Adventures · Inspiration

Ah, to be a dog for a day

I wish I could be a dog for a day.  Dogs have it easy. For one, they can do a perfect down-dog yoga pose.  I've yet to master the technique.  I don't know why either, I just struggle with that pose. For another reason, dogs can take a nap in a moment's notice.  Awake one… Continue reading Ah, to be a dog for a day


Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden

While I admired our yard's continuation of spring thaw actions, I noticed a lovely stream that appeared in our backyard. Except, up close, not so lovely. Dirty colored and rather bumpy looking is more like it.  Ewe...gross.  Definitely not glistening like a peaceful river.  Later on in the day, it widened and looked worse. Dang...looks… Continue reading Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden


This spring rocks my world

As I looked out at the yard yesterday, I just knew it was about time to walk off the stir crazies of being in the house for the long winter. Copper, our poor little pup, is tired of this space in the back yard. Even if it has grown considerably in a couple of weeks,… Continue reading This spring rocks my world


How deer confirm Springs’ arrivals

Another sign of Spring has arrived here in our parts of Wisconsin.  Not only has our ground thawed considerably, but the deer are also starting to move freely and easily through the fields once again. Last night, after a glorious grilled meal, (Pork and Mango Kabobs with a side of fresh pineapple) - we discovered that… Continue reading How deer confirm Springs’ arrivals

Adventures · Cheers

First signs of spring

Happy First Day of Spring! The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another.  The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. - Henry Van Dyke The Sunday before we left for our vacation, we set our clocks to spring ahead.  We traveled to Jamaica where… Continue reading First signs of spring

Adventures · Inspiration

A winter battle of the lion and the lamb

Of course, the weatherman was finally right.  The clouds darkened as evening approached.  It was the calm before the blizzard. When we woke, we couldn't see out the windows.*t...that's not a good thing?! I climbed on a chair so I could get a peek. Maybe out the patio door off the deck, it would… Continue reading A winter battle of the lion and the lamb