Adventures · Cheers

A blogger confesses to using click bait

True confessions from a learning-as-I-go-blogger (aka, ME, who started late in the '.com' of blogging) about using click bait. So, how is it going figuring out this crazy deal (ordeal) of blogging?? Let's see, there are a couple of things that are going well.  Considering, you know, that I don't really know what the hell I'm doing.… Continue reading A blogger confesses to using click bait


A day to chill

I love feeling the warmth of the winter sun shining through the windows.  It takes the chill of outside away.  I know the cold is just waiting to creep inside at any opportunity that arises. Outside though, it is cold, baby, it is cold.  We're having a cold winter here in Wisconsin. Nope, this chick… Continue reading A day to chill