
Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?

Anyway, if you don't live here in Wisconsin, or haven't heard, it snowed here in our neck of the woods. We heard Sunday of last week that the storm was coming our way. Over the river and through the woods...literally, that's how it arrived for us. Anyhoo, as a last-minute decision to beat any mail… Continue reading Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?


Dessy’s Between Holidays Keen Observations

Between holidays is a busy time of year here in our house in a town south of the North Pole. The Postal Delivery service has brought a couple of damaged packages for the humans to investigate. This most recent one smelled like laundry detergent. Thankfully, it was just external package damage and not the item… Continue reading Dessy’s Between Holidays Keen Observations

Emptying the nest

How a Mouse Totaled Our Durango

Every foggy morning has its fleeting kind of moments: some good, some bad. On a particularly dense and misty morning, a mouse made an appearance IN our house. A big fat one according to my trusted eyewitness. Mr.: "I just saw a big fat mouse run across the room and into my office closet." Me:… Continue reading How a Mouse Totaled Our Durango


Tax Preparer Rests Then Becomes a Bird Watcher

There's a peace of mind that happened when one (aka, me) FINALLY got her tax papers all organized and ready for submission to the accountant. Insert any imaginative photo of ME smiling. 😆😁🤪 I'm doing a happy dance too. Imagine that look as well. 💃🏻 On to other things! YAY! I get to rest and… Continue reading Tax Preparer Rests Then Becomes a Bird Watcher

Emptying the nest

Whatever, whatever else, and whatnot

Whatever you may be doing right now, stop and consider looking back 10 years just for sh*ts and giggles. You know, just to see what you might see. In photos. Go on, it'll be fun. According to Urban Dictionary, it's a thing to do. Whatever, right?! I can't be the only one to waste some… Continue reading Whatever, whatever else, and whatnot


In the January window view, what did I see or not see?

In the life we're living in 2022, it's a temptation to avoid looking in the review mirror to see what's the same, as well as what is different from the previous years. I don't want to be boring and repetitive, but that kind of stuff can happen if I'm not careful. Or if I'm not… Continue reading In the January window view, what did I see or not see?