
The Look – Tizzie’s F-word pose

Me:  "What the F, I'll just hold the camera on the floor and see what I get." Tizzie:  "Oh, all right, what the F, I'll look at the camera so you can get a picture of me." Results of the moments of camera play:  Tons of bad ones, and one good one. The blurry bath… Continue reading The Look – Tizzie’s F-word pose

Adventures · Inspiration

How to embrace your imperfect photos

It's Monday morning - time to get up, rise and shine, and eat a healthy breakfast.  Wait...that was yesterday's breakfast.  Ah, yes, yesterday...I was able to sleep in and not force myself to get up because I was running an hour late.  Ugh...I hate it when we change the clocks ahead an hour. Such is… Continue reading How to embrace your imperfect photos


Study nature – let your camera play

Give me a day to play with my camera in nature, and I'm in heaven.  I know if I let the camera do what it does best, without me trying to get the perfect picture, I will be amazed at what I see during editing. There are many things I love to take pictures of,… Continue reading Study nature – let your camera play


Rays of bliss

When something catches my eye, I imagine being able to capture it with my camera. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The process of discovery is what I adore. I'm taken away with each click. Zooming in and out on sunrays through clouds produce surprises for me every time.   Simple moments are pure bliss… Continue reading Rays of bliss

Adventures · Welcome

My favorite dew drop quotes and photos

I love to pause as I walk through my yard in the early morning.  Stopping to admire and enjoy the simple things like blades of grass, dandelions, bugs, spider webs, and of course, my favorite of all - dewdrops.  Nature's dewdrops are so intriguing to me. If you take a moment or two to get… Continue reading My favorite dew drop quotes and photos

Adventures · Welcome

Ants and a bee, a surprising photo opportunity

Ah, I love summertime.  It is fun to watch ants crawling around and bees flying from flower to flower.  It's pretty cool to catch them both in the same spot doing their own thing.  How can they be in the same place but seem like they aren't even paying attention to each other?  When you… Continue reading Ants and a bee, a surprising photo opportunity