Adventures · Going Gray

Click 1, 2, 3, to the skies my returns shall go

Old clicking habits die-hard, so they say.  Last year, around this time, I was a happy little ol' gal, buying all sorts of books for my Kindle reader.  My account made it so easy to purchase books.  It's easy to lose track of how quickly those add up. And it's hard to remember what… Continue reading Click 1, 2, 3, to the skies my returns shall go

Adventures · Going Gray

A Tostitos craving appeared and I blame it on the full moon.

It's the pending full moon that made me do it.  I don't think rationally when that is growing bigger and bigger in the sky.  Or maybe it was a cow? Plus...I think the whole ordeal of trying to decide how to be authentic to my "I wanna be comfortable ol' self on the beach', was… Continue reading A Tostitos craving appeared and I blame it on the full moon.

Adventures · Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Suck it up – it’s a snow job, just return the bikini

So many empty nest realizations of life this week, they just kept piling up like the snow did.  One right after the other.  Piled up thigh high. #1 - We had the tax preparer call us to say, "Take the standard deductions now, no children with the school expenses to deduct.  You're not even close… Continue reading Suck it up – it’s a snow job, just return the bikini

Adventures · Going Gray

Has the right bikini made it over the hill yet?

Are you ever going to put a cap on it?  Swimsuit spending is getting out of control?  It's getting boring too, trying to find the right one.  Don't yawn, pretty please, don't.  This is really important to me.  Even if it involves snow and a bikini again. Holy crap, by the way, the boring view… Continue reading Has the right bikini made it over the hill yet?

Adventures · Going Gray

The day I didn’t recognize my stomach

The chills ran down my spine as I glanced down at my stomach while doing my 45-second plank.  Yeah, not quite to a 1-minute one yet.  It kills my wrists after about 30 seconds, so it's taking me a long time to build up to a 4-minute plank. If I ever will?  Do I really… Continue reading The day I didn’t recognize my stomach

Adventures · Going Gray

How my mom taught me to be brave in my own skin

The aftermath of my anticipation of the new bikini's arrival; the retail therapy session in between; the first introduction to said bikini; the intermediate rejection of it and chip consoling consumptions; the day after's resurgence of my ultimate goal - "To be happy in my own skin." All of it took me on a wild… Continue reading How my mom taught me to be brave in my own skin