In summary, I sat at my desk and wrote 1058 blog posts. I published 1054, soon to be 1055 (aka, this post), and put to draft 4 posts. One sunrise years ago, I posted and didn't care for the heated discussions generated, so I moved it to draft as a forever sunset post never to… Continue reading Capturing the Beauty of Sunrise and Sunset Moments
Tag: Red Squirrel
The Art of Discovering New Smells of Spring
Ah, I don't know about you, but to me, discovering the smell of spring is a fun thing. I'm biased, but, watching the new things in our yard be discovered and enjoyed is mighty fun too. What can I say, the long winter made me feel quite deprived of such things. The smell of… Continue reading The Art of Discovering New Smells of Spring
Spring’s Procrastination Is Over and An Announcement of a Blogging Schedule That Feeds My Soul
Over the past week, spring has sprung here. Finally, it's as if any mode of its procrastination has been lifted and our pending projects will get rolling. Mr. and I are aiming not to procrastinate too and will seize the opportunities presented to us with nicer weather. But first, we paused to admire the views… Continue reading Spring’s Procrastination Is Over and An Announcement of a Blogging Schedule That Feeds My Soul
Yes, It’s Time We Bid Farewell to The Bizarre Month of April
Hey, you all - the adoring fans of my nonsensical ramblings - it's me, the Mrs. here checking in to say, h*ll YES to a farewell to the month of April. On a delightfully happy end to my work week, I had the day off on Friday. I went on a road trip adventure to… Continue reading Yes, It’s Time We Bid Farewell to The Bizarre Month of April
A Twisted Winter Tale of How A Squirrel Can Indeed Identify As A Cardinal, Plus A Few Other Noteworthy Thoughts
What's the old saying? How does it go? Something like, "Well, that's one for the books?" I wonder, did Mickey Mouse, Dick Tracy, or Roosevelt ever use that phrase? The 3 pins are part of a vintage collection I inherited from my Mom's belongings. Or maybe it's like a joke, "A couple of guys step… Continue reading A Twisted Winter Tale of How A Squirrel Can Indeed Identify As A Cardinal, Plus A Few Other Noteworthy Thoughts