I've been not yet willing to cross the line to reveal to you the ugliest shoes ever. The ones that I think flew in from a foreign country. And maybe even on two or four separate planes. But I digress. Yeah, so the four individual shoes did finally show up. They were dropped into our… Continue reading Soon to be revealed, the ugliest shoes ever
Tag: Women in their 50’s
Embracing the reality of imperfections
This is my year of embracing or modifying imperfections in my life. Yeah, it's part of my MAD MAD MOM month, too, but seriously, if at 54 years of age I can't get past my imperfections, I'd be doomed. Doomed. Doomed. Doomed. Doomed like my unicorn horn and my barnacle are - gone forever, leaving… Continue reading Embracing the reality of imperfections
My six-month gig as a plastic surgeon
Today I would've been sitting in the plastic surgeon's office. Having a simple surgery on my face. But, nope, I canceled the appointment. Why did I do that you ask? Well...that's a funny story, kind of gross, really gross, so if you're so inclined to like that kind of stuff, stick around while I share… Continue reading My six-month gig as a plastic surgeon
Why I love my gray hair
I've never fussed much with my wild a** curly hair. It has a mind of its own, that's for sure. Well...on second thought, after I typed those words, I know that Mr. would disagree and call me out on it. He's right. Dagnabit. When I colored my hair, I fought with it EVERY day. I… Continue reading Why I love my gray hair
Why I didn’t wear a bikini in Jamaica
As a woman over the age of 50, I made a rebel decision not to compete with my former younger 20 40 something self. I chose not to wear a bikini in Jamaica like I did the first time we went there...14 years ago. I hemmed and hawed so many times before we left for our… Continue reading Why I didn’t wear a bikini in Jamaica
Why women should wear glasses in the shower
If I hadn't already claimed that I'm quirky, you might just freak out on me while reading this post...and then un-follow me or not follow me if it's your first visit here. But then you'd miss out on other quirky things I say, and that would be sad... For both of us. So don't do… Continue reading Why women should wear glasses in the shower