How do I connect my coddiwomple thoughts and photos for 3 blog prompts including a color theme? Some days, it's harder than others, but I don't let those days win. First, I tap into the resilience of nature and pause to connect with the earth. A walk in nature, walks the soul back home. Mary… Continue reading Unveiling Nature’s Resilience: Pastel Treasures and Resourceful Wildlife
Tag: Sunday Stills
My Recipe For Photography Inspired By The View Through Our Kitchen Window
It's June outside adventure time here in my neck of the woods. It's my favorite time of the year to capture photos of things I've been waiting to see since the snow melted. I've been taking pictures of the great outdoors with my current camera, circa 2009 Canon Rebel XSI, since 2010. It was a… Continue reading My Recipe For Photography Inspired By The View Through Our Kitchen Window
The Art of Discovering New Smells of Spring
Ah, I don't know about you, but to me, discovering the smell of spring is a fun thing. I'm biased, but, watching the new things in our yard be discovered and enjoyed is mighty fun too. What can I say, the long winter made me feel quite deprived of such things. The smell of… Continue reading The Art of Discovering New Smells of Spring
On Pondering Thoughts Of Summer
Here I am at my computer desk, typing away as I ponder the joys of being a mother, an amateur photographer, a blogger, and a summer-only gardener. Dare I point out that there's an ending in the 'er' theme appearing here? Well, isn't one of the blogging prompts I'm working with. But, I've made… Continue reading On Pondering Thoughts Of Summer
A Few Notes About My Adventures As A Wee Child
With a note of warning to you my dear blogging friends - before you read this post, don't be surprised. It isn't my normal garden variety post about the birds and trees. It involves one risky-looking photo and other adorable ones (of ME) as a youngin. (Clickbait, yep ). But, first, I have to show… Continue reading A Few Notes About My Adventures As A Wee Child
A Time To Dust, A Time To Watch, And A Time To Pale
While I dusted, I pondered to myself. "Why is it that the items that Santa brought me are still in the boxes and collecting dust?" I sprayed a paper towel with Windex and dusted them off. "'s quite disgusting. Dearest Miss Shelley, to have a need for something purchased through Windows shopping on Amazon 3… Continue reading A Time To Dust, A Time To Watch, And A Time To Pale