
Tabletop bird-watching

Give me space on the chair, not on the table like damn, cuddly, adorable, loveable, tabletop-hogging, bird-watching sisters. I wanna look out the window, too!  What do you see?  It sure looks interesting to me. Oh, yes, it's the birds, of course.  With the arrival of wind-blowing spring, they are busy building their nests. … Continue reading Tabletop bird-watching


A peek at my place in the world

My place in the world...well, let's take a peek.  It's a quiet space, early mornings are my favorite. I love sunrises. That's when you'll find me grabbing my running shoes and heading out into the foggy and dew-drenched morning.  In the winter, I hit the treadmill and read a good book while I run. But spring,… Continue reading A peek at my place in the world