
Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?

Anyway, if you don't live here in Wisconsin, or haven't heard, it snowed here in our neck of the woods. We heard Sunday of last week that the storm was coming our way. Over the river and through the woods...literally, that's how it arrived for us. Anyhoo, as a last-minute decision to beat any mail… Continue reading Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?


Tidbits of Wisconsin Winter in July

Yesterday in Wisconsin, it was 90 degrees and it felt like we had been transplanted to some wonderful tropical spot.  Nah, that's my wishful thinking.  That hot in Wisconsin meant that our sweat beads were sweating.  We could've used some cooling off.  Days like that make us feel like warming up to thoughts of winter.… Continue reading Tidbits of Wisconsin Winter in July

Adventures · Inspiration

Just because

If the old farmer's saying is true, and, "It takes just 3 snows on a Robins' tale then spring will arrive," then why do Robins hide when it snows?" Shouldn't they stick around and let the snow fall on their tails?  The sooner they let it happen the better.  That way we can get this… Continue reading Just because


Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden

While I admired our yard's continuation of spring thaw actions, I noticed a lovely stream that appeared in our backyard. Except, up close, not so lovely. Dirty colored and rather bumpy looking is more like it.  Ewe...gross.  Definitely not glistening like a peaceful river.  Later on in the day, it widened and looked worse. Dang...looks… Continue reading Vole trails mean it’s gonna be a bad thing for my garden

Adventures · Cheers

How to know when you’re past ready for a vacation

Humans need a reprieve from their normal routine to regenerate, recharge, and refresh.  Soaking up some sun, (aka, natural Vitamin D), is good for everyone, especially if you live in a winter wonderland. The Mr. and I are no different from the rest of the world in our appreciation of a much-needed-get-a-way from the home… Continue reading How to know when you’re past ready for a vacation


The day I looked out to discover I’m not short after all

Well, I'll be snowdamned, according to the weather predicting folks... I'm not short! At 5' 3 1/2" I'm slightly taller than our official measurement of snowfall for February 2019 (which, by the way, was taken yesterday, before the snowfall of last night continuing on into this morning!). 50.7 inches is tall in the snow measuring… Continue reading The day I looked out to discover I’m not short after all