Adventures · Inspiration

What do you see when you see green?

Well, well, well...if that darn two-day stint with rain storms here in our little corner of the world hasn't helped green up things nicely. I couldn't paint a better picture of it if I tried.  I don't paint, though,, you know what I mean. The catalpa tree is still not budding, though.  As one… Continue reading What do you see when you see green?


Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden

While I admired our yard's continuation of spring thaw actions, I noticed a lovely stream that appeared in our backyard. Except, up close, not so lovely. Dirty colored and rather bumpy looking is more like it.  Ewe...gross.  Definitely not glistening like a peaceful river.  Later on in the day, it widened and looked worse. Dang...looks… Continue reading Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden

Adventures · Inspiration

Don’t be an anti-wait for a second person

How many times in your life have you set sail on a project and found yourself off course because of some monster lurking in the sea?  That monster is called 'wait for a second, dear, you're not going to get to do as you had planned'? Your sails are bundled up tight and you're just… Continue reading Don’t be an anti-wait for a second person


Oh, please, it’s just a (weather) tease

In my over-excitement to get my gardens ready for the summer, I almost neglected to pay attention to the calendar.  And my memories of the springs where I've been teased to believe it was safe to plant flowers and then it froze.  Froze hard.  And they all died an early season's death. Not this year,… Continue reading Oh, please, it’s just a (weather) tease