about renewing your blog. I just did that and I worry every time that I’ll do something wrong and lose the whole mess. Fingers crossed you and I did it right.
Yikes – 90’s is too hot. We’re in the 50’s this morning.
I’m almost ready to push the renew button – hopefully we’ll see each other when I’m done!!
Are your new windows going to look different from your old one? Style-wise? My sister had some new ones put in that were dark-framed instead of light and it totally changed how her house looks. I LOVE hot dogs! More than burgers for sure; and Chicago dogs are my favorite (minus the tomatoes though). Your hot dog pic made my mouth water. LOL!
Why is it stressful to renew your hosting plan? Seems like they’d want to make it as easy as possible to get/keep your business.
The new windows are custom built for the slot – we picked a color as close to our old ones as possible, they are slightly darker. We didn’t want any crank outs this time, so we have a combination of slideby and double hung. We’re not so sure we like the screens on the outside now that they’re installed, but we do love how they’re looking overall so far. And the quietness in the house is amazing!
For self-hosting there are many little nuances to keep track of. I didn’t do everything at the same time, so I have to remember when to renew things. I’m hoping they are helpful if I screw things up!
We have the windows that tilt in for cleaning. I don’t really like it. They’re really heavy and there’s no way to get the screens off without doing it from the inside. So the only way to clean the bottom part is tilting from the inside.
We have a combination of slide-bys and double hung. We had crank-outs and didn’t enjoy them either. We’re hoping that we like these… Time will tell, the amount of money spent will dictate our enjoyment level.
Rain, rain, rain here, too. We had a day of hot humidity a la July or August, but today it’s just gray again and we’re expecting more rain. It was chilly over the weekend, and when I turned on the heat to take the damp out, nothing happened. After a service call, we had a decision to make. So I guess we’re getting a furnace for our anniversary. Hot dogs looks like a great comfort…I might have to pick some up.
Raining here still. It’s supposed to stop and just be cloudy. The window guys like it cooler versus hotter when working. The bugs like the ability to fly into the house freely. The cats are quite impressed with the hunting season they’ve been blessed with.
Oh no! We had that happen about 7 years ago. That’s a nice present for each other. I bet your glad it conked out before the dead of winter?! It’s a nice way to heat up the love life ;-)!
Yes, the hot dogs have been very comforting. Mr. planned it for 3 meals. I may be good for those for a while after we get through them. But they are oooooooh so gooooood!
Hope the new furnace works well!!
Not raining but not that warm either. When our windows were replaced it was SO COLD in the house because they took ALL the windows and doors off at once. What a wind tunnel. I felt sorry for my mom and baby daughter because they stayed here while I went to work. Good luck with yours. I’ve been eating hot dogs with no buns.
Oh, wow – that’s crazy. Our crew is “keeping one eye on the level and one eye on the weather as we work one window at a time.” If they did all the windows at once, all of our belongings would be out in the yard rolling across the field. That’s a crazy technique unless they have a large crew to get it done?!
How is your keto diet going?
They were trying to get to as many houses as they could I guess. They did have to come back the next day to fix a few things. I am down 57 pounds from my highest weight, 43 of that since March. I haven’t been at this weight since 2005
It’s the year for window replacements in our area. They go until the temps drop into the 20’s. Yikes!
WOW – that’s awesome, I’m so happy for you!!! Way to go!!
I’m not a big fan of the “Chicago-style” hot dog with all the crap on it. I much prefer gyros or Italian combos (Italian beef and sausage). My one big plan for the week (getting a new dental insurance policy) is complete, so I’m going to coast the rest of the week…
LOL – you sound like a former Chicagoan who found a bad spot to order them?! Gyros have almost as many toppings to me? I usually just eat those with a fork. I do like them though!
Congrats on the new dental insurance policy!! You deserve to coast all week!!
Now I’m fretting about the insurance, because they said it was subject to underwriting and I haven’t heard anything yet. When they charge me for the first month, I’ll know we’re all set…
Insurance can be a real pain, and a blessing when it works. Hope your bill arrives soon!
I often crave hotdogs. There are a few places near by that have some great ones.
I appreciate your knowledge of where to get excellent food. Your photos make me drool!
It looks good – I’ve never had a Chicago-style hot dog. Michigan/Detroit is known for their coneys and there are two rival coney resturants that are side-by-side and make a big deal of their rivalry. A few years ago for Fat Tuesday, they added a paczki with a coney through the middle of it – they say it tastes good. KFC is doing something similar … chicken and a donut paired? I dunno about that.
Wow – that’s maximizing on people’s hot-dog cravings!
One-stop shopping for your meals.
Home renovations can be very stressful so comfort food makes perfect sense. Maybe it’s something about the comfort food salt and the the resulting beverage that becomes necessary when the thirst hits!
Yep – it’s what I call my take on contributing some handy craftsmanship to the week!
Great way to go! Hope the transition is smooth with the windows n your blog…
Thank you!!!
Good luck with all the construction, both virtual and in-person!

Happy fall!
Thank you – Happy Fall to you – it looks like you two are keeping busy and discovering lots of fun stuff for the babies!